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Happy Holidays everyone! I decided to release this story a day early so y'all could enjoy it before the actual Christmas Eve. I figured nobody wanted to take time out of being with their family to read my porn lol. So enjoy this story and enjoy the festivities!

A thick blanket of glittering snow lay draped across the sleepy town of Cherry Springs, the setting sun creating an almost picturesque portrait of the modest town. Christmas Eve had brought with it the usual freezing temperatures and blustery winds that forced nearly all the townsfolk indoors to cuddle up beside fires or beneath thick, warm blankets. Sarah, Veronica, and Aurora were doing just that in fact while Jack and Henry were out picking up some last minute ingredients for dinner the following evening. All three were on their second cup of cocoa and about to pass out from the warmth filling them. Unbeknownst to the other two Veronica was enjoying her cup of hot chocolate with a little rum to spice things up for herself. Aurora had been invited after her mother decided to fly home to India and visit extended family and Sarah had offered to put her up for a few weeks. Since her family had never celebrated Christmas before it was technically her first experience with the holiday, though the proliferation of throughout the town and country in general meant she was about as familiar as anyone else. And the Sweets were far from the religious types anyways.

“Are we still opening a present tonight?” Sarah asked her mother.

“Hmmm?” Veronica looked up from her half empty cup, “As soon as your father and brother get back yes.”

“Do you guys not open presents on Christmas morning?” Aurora asked.

“We do, but we also open one on Christmas Eve as well.” Sarah explained, “Apparently when Jack and I were kids were refused to go to bed until we got to open at least one present.”

“After Henry and I caught them sneaking downstairs the third year in a row we gave in and made it a tradition.” Veronica said with a sip of her alcoholic treat.

“That's actually pretty cute!”

“In hindsight maybe. The way they acted at the time was anything but cute.”

“Well it worked didn't it?”

“Yes Sarah, there's no need to gloat.” Smiling despite herself Veronica drained her cup and looked at her daughter, “Did you want some too?”

Sarah looked at her mother's cup and chuckled, “No thanks. Last year I couldn't get the taste out of my mouth.”

“You didn't mix it right. I told you to put less in.”

“The taste of what?” Aurora interjected.

“Rum.” Veronica replied before Sarah could answer, “On special occasions I let Jack and Sarah have a little. But only after they turned eighteen. The American drinking age is so restrictive.”

“Yeah too bad we're not in Britain huh?” Sarah teased, “You could send us out to buy liquor whenever you and Dad run out.”

“Keep sassing me and I'm gonna send you out for something a lot more annoying to get than booze.”

Sarah looked at Aurora and rolled her eyes while Veronica rose from her seat. She watched her mother saunter into the kitchen in her festive sweater dress with no small amount of amusement. Aurora struck up a conversation about the tree and for a few minutes they chatted comfortably about the holiday. But they were interrupted soon after by a loud clatter echoing from the kitchen. It sounded like a mug being dropped into a sink full of dishes. Certain her mother had just broken several plates and possibly even some mugs Sarah pushed herself off the couch and went to investigate. Aurora followed for want of anything better to do and the pair entered the kitchen to find it completely empty. They looked around in confusion, Sarah even calling out to her mother a few times, and walked over to the sink. Sure enough the mug Veronica had been drinking from was sitting amidst a few broken dishes. Steaming hot chocolate was still trickling out. Sarah and Aurora looked at each other with the same baffled look for a moment before their world went dark and everything faded away. 

When Sarah regained consciousness an indeterminate amount of time later it was in a world of questions and uncertainty. The first and most noticeable fact about her situation was an almost complete lack of clothes covering her body. Her breasts were barely concealed beneath the same loose fitting shirt she'd had on previously, as well as her striped red and white stockings, but the entire rest of her was completely nude. The second thing to jump out at her was the way her wrists had been tied above her head and her legs were fastened to posts on either side of the wooden platform she was laying on. A quick look to her right and left revealed the still unconscious forms of Aurora and her mother restrained in a similar fashion. Veronica was wearing what looked to be a green negligee while Aurora had on a baggy t shirt. Both of their pussies were on full display same as Sarah's.Their surroundings were paradoxically cozy and comfortable, bindings aside, with comfortable wood furnishings and a roaring fire. More worried than ever after getting an idea of her surroundings Sarah looked at her mother and tried to get her attention.

“Mom!” She hissed, “Mom! Wake up!”

Veronica's green eyes slowly fluttered open and she groggily turned to look at her daughter, “What is it Sarah!”

“You need to wake up.”

“I am awake.”

“Oh yeah? Then look around. We're not at home anymore!”

“What are you talking about? Of course . . . we . . . are . . .” She looked around with a dawning horror, “Where the fuck are we?”

“I have no idea! I don't even know what happened!”

“Sarah?” A soft voice called, “Sarah? What's happening?”

“I dunno Aurora, we're trying to figure that out!”

“We were in the kitchen just a few minutes ago . . . I think it was a few minutes anyways . . .”

“Who the hell knows how long we've been here!” Veronica growled, straining against the ropes holding her in place, “But we need to get out of here fast. God only knows what's gonna happen when whoever did this comes back to—”

“Ho, ho, ho!”

The three of them instantly fell silent as their eyes slowly turned towards the source of the strangely chilling proclamation. Silhouetted by the light of the fire was a tall, portly man wearing heavy black boots, red suspenders with white fur lining the cuffs, and a white undershirt with the sleeves rolled up past his elbows. Flowing silver hair cascaded around his rosy face and a great, bushy beard hung almost down to his round belly. His oddly muscular arms were folded across his broad chest and he was staring at Sarah, Veronica, and Aurora with a strange twinkle in his eye. 

“Untie us this instant you fat fuck!” Veronica shouted, “Who the hell do you think you are?!”

“Why I'm Santa Claus of course,” He said with a bow, “Welcome to the North Pole!”

Veronica opened her mouth to respond but words utterly failed her. Instead she looked to Sarah and Aurora as if hoping they might have a response to that strange statement. But they were just as lost as she was. All three women stared back with varying degrees of shock and disbelief. Nothing about who they were looking at or where they were made an ounce of sense. Yet somehow against all logic and reason, the clearest explanation for the predicament was also the most absurd. Whether they liked it or not they'd been kidnapped by Santa Claus. Or at least a man putting on a convincing act. What came next was anyone's guess but judging by the way they were positioned it wasn't going to be good.

“What do you want?” Sarah asked.

“I'm glad you asked! As I'm sure you're aware, tomorrow is a very busy time for me. But I don't have nearly enough workers to keep up with all the demand.”

“You kidnapped us so we could work for you?” Aurora inquired.

“Of course. But not to make toys.” Santa chuckled and walked over to a large crate nearby, “You're going to help me make more workers.”

“Like hell we will!” Veronica shouted. She furiously strained against the ropes for a moment before adding, “LET US OUT!”

“Now, now Mrs. Sweet! Language like that is how you got on the naughty list! Well it's one of the reasons.”

With a wave of his hand Santa opened the box and reached inside. Of all the things they expected him to retrieve from within it a foot long shard of ice wasn't even on the list. It was tapered like a normal icicle with the tip being only a few centimeters across and the base looking nearly as thick as one of their arms. The strange object sparkled eerily in the dancing light of the fire and the longer the three of them looked at it the more strange it seemed to be. It didn't look like regular ice, rather than being a clear icy bue it was cloudy and opaque, and though it was close to the fire it showed no signs of melting. The mere fact that it had been stored inside a seemingly normal wooden crate of all things was cause enough for concern. He held it long enough for everyone to stare at it for several seconds before turning towards Veronica and walking with an terrifyingly purposeful stride.

“What are you doing?! Get that thing away from me! Don't you daaaaaaaaare!”

She screamed and bucked her hips to no avail as the icicle pressed against her pussy. The cold immediately made her gasp and flinch while her entire body tightened in protest. It slipped inside without the slightest bit of effort, the purposefully small end easily vanishing between her quivering outer lips. Veronica stammered through a series of rapid fire swears with every centimeter than entered her cunt and tried her hardest to break her restraints. The feel of it pushing deeper and deeper into her body was both strange and familiar. A strange burning sensation filled her slit as her inner walls were subjected to the frigid temperature while at the same time being stretched and stimulated in a fashion that was oddly sexual. It didn't take long for her screams to rise in pitch or her hips to begin grinding in a manner that unwittingly aided the icicle's movements. She could feel it beginning to melt inside her and the liquids it produced were definitely not water. Whatever it was they felt thicker and more gooey than the ice let on.

Off to the side Sarah and Aurora watched with fear and trepidation, certain what was happening to her was about to befall them as well. It didn't take long for the steadily waning tip to find her cervix but if Veronica had thought that's where it would stop she was sorely mistaken. The slender end was just small enough to press against the once tightly sealed entrance to her womb and none too gently slide it's way inside. The burning sensation almost doubled as her highly sensitive inner walls were subjected to the shard bitingly cold touch. Whether by design or because of the newfound heat in the center of her body the icicle started melting even faster one it reached her womb. So fast in fact that Santa could barely keep up with it as he pushed it deeper inside her pussy. Before long the thick base was nearing her trembling out lips, though she barely felt it through the constant stimulation to her cervix and womb. 

It finally disappeared inside her with a soft squish but that didn't mean Santa was done. Without missing a beat his hand, still holding onto the icicle, slid inside her cunt as well and continued driving it into her womb as it melted. Her body reflexively tightened around the sudden warmth even as she tried to resist his movements. But the fluids steadily filling up her body immediately pulled her attention back to her womb. Veronica felt it starting to thicken like whipped cream inside her and stick to her walls like glue. When Santa finally pulled his hand free of her cunt almost all the icicle had melted and what little remained was small enough to slide right out of her amidst a torrent of pussy juice and viscous fluids. Her cervix swiftly tightened once more while the mysterious liquid solidified and started pushing against the confines of her slender tummy.

“Oh God!” Veronica moaned,  “Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! What's happening! What are you doing to me?!”

She watched in abject horror as her belly slowly but surely started to swell while the icicle continued to melt inside her cunt at the same rate. A myriad of indescribable sensations filled her body, many of them bringing with a twinges of pain and enough pleasure to  send her eyes rolling back in her head or make her body convulse. Thick streams of pussy juice mixed with the strange liquid and gushed out of her slit in waves as she writhed and trembled. She could feel the baby growing inside her at an alarming rate, it's limbs pushing and stretching against the walls of her womb as it went through nine months of development in barely a minute. When her stomach had finally ceased inflating Veronica was fit to bursting. Breast milk trickled out of her puffy nipples at a steady flow, further adding to the mess that was her half naked and pleasure wracked body. A sudden rush of water exploded out of her pussy like a literal flood and she immediately gasped as she realized what was coming next. Her cervix began to open bringing with it all the pain tha accompanied childbirth. But underneath the sudden spikes of pain she felt little ripples of pleasure that kept her just on the precipice of sanity through it all.

Everyone was so preoccupied watched her transformation they didn't even notice a trio of female elves appear beside Santa until one of them was fastening a pair of suction cups attached to two long hoses to Veronica's nipples. She managed a surprised whimper as the two pumps latched onto her tits and the milk was suddenly redirected. The sound of whirring machinery started up a moment later and her moans increased so sharply she nearly broke the window panes. Her body furiously shook and struggled as bit by bit her womb opened and the deceptively large form of her newest child was forced through. She couldn't stop herself from pushing even if she'd wanted to and before she knew it her baby was sliding messily out of her pussy and into the waiting hands of one of the elves. It emerged from her cunt in an explosion of creamy juices, not a drop of blood or placenta to be found. And rather than feeling any sort of relief or exhaustion Veronica was hit by a wave of ecstasy and need so great her mind completely ceased to function. All her body wanted was more more stimulation, something to fill the sudden gap in her life. Her pussy was reduced to little more than a yawning hole fit only for producing another child and some part of her reveled in the notion. If only for a moment.

Another icicle was quickly brought forth, after the baby elf had been carried off, and unceremoniously shoved deep into her cunt. It slid effortlessly inside her ravished hole and vanished between her slack folds with nary a second thought. After a few seconds Santa stepped back and one of the nearby elves quickly took his place and resumed pushing. Sarah and Aurora watched the spectacle for a bit longer until their attention was pulled back to their own bodies. Two more suction machines were attached to their tits and turned on despite neither of them lactating. The sudden stimulation to their breasts was almost enough to make them forget about what was surely coming next as they trembled and gasped in pleasure. Aurora was the first to feel the icy chill pressed against her pussy and she reacted with more restraint than Veronica. A mere tensing of her body was the only reaction she gave as it glided into her well lubricated pussy. She let out a series of small moans and timid whimpers the deeper it reached, her naturally quiet demeanor showing through even in such a bizarre situation. Even as it brushed against her cervix she barely made a peep, her eyes shutting tightly against the strange rush of sensations that accompanied the frigid phallus rubbing against her inner walls.

Sarah conversely was almost as loud as her mouth, though she was enjoying herself a bit more than either woman. She was no stranger to a bit of ice play and the cold feeling accompanied by her steadily widening pussy was far more arousing than she wanted to let on. The circumstances that came with it were less than ideal but that didn't stop her body from enjoying it all the same. Her well used cervix practically opened wide to accept the probing icicle and her cunt sucked up and held in every last drop of the fluids it produced. Her mind was still reeling from the shock of what she'd just watched but it had long ago lost all control over her actions. Just like Aurora she could only lay there and let the pleasure wash over her even while her belly started to grow and the fluids inside her formed a humanoid shape. She looked over at her friend to see her dark skin bulging and swelling as well, the clear tubes attached to her tits filling with milk as her body pumped it out as fast as the machines could suck it up. Aurora's cute little moans coupled with her contorting face and shaking body was more arousing than Sarah expected. She could only imagine what her predominantly lesbian friend must think of the sight she and her mother made for!

Aurora and Sarah gasped as the babies forming inside their wombs finally reached maturity. Each woman felt their water break and with it came a surge of pleasure and fear soaked anticipation. A powerful and unyielding force pressed against their cervixes until they opened wide. But even stretched as much as they possibly could the children passing through were still large enough to fill them with explosions of pain and ecstasy. Every slightest movement made Sarah and Aurora scream, their bodies writhing hard enough to shake the entire platform they'd been tied to. Of course their input was almost a formality by that point and against all odds the babies slipped through. Their already sore and stretched holes were pushed beyond the breaking point as the first of many elf children slid inexorably towards their entrances. Off to the side Veronica was nearing the end of her second pregnancy, her moans reaching their peak the moment the head emerged from her cunt. All three women gave birth in near perfect unison and screamed with same untamed fury that marked the best climaxes of their young lives.Their babies were whisked away in the blink of an eye and new icicles were brought forth to impregnate them once again.

True to their reputation the elves found a steady rhythm to work by, more icicles than Sarah, Veronica, and Aurora could count being pushed into their slack cunts. Perhaps it was just their imaginations but all three of them felt as though each one was slowly getting bigger to fit their gaping holes. Because no matter how wide their pussies were stretched the edges of the impregnating shards always seemed to strain and push against them. And with larger icicles came more babies. The ice would melt in mere seconds and each woman was given numerable chances to watch with horror as their bellies grew ripe with unborn elves. By the time the last drops of whatever was being forced inside them had been absorbed each one was sporting a pregnant stomach somehow bigger than the last. They were given just long enough to contemplate the sheer insanity that was their life before the birthing process began anew and the were subjected to a miasma of pain and pleasure. Their already stretched and worn cervixes opened as readily as a revolving door and the still growing form of a baby elf was pushed into their cunts. 

Even if they made no attempt to aid the newborn's birth, which they rarely did as their bodies were too weak to do much more than quiver, the children still emerged within a few minutes. The first would always appear accompanied by a shower of juices as each woman came harder than they had in their entire life. Then, in the middle of that same climax, the second infant would emerge and the pleasure would spike so hard and so fast they would scream hard enough to make their throats hurt. A powerful jet of clear fluids exploded out of Sarah's cunt, arcing high into the air and landing with a splash on the wall some ten feet away. Veronica's hips would buck and tremble hard enough for the elves attending her to almost drop the baby. And Aurora lost what little control she'd been clinging to, a thin stream of yellowish piss dribbling out of her quivering hole. When the third child appeared only a few seconds after it was barely registered by their shattered minds and pleasure addled bodies. Their wild, uncontrollable moans drowned out all other noise and their tongues hung out of their mouths like animals they were becoming. And no matter how many times they gave birth or how many icicles were forced into them no time ever seemed to pass. The clock above the fireplace remained stuck at nine throughout.

Eventually the almost literal assembly line reached it's end and the three of them were left a moment to pause and catch their breath. With a final scream Sarah pushed out the last baby from her womb and collapsed against her perch in utter exhaustion. Aurora was lying similarly drained beside her and Veronica seemed to be barely holding on as she looked at Santa with all the spite she could still maintain. Santa let out a booming laugh and clapped his hands, whether to applaud them or simply summon more elves they had no idea. But just as before a trio of ageless little people appeared beside them. Each one hopped onto the small box next to stand and grabbed the large suction cups attached their swollen and sore tits. They none too gently pulled the devices off, causing all three women to gasp in combined pleasure and pain. The moment their tits were free thin streams of milk trickled out of their stretched nipples. It ran down their still slightly inflated bellies or dripped straight off onto the wooden floor floor below.

“Well done ladies! With this new workforce I'll have more than enough helpers to make presents for all the good little boys and girls!” Santa exclaimed, “Thank you so much for your help!”

“Fuck . . . you . . .” Veronica panted.

Santa laughed again, his hands on his belly and his head thrown back in pure mirth, “Don't worry Mrs. Sweet! Everything will be back to normal soon!” With those enigmatic words hanging in the air all three of them lost consciousness once again.

Sarah's eyes opened the next morning to the familiar sight of her bedroom ceiling. Though she'd seen it more times than she could count somehow it felt suddenly alien and confusing. As she sat up her body was wracked by a painful twinge and she groaned softly in surprise. After a moment to catch her breath she tried again and when the blankets fell away from her chest she noticed something even more perplexing. A pair of pajamas she hadn't been wearing before covered her now. They were obviously hers but how they'd gotten onto her and even how she'd ended up back in her room was still a complete mystery. She slid to the edge of the bed and rubbed her bleary eyes with one hand while the other reached for her glasses. Putting them on the moment she found them Sarah idly looked behind her to see Aurora curled up on the other side of her mattress. Her friend was still sound asleep and clearly wearing a different nightgown than the one she'd brought set out for that night.

“What the hell's going on?” She muttered, rising from her bed with a wince, “Wasn't I . . . didn't we . . . why am I so sore?!”

In the sobering morning light everything she thought she'd experienced the night before seemed completely ridiculous, bordering on impossible. It had to have been a dream. Nothing else made any sense. But as she moved around her bed the inexplicable and all encompassing aches in her limbs fit no other explanation. She just had to know if it had been real and there was no other way her weary mind could think to find out. Curiosity overpowering her sense of propriety Sarah woke Aurora with a gentle shake. Her friend's eyes slowly fluttered open and she looked around the room with the same confused expression Sarah had worn not five minutes ago. She sat up fast enough to make Sarah jump and immediately groaned from the sudden exertion. Falling back to the bed and staring up at her friend, Aurora covered her eyes with her arm and groaned.

“Why does everything huuuuurt?”

“I dunno,” Sarah said with a weary grin, “But I had the weirdest dream.”

“Yeah me too . . . I was at the North Pole I think . . .”

Sarah's heart skipped a beat and she quickly followed up with, “And I was there? And my mom?”

“You were . . .” Aurora exposed one eye to look up at her, “How'd you . . . oh shit . . .”

“Yeah . . .”

A sudden and loud knock on the door made both of them jump as Jack's muted voice filled the room, “Sarah! Dad wants you and Aurora down here to open presents. He says he's gonna open em for you if you don't hurry!”

“Alright we'll be out in a minute! Come on, we can talk about this afterwards.” She added with a look to Aurora.

As much as she wanted to get to the bottom of everything a part of Sarah wasn't quite sure she was ready for the answers. A bit of sincerity and holiday cheer might makes things feel a little less insane for a while. Her friend nodded and rose from the bed like an old woman. It was clear whatever had or hadn't happened the previous night had affected Aurora far more than her. It was about the only thing in their current situation that made sense considering how innocent and inexperienced, comparatively speaking, her Indian friend was. Sarah helped her hobble across the room and put on a thick robe to hide her almost nude body. The two of them made their way out of the bedroom and downstairs into the living room where the rest of the family was waiting. The moment she laid eyes on her Sarah could tell her mother was experiencing the same fatigue they were. Rather than her usual cup of rum cocoa she was clutching an entire bottle of the stuff and gently swaying back and forth like she was about to fall over. The seal on the glass hadn't even been broken though and Sarah was all but willing to bet it wasn't because of her self control.

“Good morning you two!” Henry said with a smile, “Glad you could join us.”

“Morning.” Sarah and Aurora muttered.

Veronica looked at them with  slightly narrowed eyes and Sarah offered her a small nod in response. “Well these three are for the ladies of the house,” Henry continued, “I guess you three didn't bother putting who's it's from though huh?”

Immediately Sarah, Veronica, and Aurora perked up. They took the gifts offered to them with no small amount of trepidation and intrigue. Each parcel wasn't much bigger than their clenched fists and in contrast to the rest of the brightly wrapped ones these presents were almost austere in their looks. Deep red paper with white strips cradling each side that came together into an elaborate bow at the top. On the corner of the boxes was a small card written on crisp paper. Only their names adorned the front in fanciful black letters. Something was written on the inside but it wasn't immediately recognizable without opening the folded paper. The first to do so Sarah read the simple message several times over as if expecting it to change each time. But it remained the same no matter how long she looked at it.

“See you again next year!”

Sarah's mouth fell open and her eyes immediately darted to her mother and friend. Both of them had the same shocked expression plastered across their faces. Veronica's cheeks had lost all color and Aurora was slowly mouthing the same words Sarah had just read. Inside the box was a pair of small earrings shaped like icicles and a glittering white necklace with a single snowflake dangling at the middle. Both were indescribably beautiful and despite her disbelief Sarah couldn't stop herself from pulling both out and holding them up in the light. They were strangely cold to the touch, just enough to make her skin prickle upon touching them. Past the strange jewelry she could see her mother and Aurora admiring them in their own way. Aurora held the adornments close to her chest like something precious while Veronica seemed torn between throwing them away and bringing them closer. 

Momentarily torn by indecision Sarah couldn't decide what she wanted to do with the slightly intimidating gifts. Their meaning was as clear as the message that had accompanied them and that scared her almost as much as it thrilled her. What had been merely a fun and weird dream a few minutes ago had suddenly become an earth shattering reality. It was almost too much to take in all at once. That same childlike wonder that had caused her to believe Santa clashed with the truth of what had happened and her silent but powerful desire to experience it again. Though she couldn't speak for either of them Sarah was confident her mother and Aurora felt a similar rush of conflicting emotions and desires. But as much as she might want to pretend otherwise she couldn't deny the allure of the fits offered to her and the promise they came with. Without ever even deciding to Sarah found herself putting on the earrings and fastening the necklace. She looked up with an uncertain smile to see Aurora and Veronica doing the same moments later.

“What did you get mom?” Jack asked, sitting up to look inside her empty box.

“Oh . . . uhm . . . jewelry from Sarah and Aurora,” Veronica lied. All three women exchanged looks as their heads were inextricably drawn to the necklaces resting against their skin. “Just some jewelry . . .”



veddy nice :) the sweet ladies and Aurora are certainly 'giving' hehehe


I'm not quite sure it counts under the circumstances lol. I doubt their standing with Santa has improved all that much!