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Perhaps it's a testament to how much I adore the Mass Effect series but this came out way faster than I anticipated. Which is great for anyone who loves interspecies breeding and FemShep getting dicked extra hard but I kind of wanted to stagger these out a little better lol. Oh well, more smut for my lovely Patrons is never a bad thing, I hope y'all enjoy :)

Shepard let out a relieved sigh and brushed some of the dust clinging to her armor as the Normandy left Tuchanka's arid atmosphere. Even without looking at him she could feel Grunt beaming with pride to her right while Garrus was just as happy as her to be back on the ship. Their victory over the Thresher Maw had earned him the respect of his peers and an instant place within Clan Urdnot. Even on the shuttle Shepard could tell he was feeling better about his place in the galaxy and by the time they were on board the ship part of her was starting to wonder just what his newfound happiness would mean. As the three of them piled out of the loading bay and into the ship proper Garrus made a beeline for his usual post by the engine while Grunt milled around the command deck.

“Is something wrong Grunt?” Shepard asked, massaging the back of her neck and walking towards the command bridge overlooking the map.

“Of course not Commander.”

His words were as distant as the look in his eyes but before Shepard could question him further he walked toward the elevator and vanished from sight. With an amused shrug she brushed her deep red hair out of her face and turned her glittering green eyes towards the map and their next destination. She could feel the dust and grime in her already starting to chafe. After picking their next spot and exchanging a few words with Kelly she decided to retire to her quarters for a much needed shower and rest. She'd have plenty of time to figure out what was going in Grunt's mind, if that was even possible, on the trip to Omega.

In the weeks following Grunt's Rite of Passage Shepard noticed a series of small but prominent changes affecting her Krogan crewmember. Though more confident and more assured Grunt was increasingly withdrawn and prone to long stretches of silence. Even while on missions he rarely spoke outside of alerting his squadmates to potential threats and similar combat dialogue. And when they returned to the Normandy he spent nearly all his time locked away in his quarters and only emerge for meals. The few times Shepard had gone down to visit him he always seemed oddly flustered, as though she'd interrupted something very personal and private. The more it happened the more he denied anything was going on. Mordin provided a handful of theories, as did Miranda, but nothing seemed to quite explain her crewmember's odd new behavior. Eventually Shepard's concern got the best of her and she decided to head down there and confront him. She wasn't going to leave until she got some answers, even if it resulted in a fight. 

The moment she stepped off the elevator Shepard could tell something was amiss. Odd, muted sounds echoed from Grunt's quarters and the closer the got the more distorted they seemed to become. His door opened with the familiar rish of air and she entered to Grunt sitting on a small, reinforced chair in the corner with his back to the door. He was hunched over and the dull orange light from his omni tool lit up the surrounding metal. She could just barely make out some sort of video being projected from his hand in the reflection on the window oppiste Grunt but the details were vague at best. What Shepard could figure out was the nature of the sounds coming from whatever he was watching. Her face lit up with an incredulous smile as the unmistakable sounds of sweaty, moaning, ball slapping sex filled the tight confines. Clasping her hands behind her back and trying her best to look nonchalant she strolled towards Grunt with a deliberately slow goose step. As she drew near she stared whistling a cheery little tune. He instantly stiffened and leapt from his seat, whirling around to face with his hand hidden behind his back and the porn still playing.

“Shepard! I didn't hear you come in!” He said with as embarrassed a look as a Krogan could make.

“No I think you were a bit too preoccupied to notice much of anything,” Shepard gleefully remarked, “So what were you doing?”

“Watching a video.”

“Oh I see. About what?”


“I'm flattered! Humans doing what?”

Grunt's eyes darted from her face to the door as if he was debating the merits of simply running out of the room. Shepard stepped in his way and asked her question again. “Mating.” he finally said.

“Oh really?” A humorously exaggerated moan pierced the silence spreading between them and Shepard laughed harder and more sincerely than she had in a very long time, “Why are you watching porn Grunt?”

Looking not unlike a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar he brought his hand back in front of his body and glanced down at the video of a human woman fucking two Turian men. “I was curious.”

Shepard sighed and shook her head, still grinning at him, “Unless you want to be here forever you're going to need to answer better than that.”

“Fine. I was curious about your mating habits.”

“But there's only one human in that scene . . .”

“I'm more interested in humans with other races.”

“I see . . .” In reality Shepard didn't see at all but she was definitely curious.

“Is it true humans can breed just by doing that?” Grunt asked, pointing to the sex still happening in front of them.

“Of course, it's how most races produce children.”

“But humans are everywhere. Clearly you're better at it.”

“Yeah I suppose . . . why are you so fixated on this Grunt?”

Closing the video and looking at her with a strange gleam in his eyes he answered with, “I want to breed you.”

“Excuse me?” Shepard looked at him with a disbelieving smile, part of her thinking his words were just some absurd and off color joke. “What was that?'

“I want to try breeding you. Krogan woman can't produce healthy babies anymore. But humans like you might.”

“Grunt I don't think that's how it—”

As she started to explain the basic biological functions that would Grunt pressed a small button on the waist of his armor. With a small hiss the plates covering his crotch suddenly popped off and she was treated to an unobstructed view of his four weighty balls and the sheath containing his alien dick. She watched, mesmerized, as his oddly equine cock emerged and slowly elongated. It was thicker than her thigh and by the time it finished growing nearly as long as her forearm. Almost immediately the cramped quarters were filled with the musky smell of his prick. A slowl trickle of precum bubbled out of the small hole in the flared head of his shaft and all four balls seemed to tense at once. The entire thing was a mottled shade of brown with the same scales that covered his head forming around the base and sack. Shepard looked at what was easily the most impressive member she'd ever seen for far longer than she meant to, her mouth hanging open and a distinct fuzziness filling her brain. Having sex with a Krogan had always been one of her favorite fantasies to indulge when she had some alone time in her quarters. It only made sense to seize the opportunity when it was presented to her. Especially in such a . . . big way. 

She had to say something though and the things popping into her head were a touch too vulgar to say before they'd even started. “Uhm . . . on . . . on s-second thought . . . maybe there's some merit to your . . . to your idea . . .”

“Then you agree to breed with me? For the good of the Krogans?”

Some part of Shepard's mind knew how silly this entire thing was and screamed at her to stop. But it was such a tiny insignificant voice compared to the lust creeping through her body, “Yeah . . . I think we can give it a try . . . but if it doesn't work nobody can find out. It might . . . it might compromise my authority.”

“Agreed.” Grunt nodded, “Where do we—how do we start?”

Suddenly remembering Grunt had never had sex with any female, human or otherwise, Shepard let out a delighted laugh, “Just follow my lead big boy. And try not to finish too early!”

“But isn't that the goal? How else am I to impregnate you?”

“Yes it is but . . . but the odds of conception are higher when the woman is more aroused.”

“Really? That must be a human trait. But it does explain why those human women in the video kept saying 'more' and 'harder'.”

“Yes,” Shepard chuckled, “Yes it does. Now be quiet and do as I say.”

“Yes Commander.”

Certain she wouldn't be able to fit even a fraction of his cock inside her mouth Shepard didn't even entertain the notion as she slipped out of her Cerberus fatigues. In the midst of unclasping her white bra she noticed Grunt watching with an unblinking stare, his cock throbbing harder than ever at the show she was unwittingly providing. Feeling immediately flattered by his interest Shepard turned her back to him and slowly unfastened her bra. She bent over and pushed her ass towards him as the lacy fabric fell to the floor. Slowly swaying her hips back and forth in a tantalizing dance her fingers slid into the waistline of her modest panties and coyly started to lower them. Little by little the edges of her toned buttocks were revealed above the receding cloth, with both Shepard and Grunt reveling in the thrill of teasing and being teased. She straightened when her panties slid beneath the underside of her firm cheeks and brought a hand up to cover her perky tits as she turned back towards him. Resuming her teasing with one hand Shepard coquettishly covered her thick patch of red pubic hair with her free hand, her fingers playing with her clit beneath the half pulled down cloth of her underwear. 

She watched Grunt's nostrils flare, the smell of her arousal no doubt reaching him across such a short distance. His cock was throbbing like mad between his legs and his three fingered hands were balling into fists every few seconds. He was clearly fighting the urge to rush forward and mount her like his racial instincts demanded and she was thrilled to have such a firm hold over him. But as much as she wanted to keep toying with him Shepard knew better than to antagonize a Krogan for too long. And she was getting a bit too horny for games anyways. So with a coaxing moan she yanked her panties down with both hands and kicked them away as she sat down on the table behind her. Pinching her swollen nipples between her thumb and index finger she spread her legs wide open, revealing the puffy outer lips and slick pink flesh of her incredibly aroused cunt. To his credit Grunt didn't surge towards her as she expected though his mouth did fall open at the sight of a real human pussy mere feet from him. His cock was so hard it actually started to lift itself from between his legs, though it's enormous weight prevented it from moving more than a few inches forward.

“Well what are you waiting for?” Shepard cooed, “Fuck me!”

With a nod and a smile Grunt lumbered forward and lifted his cock with both hands. Even more eager than he was Shepard's hands flew from her tits to finally grasp his dick for herself. As soon as her fingers touched his pulsing member she let out a delighted moan. Bringing his impossibly wide tip against her pussy she wriggled forward as much as her position allowed and bit her lip. The rational part of her mind was shouting for her to stop before she broke herself trying to take such a massive prick. But as always Shepard ignored it and grabbed his tip with both hands. Her fingers just barely connected as they wrapped around his girth and the slow trickle of precum emerging from his hole was already starting to soak the table beneath her. Licking her lips and looking at Grunt with an almost manic gleam in her eyes Shepard started rubbing his cock head against her tight little entrance. Every pass she would press it a little tighter against her outer lips and slowly but surely her body spread open to accept the massive shaft. Or at least it tried.

She knew full well getting the first inch inside would the most difficult part and she could think of only one way to expedite the process, “On the count of three,” She instructed Grunt, “I want you to thrust as hard as you can.”

“But won't that—”

“One, two, three—FUCK!”

A whirlwind of pain and pleasure filled her body as Grunt, per her command, suddenly shoved his cock inside her. The walls of her once tight pussy were pushed beyond the breaking point as they struggled to fit his dick. Shepard stared down at the sight of his prick throbbing several inches deep within her wrecked cunt with utter disbelief. Her mouth hung open and had it not been for the wall pressing against her back she would have collapsed completely. Her legs quivered and spasmed uncontrollably with every burst of pain tinged pleasure that arced through her. No part of her mind was able to function and the only notion left in her brain was the fervent and overwhelming desire for more of his cock. And as if reading her mind Grunt provided, his hips swiftly starting to push after a few seconds of basking in the new sensation. After the first few inches the remainder of his dick slid into her hole with barely any resistance. It pushed all the way to the entrance of her womb before finally hitting another barrier. Shepard whimpered and smiled at the sudden, mildly uncomfortable but oddly arousing feeling of his shaft pressed against her cervix. She knew what he was going to do before he started to do it and she didn't even have the wherewithal to try and stop him. His hands grabbed her hips and held her in place as he pulled back a few centimeters, squared his stance and shoved forward even harder. 


Her wild cry reverberated throughout the room and no doubt through the ship itself. But even if she'd been able to comprehend how loud she was being nothing could have been done to stop it. Just as it had with the entrance to her pussy Grunt's cock utterly demolished the thin barrier preventing him access to her womb. And now with the last of the resistance gone and another layer of pleasure wrapped around his shaft Grunt was free to shove the full length of his dick inside her cunt. Shepard was so deliriously cock drunk by that point she barely felt him gliding deeper inside her. She could only watch her once taut and muscular belly swell and distort from the sheer size of his member. The ever growing bulge reached well past her navel and seemed like it was going to engulf her entire body before finally stopping halfway between her pussy and breasts. Only when she felt his four, quivering balls pressing against her ass did she truly know he was done and she'd finally fulfilled her dream of taking an entire Krogan cock.

Grunt slowly leaned back and sighed as the satisfaction of her pulsing cunt hit him harder than he expected. The sight of Shepard speared by his massive pole, drooling and writhing like one of the whores in his videos, was almost as satisfying as the sex. And of course it only got better when she shakily reached down with one hand and started rubbing her clit. The pleasure increased twofold for both of them and Grunt's body reacted on pure instinct. His hips suddenly pulled back in the wake of her added stimulation, his flared tip rubbing pleasingly against the hypersensitive walls of her ravished womb. His efforts were suddenly slowly when he once more reached her cervix and Shepard's body suddenly tightened even more around him.Finding himself oddly weak at the knees Grunt stopped trying to pull out and promptly pushed forward instead. His dick slid back into her womb like her body was made for it and both of them groaned in delight. Her hand went into overdrive on her aching button while he found the perfect rhythm of long, smooth strokes that ensured the pleasure never waned for either of them.

Shepard had no idea how long he fucked her for, or how many times her body was overcome by small orgasms that left her momentarily breathless. All she knew was that she never wanted him to stop. The pain of having her pussy violated had all but vanished and it's wake was a near constant fluctuating state of ecstasy. Each time he thrust back inside her she squeal like a whore and whenever he pulled back out her body would go limp and she would almost faint. Her hand had long ago fallen from her clit and the only pleasure left was what was given by his toe curlingly enormous dick. It might have been maddening if she'd had enough of her mind left to go crazy. But after however long he'd been at it Shepard was certain he'd quite literally fucked her brains out. Eventually even her shattered mind started to notice the way his pace was slowing, his thrusts growing rougher and more animalistic in nature. He seemed to savor each time he was balls deep inside her cunt and his face was a mask of concentration. Her only warning that he was about to do something different was a slight furrowing of his brow and tightening of his grip.

Then, all at once, Grunt ripped his cock out of her pussy and lifted her off the table. Shepard screamed and writhed impotently in his grasp, her entire body shaking from the explosion of pleasure that accompanied his rough exit. She could feel her pussy gaping wide open as she was carried over to the window and turned her away from him. A shiver coursed through her body as she was pressed against the smooth glass, her tits and face squishing against the plate while the rest of her body hung limply. If she'd been a touch more lucid Shepard might have questioned what he was doing but in her cock addled state all she could think about was the distinct lack of dick filling her now vacant hole. She was granted her wish a moment later when the head of his cock returned to her pussy once more. No longer needing to worry about her adjusting to his size Grunt slammed his prick back into her cunt without a moment's hesitation. With one hand he kept her head pressed against the window while the other gripped her waist and kept her steady.

She realized why he'd suddenly changed things up a moment later when he started fucking her harder and faster than ever before. His new position allowed him to thrust up into her cunt with all his strength while the ship's gravity kept her constantly sliding down his length and no pesky walls were around to hinder either of them. Shepard's voice failed her as her eyes rolled back in her head. She was bounced up and down on his cock like some sort of plaything while he was free to use her as he saw fit. And since he was enjoying himself almost as much as she was Grunt decided to fuck her as hard and as fast as he possibly could. His dick plunged in and out of her hole like it was the last time he'd ever get to have sex. Precum and pussy juices flew everywhere from the force of their colliding bodies and every wet slap of his sack against her ass only made her pussy that much wetter. Shepard had almost completely forgotten how this entire thing had started, by that point her entire life had boiled down to the sheer bliss of her Krogan lover's mighty cock.

“Shepard!” Grunt exclaimed, his hands grabbing her shoulders tightly enough to make her wince.

The meaning of his sudden warning was unmistakable and her entire body trembled with delight at the prospect. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her mouth opened in a silent scream of approval as he pounded her tight little cunt harder and faster than ever. His thrusts pressed her so tightly against the once flawless glass window she could barely breathe but the constant waves of pleasure assailing her body were well worth the momentary discomfort. Part of her was even getting off on being so completely dominated by a Krogan fuck machine like Grunt. The sound of his four meaty balls smacking against her ravished ass and pussy was like music to her ears. It was almost as delicious as the constant, teeth baring groans and the feel of his cock perceptibly swelling inside her. She couldn't even fathom how much cum must have been saved up inside his young, tight sack but she was certain she'd soon find out.

Shepard's splayed fingers curled into fists and she threw her head back and moaned, “Oh fuck Grunt! Breed me! Breed me like one of your Krogan whores!”

Eager to oblige and almost at his limit anyways Grunt slammed into her pussy a few more times before shoving every inch that he could inside her cunt and holding on for dear life. Shepard writhed and moaned atop his dick, her legs dangling uselessly several inches off the ground while her body was given it's first load of thick Krogan cum. As thick as syrup and hotter than a fresh meal Grunt's spunk filled her belly so fast and so thoroughly for a split second she couldn't remember what it had felt like without it. And unlike a human climax Krogan's didn't release theirs in spurts but rather one continuous spray that never gave her a moment of respite. Even with her womb full to bursting and her body barely able to comprehend the ecstasy filling it the spunk continued to flow. At first her belly started to swell from the sheer volume being pumped inside her each second. In a flash she looked several months pregnant and it felt like her mind was going to break completely from the sheer ecstasy of it all. But just as she was about to completely lose her sanity Shepard's cunt loosened around his dick just enough for the remaining spunk to come exploding out of her hole like a flood of gooey white juices.

With more jizz than she could have ever dreamed of pouring out of her like she was a busted pipe, her tongue lolling out of her mouth, and her eyes rolled back in her head Shepard have never looked like a bigger whore. And she'd never felt more satisfied or fulfilled in her life. Though Grunt might not have been able to accomplish his dream there was no way she was going to let him him off with just one attempt. Unless she was physically restrained she was going to ride his amazing dick every chance she had and feel his cum filling up her body. Shepard was so enamored by the thought of fucking him as much as she wanted she barely noticed his cock begin to shrink. At least not until Grunt started to pull out and her sore pussy was suddenly ravished by waves of pleasure. His bumpy, ridged dick somehow managed to hit every sensitive spot inside her sex as it slid free, culminating in a wet, echoing pop as the flat tip emerged from her hole. Her pussy was left gaping wide enough for a hypothetical baby to just slide right out with no hassle while she was gently lowered to the floor. The cum that managed to make it's way into her womb remained swirling around inside her while every single drop that filled her pussy drained from her slack hole to join the ever growing puddle at their feet.

It didn't take more than a second to realize Shepard's trembling legs weren't going to support her for very long so in an attempt to take care of her in his own way he grabbed her slender waist and awkwardly carried her to a nearby table. She smiled deliriously at him as he laid her, none too gently on the cold metal. Her hands instantly moved to her cum filled belly, cradling it as though it were a baby. She didn't even bother to try and close her legs, choosing instead to savor the still delightful sensation of Grunt's cum trickling out of her. Looking up at her partner with a wild glint in her eyes Shepard slowly licked her lips and searched for something to say. Nothing quite felt right in the wake of what they'd just done so she merely blurted out the first thing to enter her pleasure wracked brain.

“That was fucking incredible Grunt!”

“I quite enjoyed it too.” He chuckled.

“I bet!” Shepard trembled as an echoing ripple of pleasure traveled down her spine, “Mmmmm, after this I'm not sure I can fuck anything but a Krogan. You might have ruined me for all other races!”

Grunt swelled with visible pride at her words, a smug grin spreading across his face, “Then I'd be glad to serve you as a permanent partner in such affairs. For the good of my people.”

“Heh, for the good of my pussy . . .”

Several months later Shepard was lying in her bed with the same wild smile she always had when she woke up. One hand rested on the impossibly large baby bump protruding from underneath her sheets while the other idly played with her perpetually aroused pussy. Much to her, an everyone else's, surprise Grunt had indeed succeeded in his intention of getting her pregnant. Mordin had done the scans himself nearly a dozen times and somehow growing inside her belly was a Krogan infant. The few tests he'd done showed it lacked any of the Genophage markers or indeed anything that might indicate it was currently growing inside a human woman. By all indicators it was a perfectly healthy, baby boy. Grunt had been overjoyed to learn of his success but at Shepard's insistence had kept the news under wraps for the time being. She wanted to make sure everything was fine with her little scientific miracle before telling Wrex it was time to start fucking human women again.

Rolling onto her side and looking at her still sleeping baby daddy Shepard bit her lip and softly whispered, “Wake up Grunt . . . momma needs her morning dose of Krogan cock!”

His eyes instantly flew open and his prick lifted the sheets as it swelled in anticipation, “Of course Commander!” He rumbled.

Shepard turned her back to him and smiled as he moved behind her, his swollen cock pressing against her already sopping pussy and making her shiver, “Hold your horses big guy, I want something special today!”


“I want that fat, breeding dick inside my ass!”

She felt Grunt pause for a fraction of a second while his prick throbbed comically hard against her skin, “Yes ma'am!”



Awesome stuff :)


Glad you think so, the post sex scene was thrown in purely because I'm still on a pregnancy kick thanks to your Spiderman story :P