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I hope y'all are in the mood for another massive story because this one's a doozy! It's been a while since I wrote something this massive and I really can't say why it ended up so big. I hope you guys enjoy regardless! Oh and this story contains a whole lotta gay stuff so if femboys and crossdressing aren't your cup of tea steer clear lol

“Cheer up Cloud, our money troubles are almost over!”

Tifa's unrelenting cheer and unabashed positivity did nothing to brighten the dour look on Cloud's face as he glowered at her from the other side of the bedroom they'd rented for the night. He hadn't said a word since he agreed to her downright insane plan and he hadn't unfolded his arms for the better part of an hour. Partly thanks to his simmering discontent with her ridiculous idea and partly to cover up as much of his embarrassingly exposed body as possible. And the thought of someone else joining them and seeing him dressed like he was only darkened his look all the more. To say nothing of the embarrassed flush spreading through his pale cheeks as he heard the clock behind him ticking away and knew their guest was due to arrive any moment.

Putting on a dress and performing on the Honeybee Inn's main stage had been one thing, that was all part of Aerith's plan and something he could even wrap his head around, but putting on one of the Honeybee girl uniforms to seduce some rich guy? That was a harder pill to swallow! Cloud wasn't even sure how he'd let Tifa talk him into doing something so crazy! Let alone how she'd found the 'perfect guy' almost immediately after he'd agreed to go through with the craziest scheme he'd ever heard. They might have needed the money but it was getting harder and harder to justify such extreme lengths...

Especially as he heard the clock chime and glanced up to see they were only minutes away from meeting the man who'd 'solve all their financial problems' for 'just one night with both of them. A small part of him was even starting to wonder if she'd actually tried to do it by herself like she claimed. Tifa certainly seemed a lot happier than she should've been about the whole thing.

“Maybe we can sell some more equipment.” Cloud suggested, staring up at the clock and trying his best to keep his voice completely neutral in spite of his nervers, “We didn't need that much money...”

“We don't have anything left to sell.” Tifa replied. Sitting down on the edge of the enormous, luxury bed that made up the center piece of the elegant room around them she added, “And we spent everything we have left renting this room for the night!”

“So if this doesn't work we'll be even worse off.”

“It'll work!”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Trust me!” Tifa replied, leaning back as much as she could and smiling at her companion, “Mr. Elcard saw your big performance with Andrea and he's more than happy to spend the big bucks on a 'private encore'!”

Cloud looked at his friend with a slightly panicked expression as his heart skipped a beat and adrenaline pumped through his body, “He's here for me?!”

“Not just you!” Tifa replied with a playfully insulted look, “I just... sweetened the deal a little bit with you. He was more than happy to pay for me but we needed a lot more than what I could get all by myself. And as soon as he mentioned you I knew I couldn't pass up the chance to—”

“Did he mention me or did you?” Cloud asked.

Her smile brightened just a little bit as Tifa looked away and acted about as innocent as a burglar caught in the middle of a heist, “I can't remember, we were both talking so much!”

“Of course you were.” Looking back up at the clock and letting out a long, pent up breath Cloud could only shake his head and nervously fidget in his near skin tight uniform as he muttered, “I don't know how I let you talk me into this!”

Giggling at his grim expression but wisely keeping her mouth shut Tifa just watched him for a few more seconds before looking around the rest of the room. There really wasn't anything left to say and she was more than happy to simply wait for their guest to arrive. So happy when she finally heard a soft knock at the door just as the clock was chiming ten she all but sprang to her feet. Cloud didn't say a word as he turned towards the door, though he did tense up even more as Tifa called out to Mr. Elcard.

“Come in!”

Quickly running his fingers through his curly black hair one last time and straightening his suit Dante wrapped a massive hand around the door handle and slowly turned it. He'd been thinking about his special meeting almost nonstop since he and Tifa parted ways and now that it was finally time he almost couldn't believe it. He certainly couldn't believe what was waiting for him inside that luxurious room as he bent down to slip through the doorway and stepped inside to find both her and the 'girl' he'd been so enraptured with waiting for him. Cloud even had the same steely eyed look he'd worn during his performance with Andrea.

“You two look amazing!” He rumbled.

Though he would've said that regardless there was no hint of lying or flattery as he grinned down at them both. Tifa filled her Honeybee outfit perfectly, her perky breasts all but spilling out of the top and her long, toned legs looking absolutely perfect in those sheer black stockings. He'd never seen that black and yellow striped leotard hug a woman's curves quite so nicely and alongside the stiletto heels and fluffy white collar leaving her shoulders completely bare she looked better than any woman Dante had seen at the Honeybee Inn. Especially alongside her equally alluring companion! Cloud didn't fill out the top of his costume at all but something about seeing it pressed against his completely flat chest juxtaposed rather perfectly with his wide, womanly hips and equally shapely legs. To say nothing of how it contrasted nicely with Tifa's chest. But even on his own he filled out his entire outfit more perfectly than Dante could've hoped, right down to the rather unmistakable bulge filling out the very bottom of his leotard.

“Thank you!” Tifa exclaimed, sauntering up to him with such a tantalizing strut he could've watched her hips sway for hours and been perfectly content. Especially with that cutesy little thorax and stinger bouncing to and fro above her unbelievably round ass. “You don't look too bad yourself!”

Tifa looked at Cloud as she spoke, as if urging him to chime in with something similar, but Cloud was too busy gawking at the sheer size of the man standing before him. Head and shoulders taller than both of them and about as wide as both of them standing shoulder to shoulder he was a behemoth in every imaginable sense. Cloud had never seen anyone so massive in his entire life! Even if he'd wanted to keep up his dour expression he couldn't help but slowly look Mr. Elcard up and down with a shocked expression dawning across his face. Though his surprise quickly turned to dread when he noticed a frighteningly massive bulge straining against the man's slacks. One bigger and more startling than anything else about him! By the time he pulled his attention away and looked at Tifa all his misgivings had been replaced by out and out disbelief.

“Thanks, I thought I'd wear something nice for such a special occasion!” Dante replied.

“Well you won't be wearing it much longer!” Tifa laughed.

Casually sliding closer to him and draping an arm around his waist as she spoke she grinned up at their benefactor and teasingly trailed her fingers across his belt buckle. He laid a hand on her shoulder and grinned right back pulling her in just a little bit closer without any hesitation. All the while Cloud watched them both from a few feet away, unsure of what to do or how to react.

Luckily for him before he could try, and inevitably fail, to act sexy Tifa's fingers slipped away from his belt and across that monstrously thick bulge already visibly straining against his clothes. Dante let out a soft groan a split second before Cloud sucked in a sharp breath and she giggled at both of them, even though she only looked at the man she was gently stroking. Her hand drifted across the full breadth of his groin before lightly sliding underneath to cup and cradle him through his slacks. She gave him a tender little squeeze as his cock twitched even harder and the rest of his body tightened. And she didn't stop squeezing him even as she wordlessly guided him towards the bed with her other hand.

“Last time we talked you wanted the full experience...” She said in a soft, tempting whisper, “I hope you didn't change your mind since then!”

“Of course not!” Dante groaned. He looked at Cloud for the first time since Tifa approached him and Cloud shrank away from him just a little bit. Just enough to make both of his companions smile, though he was saved from actually having to do anything when their guest looked back to Tifa and added, “Money's no object.”

“Well in that case...”

Idly groping his massive bulge for a few more seconds Tifa suddenly slipped in front of him and dropped to her knees without a second thought. Her eagerly trembling fingers were almost a blur as she unbuckled his belt, unzipped his slacks, and pulled his pants down so fast Cloud could barely keep track of what was happening. A split second later she'd yanked down his underwear too and the fattest cock either of them had ever seen was throbbing away right in front of their eyes!

The whole room instantly filled with the musky scent of his prick. With that heady combination of sweat and manly odors as thick globs of precum dripped from his tip and landed onto the carpet between Tifa's knees with audible thuds. His dick was easily as long as her forearm and thicker than one of her biceps while his balls were roughly the size of her clenched fists. Unlike his friend Cloud did his best not to stare too intently at the massive pillar of meat twitching so ferociously only a few feet away from him. But of course Tifa couldn't look away as a delighted smile lit up her face. Beaming brighter than the sun as she wrapped one hand around the middle of his prick and the other just beneath the tip she stared up at Dante for a moment with a look of pure excitement.

And when she looked back down at his prick her eyes were sparkling so brightly she was practically a different person! Cloud had never seen her look so wild and he couldn't help but shiver a little at her sudden transformation. Although he was quickly given another reason to shiver as she lifted Dante's fat prick up to her lips and planted an eager kiss on the head. Both men shivered at her small, exhilarating start and both of them watched with equal amazement as she kissed his cock head a second time. But rather than stopping there and pulling away she slowly glided forward with a giddy moan.

Her lips spread further and further apart while her hands glided along his cock in long, smooth strokes and her tongue swirled around as much of his tip as she could reach. Dante caressed her cheek with one massive hand and slowly grabbed a fistful of hair with the other, holding on tight as she slid further and further along his prick. By the time her trembling lips were almost completely around the head of his shaft he was groaning louder than ever and even gritting his teeth as the intense pressure of her tight little mouth just kept growing. Yet no matter how loud their guest might've been Cloud was much too busy staring at tifa to pay attention to anything else. Watching her practically unhinge her jaw and stretch her mouth to the breaking point just to take the tip of that massive prick was insane. It would've been too much to believe if he hadn't been watching it happen moment by moment!

Tifa gleefully inhaled the head of Dante's cock and pushed herself forward a couple more inches before coming to a gurgling stop. Her mouth was completely filled and his massive, swollen tip was pressed into the back of her throat so tightly she was already struggling to breath. But as thick, gooey jets of precum erupted into her gullet and poured down to her belly she couldn't help but shiver and squirm all the more. One of her hands jumped to his massive balls while the other held his cock up as she let her eyes rolled back in her head moments before pushing herself even further along his dick with another loud, sloppy gurgle.

Watching Tifa's slender throat distend inch by inch as she swallowed more of Dante's cock with every passing second was an experience Cloud had never imagined. He didn't know how to react as he watched her so happily debase herself, spit drooling from her lips while a chorus of messy squelches and violent retches filled the air. He didn't know what to do with himself or his painfully hard cock but he couldn't even dream of looking away. Even as his dick throbbed against his uniform and his thighs meekly rubbed together as his cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of crimson. Between the sights and sounds coming from the other side of the room there was no ignoring everything Tifa did or how much she loved doing it. Let alone how much Dante was enjoying her efforts as she pushed more and more of his prick down her throat until her entire deck was bulging outward in the most perverted sight imaginable. And Cloud was so busy watching Tifa with a mixture of shock and a host of other feelings he didn't quite want to acknowledge yet he didn't even realize their guest was watching him. That he was smiling right at him as she slobbered all over his dick without any shame at all.

“Don't be shy...” Dante murmured, “You can come over and join us if you want!”

Practically jumping out of his skin at the sound of Dante's voice Cloud looked up at him and shied away once again, “I-I'm not—th-that isn't w-w-what—Tifa's a-already—”

His nervous babbling came to a sudden, startled end as Dante held out his hand. Still keeping the other tangled in Tifa's messy hair as she drifted further down his cock without any signs of slowing he reached out towards Cloud like he was offering him a dance. And while Cloud naturally shied away from him yet again he didn't retreat anywhere near as far as he wanted to. Or at least as far as he thought he wanted to...

But after a few frantic moments spent squirming in place while his heart absolutely pounded he found himself reaching out despite his better judgment. He found himself looking at Dante's undeniably handsome face and even getting lost in his dark, unfathomable eyes. No part of his conscious mind wanted to but he didn't really have much of a choice. Especially not when he glanced down at Tifa and saw her more than halfway down the massive cock she was sucking. Only this time he looked at the massive cock more than he looked at her. And it made his heart skip a beat moments before his stomach dropped as he daintily laid his fingers in Dante's hand.

Cloud's whimper and Dante's soft chuckle filled the room as surely as Tifa's sloppy gurgles but unlike her endlessly lewd noises their voices faded rather quickly. At least until his hand closed around Cloud's and he suddenly pulled his nervously squirming partner closer with an unsurprising yet no less nerve wracking burst of strength.

Before he could stop himself, before he could even think about stopping himself, Cloud was stumbling into Dante's broad, muscular chest. His slender body was colliding with their guests hulking frame in an overwhelming burst of conflicting emotions that left him feeling so small and feminine he truly didn't know what to think or how to react. But while his mind was totally overwhelmed his body acted without him, his free hand sliding around Dante's waist as he shyly held himself against another man for the first time in his life. He even pressed his aching cock against Dante's leg, furtively grinding his hips and rubbing his prick against the slick fabric of his uniform without even thinking. And when Dante's hand slid down his back to lightly grope his ass through the sheer stockings 'covering' him up Cloud only trembled harder.

“That's better...” He groaned, slowly enjoying the toned curves of Cloud's juicy cheeks and delighting in how adorable his companion looked, “I wouldn't want you feeling left out...”

“Th-Thank you...”

The words had left Cloud's mouth before he could stop them and he blushed even more furiously as soon as he said them. But before he could try and take them back or really do much of anything about his embarrassing predicament Dante took him by surprise yet again. First by pulling Tifa a little further onto his cock and sending shudders tearing through her entire body as she retched and sputtered all over both of them. Then by lifting Cloud right off his feet and pulling him into a sudden, furiously passionate kiss.

Their lips met in a swell of unbridled passion Cloud was nowhere near prepared for. Even after hearing and agreeing to Tifa's insane plan he'd never really imagined doing anything like kissing another man during it. Let alone being swept off his feet like he didn't weigh anything at all and wrapped up in a kiss so unimaginable passionate he almost completely melted against the man holding him up. All the while Tifa groaned and gurgled and sputtered around a throbbing pillar of meat impaling her mouth and sliding down into the depths of her throat! Even before he felt Dante's tongue slip into his mouth and his own slowly coil around him a moment later Cloud was absolutely lost. He tried to act like he'd wrapped his hands around those massive shoulders so he wouldn't tip over and fall to the ground but there was no denying the truth. No pretending he didn't love what was happening. How could he possibly lie to himself when he shyly wrapped his legs around their lover's waist and sank even deeper into that wonderful kiss without any complaints at all?

Parts of his mind tried to rebel against what he was doing and bring him back to his senses but every time he came anywhere close Dante squeezed his ass or Tifa let out another lewd gurgle and he just fell right back into his lust. There really was no stopping him after the dam had broken and the man groping his ass and burying him in the most thrilling kiss of his entire life certainly didn't make things any easier! His tongue tasted so sweet and the way he moved it left Cloud absolutely breathless but what really sent shudders tearing through his body was the way he moved those strong fingers. How he slipped them beneath his leotard and between his ass cheeks without a moment's restraint.

His sheer black stockings might've gotten in the way of Dante's soft yet uncompromising touch but in the heat of the moment Cloud barely even felt the difference. As soon as something pressed against his tightly clenched asshole and teasingly rubbed his quivering ring in long, maddeningly slow circles there was no going back. He might as well have been naked for all the good his 'clothes' did.

Moaning even louder as his nails scraped against Dante's jacket Cloud pushed back against that breathtaking kiss with all the gusto he had. His back arched and he pushed his ass into his lover's hand in a shy little swell of desperation, his ankles locking and one of his hands jumping to Dante's head without a thought. He tangled his fingers in his hair and whimpered until there was no air left inside his lungs. Before long he was bucking and grinding and gyrating with frantic abandon as the endless pressure of that single digit pushing against his entrance just kept growing.

Beneath them Tifa was gliding up and down the massive cock she'd been sucking for what felt like hours on end. After being pulled onto the base and held there just long enough to really savor the joy of being completely stuffed to the brim by a massive prick he'd eased up enough to let her get back to her earlier pace. Of course she didn't and couldn't stay at that same rhythm for long! By the time her lips were kissing the head of his shaft and she was cupping his balls with both hands Tifa was so unimaginably excited she all but slammed herself down onto his prick. And she pulled herself right back off him even faster, her eyes lighting up as she finally noticed what Cloud was doing. Seeing him finally letting loose and enjoying himself was one of the biggest thrills yet!

Second only to watching Dante's finger sliding along his asshole and stretching out the leotard clinging to his girly little bubble butt. Just imagining the fat dick she was slurping on splitting Cloud open was enough to send Tifa absolutely flying up and down it in a mindless frenzy, her lewd efforts endlessly punctuated by girly moans and breathless groans from the two men above her. And her efforts only earned her more precum and more excitement as Dante's cock throbbed like crazy inside her!

She hadn't really noticed how much harder his dick wss twitching before but as soon as she spotted Cloud and realized what was happening everything fell into place. So naturally Tifa did everything in her power to suck Dante dry. To massage and caress his balls as she furiously throated his cock in an absolute flurry of mindless ecstasy. In no time at all she was flying up and down his shaft, her head bobbing back and forth so quickly she was almost a blur. And while Dante might not have seen what an incredible show she was putting on he certainly felt her efforts! Everything from her constantly swirling tongue to her tightly quivering throat!

Holding on tight to both his lovers Dante was almost paralyzed by the sheer pleasure of having both of them at once! All of his fantasizing and anticipation hadn't prepared him from the unbelievable pleasure of getting to be with both of them together! Tifa had promised him an incredible night and he'd already earned his money's worth and then some just from the foreplay alone. The though of going even further with them and getting to really enjoy himself was almost too much to bear. It was certainly too much for him to think about and keep his rampaging desires in check! No matter how much he might've wanted to keep going forever, or at least until he was too horny to hold back another second, Tifa's lips wrapped around his cock and Cloud's pressed against his own pushed him to the edge before he had any idea how close he was.

And by the time he realized he was at his limit it was too late to do anything about it. The best he could manage was pulling Cloud even tighter against him and holding on to Tifa even tighter as he let out a desperate groan. One both of his lover's recognized in an instant and one that sent shudders tearing through their goosebump riddled bodies.

But while Cloud couldn't do much more than hold on to him even more tightly and let out a giddy whimper of his own Tifa lurched backwards as fast as she could. Dante's cock slid out of her throat in a shower of spit and precum, long strands drooling down her chin and across her tits, as the urge to taste his cum overwhelmed her. And her efforts were rewarded with a massive fountain of jizz a split second after his madly throbbing tip reached her tongue. A fountain of bittersweet arousal exploded into her mouth and sent her cheeks bulging outward from the sheer volume of that first load. Tifa barely had a chance to swallow it all before he'd given her another, his balls tightening harder than ever as he unleashed a truly unbelievable amount inside her with every twitch. Too much for her to handle despite her impressive experience! Cum leaked from the corners of her mouth and even drooled out of her nose within seconds and no matter how frantically she gulped down every load he gave there was no overcoming the sheer tidal wave of spunk Dante unleashed!

A lurid mixture of spit and jizz soaked her cleavage and even trickled down between her breasts before he was even finished! And by the time he was done pumping her full of cum Tifa could barely think straight. Her head was spinning and her stomach felt positively bloated. So much so she idly brought a hand down to her belly as the last gooey spurts filled her mouth and she mindlessly swallowed every last drop like a good little whore. She might not have been outwardly showing the ungodly amount of cum filling her up and sending shudders tearing through her but she still cradled her stomach all the same. Especially after releasing Dante's cock with a wet little pop. Barely even watching it fall like an enormous pendulum back between his legs she was far too busy stifling a loud, unseemly belch as some of his jizz threatened to come back up.

Her efforts almost immediately proved unsuccessful as a long, gurgling burp escaped her lips while she stared dimly up at her companions. Through half closed, unfocused eyes Tifa watched Cloud and Dante make out for a few more seconds before finally breaking apart. And the very moment they actually glanced at her she let out another belch, still cradling her stomach like she was pregnant as her mouth hung open in a lewd little smile. They might've met her satisfied gaze but Tifa didn't pay them any attention at all. She simply 'hid' another burp as she shakily rose to her feet and turned away from her companions.

Both of them watched her stumble towards the bed and collapse face first into the sheets with a quiet moan before slowly lifting her ass in the air and wiggling it back and forth. The stinger just above Tifa's plump cheeks nearly falling off as she invited them over without a single word“How about we join her?” Dante suggested.

A shudder tore through Cloud's body as he swallowed past the lump in his throat and tried his best to act somewhat nonchalant, “A-And do what?”

“I'm sure we'll think of a few things!”

Dante laughed as he carried Cloud towards the bed, his finger still teasing his would be lover's asshole through his stockings. And despite his sudden bout of nerves as he looked at Tifa then down at the massive cock she'd gone up against Cloud didn't really protest. He simply let out a noise caught somewhere between a moan and a whimper while Dante laid him out on the sheets next to his nearly comatose partner in crime.

Yet for all his uncertainty and misgivings Cloud's legs still naturally parted as he looked up at the man looming over him. He might've covered his face with both hands and blushed furiously enough to outmatch the sun but he spread his thighs apart and revealed his painfully hard cock straining against his uniform all the same, “J-Just... just be gentle...”

Embarrassment washed over him the moment those words left his lips but Dante didn't give him much time to stew in those feelings as he said, “Your wish is my command beautiful...”

Hearing those sultry words spoken with such a casual confidence was second only to feeling the bed sink down from the weight of Dante's figure in making Cloud shudder. His fingers closed over his face as his companion leaned down over him, those enormous hands flattening against the mattress on either side of his head, while his back meekly arched. Beside them Tifa slowly turned her head to watch whatever was about to happen with a lascivious grin. There was no pretending she hadn't been looking forward to this very thing since they started.

Yet instead of pulling his hands away and smothering him in another kiss like Cloud expected Dante let out a soft chuckle and straightened. One of his hands vanished from the bedding beside him only to return trailing down his trembling body as slowly as possible. In the time it took Dante's fingers to brush against Cloud's sensitive little bulge it felt like hours had passed. Like the sun would be rising any moment and their evening of fun would come to a sudden, crashing end. But as he teasingly stroked him through his costume and lightly cupped his balls Cloud admitted to himself he didn't want it to end just yet. If nothing else he wanted things to go just a little bit further before their time was really up.

How much further he honestly couldn't say and he was in no position to think about it clearly or for all that long. One of Dante's fingers slipped beneath his leotard and quietly pulled it to the side so fast Cloud was still reeling from his first touch. No part of him was ready to be left completely exposed in front of a complete stranger!

Thankfully what he thought he was ready for and what he wanted were completely different as Dante let out an delighted gasp as Cloud felt cool air against his glistening, unimaginably hard dick. He peeked through his fingers at the man above him and shivered even harder upon seeing how excited his lover was. How enraptured he looked as he drank in the sight of his naked cock and tightly quivering balls contracting beneath his sheer black stockings. Nobody had ever looked at him with such unabashed excitement and it was hard not to feel a little embarrassed by the attention. Though he quickly had something else to be embarrassed by when Tifa joined in.

Reaching across Cloud's shyly trembling body she wrapped her fingers around Dante's massive prick and lifted it into the air. Only to immediately drop it down onto her friend's quivering stomach with an echoing slap, instantly making both of her companions groan as they connected in the most over the top yet perverted way she could think of. And to her unending delight their exhilaration didn't end with that first meaty slap.

Thick spurts of precum oozed from his tip and onto Cloud's stomach, even rolling across his costume and onto his bare chest as Dante's prick throbbed so fiercely against him. Easily dwarfing his dick by a good six inches at least he was more than twice as thick and a thousand times as manly. Cloud had never felt so small and dainty and feminine. Not even when he'd worn a dress and performed as a girl for an entire room full of people! It was a feeling he relished far more than he expected and one that only grew more nerve wracking as the seconds slipped by and neither he nor Dante moved. Even though they couldn't have spent more than a handful just shivering there like they'd been caught out in a blizzard. His constantly smiling companion seemed wholly unable to wait any longer and in spite of his outward embarrassment Cloud felt exactly the same way!

So when Dante suddenly pulled back and ripped open his stockings the excited little moan spilling from Cloud's lips was as genuine as could be. He still covered his face and even looked away but that didn't stop a messy little squirt of precum from streaking out of his cock and across his body. It even splashed across Dante's prick as he slowly pulled back with another pent up groan. Though none of them paid much attention to those smaller details as he slipped off the bed entirely and tenderly pulled Cloud towards him, both of them groaning in delight.

“Would you rather be on your back or your stomach?” He asked.

Once more spreading his fingers just enough to look up at Dante as his cheeks burned Cloud answered without even thinking, “S-Stomach!”

A moment later he was laying on his belly as Dante pulled that enormous thorax and stinger off his costume without a second thought. He effortlessly ripped the skin tight fabric of his leotard away not two heartbeats after, eagerly widening the already massive hole in his stockings as he said, “Tell me if it's too much...”

“You can switch over to me when Cloud can't take any more!” Tifa gleefully suggested, throwing a leg over her friend's back and laying down atop him. She ripped open her stockings and smiled back at him as she added, “Wherever you want!”

Dante's eyes widened a little bit at her suggestion and his cock twitched even harder but the sight of Cloud looking back at him from beneath Tifa sent a laugh erupting from his lips. It only took a couple of seconds to rip up her costume and reveal her naked body too and only when he had did he take a moment to appreciate the absolute buffet awaiting him. One made all the better by Cloud's pouty expression and Tifa's rampant delight.

Obviously and undeniably gorgeous the soft, supple curves of their bodies just about stole his breath away. Watching a new layer of goosebumps erupt across their pale skin and delighting in how beautifully his own contrasted with theirs as he idly caressed them both was a constant treat. Almost as much as the differences that made them both so utterly gorgeous. Like the soft, neatly trimmed lips of Tifa's puffy sex glistening and trembling in the soft light. Or how Cloud's hairless cock twitched so hard against the side of the bed as his legs hung over. Her arousal cascaded down onto his tightly clenching balls as surely as his precum dripped onto the floor and the smell was heavenly. Much like their almost identically perky yet amazingly round curves. Tifa's ass might've been just a little bit bigger than Cloud's but both of them were absolutely voluptuous in all the best ways and Dante truly couldn't stop himself from wrapping a hand around his cock before long. He brought his swollen, spit and precum slathered tip up to Cloud's tight pink ring and pressed against him without a second thought, only hesitating as he heard his lover suck in a frantic breath.

“Take a deep breath...” He murmured, “And push out as soon as I start pushing in...”


“And bite down on the sheets!” Tifa added, “We don't want someone thinking you're getting murdered in here!”

“You're not helping.” Dante chuckled.

“Who said I was trying to help?” She replied.

Dante really didn't have a response for and after a moment or two spent feeling Cloud's asshole tighten and quiver against his cock he gave up trying. Instead he grabbed his partner's waist with one hand before slowly pushing forward as gently as he could. Though he could only be so tender when trying to fit his massive cock in such a tiny little hole he did his best to make sure it wasn't absolutely excruciating as he slowly overcame Cloud's trembling ring. Had he known his lover was quite a bit more experienced than he thought Dante might not have taken quite so long to slip inside him!

But the constant, unbearable pressure of such a massive dick pushing against his asshole and bearing down on him paired with the slow widening of his trembling ring excited Cloud more than words could possibly describe. Zack was nowhere near as well endowed as the man currently trying to split him open and none of the toys he'd trained himself with could even begin to compare to the monster gradually breaking through every last resistance his body offered. Yet the longer it took and the longer he had to adjust to the unimaginable anticipation the easier it was for Cloud to enjoy the simple ecstasy of being split open. He still felt a sudden swell of pain when his constantly quivering ring finally stretched open and Dante's cock slipped inside the pleasure accompanying it was unreal. Enough to send a brethless squeal erupting from his throat and a thick jet of precum squirting out of his desperately throbbing dick.


His fingers curled into fists against the sheets and he immediately buried his face in them as a wave of bliss crashed through him. One tinged with just enough pain to keep him lucid and keenly aware of every single moment. Every load of arousal gushing into his ass and every wild pulse of the cock head now buried inside him after an eternity of waiting.

Tifa and Dante both shared in Cloud's ecstasy as the former reveled in how hard her friend was shaking while the latter grabbed hold of him with both hands. Even just sliding the tip of his cock inside him was enough to send shudders throughout his entire body. He couldn't imagine how much better shoving the rest of his cock into Cloud's ass would feel and he had no interest in waiting to find out. After stopping for all of a second he started pushing again and he even moved a little faster too.


Biting down on the sheets and groaning like a wild animal giving birth Cloud tried to pull away from the monstrosity splitting him open as it glided deeper and deeper into his ass. Just the tip alone had been enough to completely ruin him and the unbearable pressure of everything after that honestly seemed like it would completely break him! Even after he'd been stretched to the very breaking point by the thickest part of Dante's shaft as he slid inch by inch inside him Cloud was still left marveling at the sheer insanity of what he was doing. At the complete madness of being impaled by what felt like several feet of cock for hours upon hours while Tifa lay atop him moaning in abject delight.

His own prick throbbed like crazy against the bed, fountains of precum squirting out as that enormous pressure just kept building and building. Somehow all at once completely unfamiliar yet strangely like everything he'd already felt it was a constant ebb and flow as he squirmed and shivered against Dante's strong grasp. He tried to wriggle free and pull away almost as much as he tried to push back against the gigantic prick slowly gliding into the depths of his body but the man gradually impaling him always kept a firm hand. Always stopped him from going too far and doing anything that might cause unbearable amounts of pain. All the while continuing to slid his glistening shaft deeper and deeper inside him in a single endless stroke. And when his dick reached Cloud's g-spot on it's way through his guts Cloud didn't even have the wherewithal to moan. His eyes just rolled back in his head as his whole body locked up and he froze like he'd been petrified. A moment or two after that he collapsed against the sheets in a pleasure addled daze as cum erupted from his cock and his whole body descended into a barrage of uncontrollable spasms.

Suddenly it was Dante's turn to cry out as Cloud's already tight asshole squeezed him so fiercely it actually stole his breath away. He stared down at the mewling little slut convulsing around his dick and looked at Tifa with a mixture of delight and amazement. She smiled right back at him and bit her lower lip, flashing that same lascivious grin she'd word when making him the offer earlier. But he hardly even noticed the parallel as Cloud finally found his voice and let out a desperate, girlish squeal. The kind of breathless ecstasy any would want to hear while their lover was shuddering in ecstasy. And hearing it come from the same performer he'd been so enraptured with before was everything Dante could've wanted. And maybe a little more. It was certainly enough to send his hips lurching forward without him even thinking, the last third of his cock all but vanishing into Cloud's greedily quivering asshole before either of them could react.

Cloud's eyes flew open and his desperate scream came to a sudden, abrupt end. All the air was pushed right out of his lungs by the massive dick suddenly buried inside him. Just like all the cum positively exploding out of his ferociously twitching cock. The pressure filling him up and stretching him so absurdly wide, the pressure against his tender g-spot, was immense. It felt like he was on the verge of passing out or dying with every second spent impaled on Dante's prick. And he couldn't possibly get enough!

Mindlessly grinding against Dante's cock Cloud basked in everything from the sheer size of the dick inside him to the massive balls completely smothering his own. Just feeling every last inch of that monstrous prick was unbelievable and the longer he was left drowning in that pleasure the more he craved it. Though when his lover started to pull back he quickly found a whole new addiction!

Sloppily sputtering and distending around Dante's cock as it slowly glided back out Cloud's once tight asshole quivered harder than ever around his lover's prick. His entire body trembled harder than ever as he felt the unimaginable pleasure of that monstrosity emerging from his guts and practically pulling his guts out with it! All the little flashes of pain accompanying the pleasure couldn't begin to overshadow his ecstasy and it wasn't long before they were almost completely lost amidst his toe curling delight, even as his orgasm started to fade and the tiniest bit of sanity returned. Around the time he felt the head of Dante's prick at his entrance Cloud could even comprehend what was coming next!

Though no amount of comprehension could truly prepare him for the ecstasy that was his companion sliding back into his guts. Moving even faster than before yet nowhere near as fast as he could've Dante split cloud open and completely destroyed his asshole all over again. He distended his flat little stomach against the bed underneath him as he plunged every last inch of his length inside him without hesitation. His balls slapped against Cloud's with a wet smack and Tifa let out a jealous yet no less excited moan as she listened to her friend being fucked. As she felt that delicious impact and bathed in the sweet smell of cum and sex filling the air. When she looked down at Cloud at saw the cross eyed ecstasy spread across his face as he bit down on the sheets she couldn't help but moan again, desperately wiggling her ass and offering herself up to Dante as he pulled out once more.

“You paid for both of us you know!” She whined, “I'd hate to think you weren't getting your money's worth just—”

The rest of her not so subtle suggestion ended in a yelp as Dante roughly spanked her ass. His massive hand skipped off her cheek and an enormous red welt spread across her skin before she was even finished recoiling. A gooey little torrent of arousal gushed from her pussy a split second later and she gleefully offered up her ass for another smack. Dante happily obliged at the same moment he slammed his dick into Cloud's ass a good bit harder than he'd meant to. But both of his lover's squealed in utter joy all the same so he didn't worry too much about it. Or rather there was no time to worry as he spanked Tifa again and pulled out of the mewling slut he'd been fucking even faster. Slapping each cheek again and again while she cried out in pleasure he didn't stop until her skin was practically glowing red and her voice was hoarse.

Rather than focusing all his attention on Cloud like before Dante gave Tifa something else to enjoy while be was fucking her friend's sloppily quivering hole. He brought his hand down on her ass with another wild smack but rather than pulling away he slide his thumb between her cheeks and teasingly rubbed it against her asshole. She let out a frantic little moan at the same moment he pushed inside her quivering ring, finally giving her a taste of what she'd been craving since he first arrived.

“Deeper!” She moaned, her hips lurching backwards as she savored the pleasure of his digit stretching her open, “Shove it in deeper!”

“If that's what you want...” Dante replied, a lascivious grin lighting up his face.

Shoving his thumb knuckle deep inside her asshole at the same moment he plunged back inside Cloud's trembling ring Dante absolutely ravished both of them in the blink of an eye. Their nearly identical squeals filled the bedroom and echoed out into the hallway beyond while they were left shuddering and trembling against him. But of course that was only the beginning. Just the opening salvo in a long and thoroughly amazingly barrage as he started fucking Cloud in earnest and teasing Tifa so mercilessly she could hardly bear it. Dante slammed balls deep into one lover and wickedly toyed with the other in a constant back and forth as skillful as it was unbearable. Neither of his companions could understand how he was able to ruin them both so effortlessly but neither of them really cared. Cloud was much too busy screaming in pleasure and clawing at the sheets as his guts were rearranged while Tifa was languishing in fits of desperate anticipation as his thumb stirred her up and stretched her open while she listened to her friend enjoying the pleasure she needed more than her next breath.

And when he started pushing his thumb in and out of her asshole in time with his strokes the cruelty of his teasing almost made her second guess the entire plan. Especially as Cloud started to bounce and jiggle on Dante's cock, his entire body lurching upwards with nearly every stroke. Tifa had never been tormented and neglected for so long. She didn't even know how to handle it after a minute or two and after a few more she was practically begging him to give her a turn. Though she couldn't possibly form a coherent sentence as she whined and squealed and groaned almost as much as Cloud!

But just before she could go completely insane, and just when the mewling slut beneath her was on the verge of cumming again before she'd even cum once, Dante surprised them both. His cock emerged from Cloud's ass and slammed into Tifa's tight little pussy without warning. In the blink of an eye he was slamming against her cervix and completely destroying her just like she'd wanted.

Tifa didn't even have a chance to scream before she was convulsing atop her friend and unleashing a fountain of pent up ecstasy all over the three of them. She barely even made a peep as the impact of his cock head against the entrance to her womb completely destroyed her. While Cloud was left gaping wide enough to fit her entire first and trembling in jealous ecstasy she was clinging to him even more desperately than he'd clung to the sheets during his orgasm. Dante didn't even have to move as she squirted all over his balls! Just having his cock inside her was enough to send jet after messy jet erupting from her freshly stuffed cunt as she buried her face in Cloud's back and shook like she was being electrocuted.

“There's no way she can take all of Mr. Elcard!”

“He almost broke me in half when I tried!”

“I still can't believe Cloud took him all!”

“I don't know how that's possible!”

“Remember what he did to Karina when she told him not to hold back?!”

“She's still walking funny and he didn't even put the whole thing in!”

With ears pressed against the door and hands covering their open mouths half a dozen women were huddled outside the room Tifa had rented for her and Cloud's special night with Dante. A couple were other guests staying in nearby rooms and the rest Honeygirls all but pulled over by the lewd sounds coming from within. None of them liked to think of themselves as the types to eavesdrop on people's intimate moments but they just couldn't bring themselves to turn away. Not since they first heard Cloud's long, girlish squeal as he was impaled on a cock every single one of them knew as intimately as they knew their own bodies. Now they were overwhelmed by Tifa's squeals and breathless grunts as what sounded like her pussy was completely ruined by Dante's inhuman prick. It was almost impossible to tell without peeking into the room and for the time being nobody had quite enough courage to go that far. Instead they just listened and whispered to one another in ever more terrified yet exhilarated tones.

“He must be hitting her cervix every time!” The first woman to start eavesdropping whispered, her words punctuating a feverishly loud groan as Tifa made a sound almost like she was being punched in the stomach, “How's she still conscious?!”

“I passed out after a couple seconds!” One of the Honeygirls gasped. “It was the best orgasm of my entire life!”

“I didn't let him anywhere near my pussy!” Another employee shuddered, “I used my mouth on him instead, I was worried he'd break everything else if I didn't!”

Cloud let out a needy moan and Tifa wheezed while the sound of something raining down on the carpet punctuated their cries, “I think she's having the best orgasm of her entire life too!” Another Honeygirl cheekily remarked, “But I'm not sure how much longer she can last! It sounds like Mr. Elcard's going at her pretty hard!”

“She's a lucky woman!” The other patron moaned.

“They both are!” The first replied, “I'd give anything to take all of that gorgeous cock!”

“Who knew Cloud was such a slut?” The fourth Honeygirl exclaimed, “I never would've imagined he could fit that whole cock inside his ass!”

“Me neither!” Her coworkers agreed. “We should ask him what his secret is!” The first added, “I've been dying to let Mr. Elcard fuck me again!”

“Me too!” Another sighed, “And he's so generous with his tips!”

“Considering what he does to us he'd better!” Another laughed, “And what he did to Karina the other day!”

“I heard he's been paying for all her bills while she recovers! And visiting her in the hospital too!”


“I heard he gave few nurses and doctors the same treatment as Karina the last time he visited!”

“I didn't see him with any nurses but he wasn't just comforting Karina when I saw him at the hospital yesterday!” The second patron remarked, “He's definitely not helping her recover too quickly if you catch my drift!”

“How can she even—”

“What's going on here?!”

All six women turned away from the door to see another Honeygirl standing a few feet away, her arms folded and an incensed look spread across her face. Neither of the patrons paid her much attention as the wet slap of a fat cock plunging into a tight little hole rang out. Immediately followed by Cloud groaning in pleasure while Tifa was left gasping for breath. The other four women eavesdropping with them immediately straightened as the oldest of their number approached with an terrifying expression and a worryingly calm stride.

“W-We were just—”

“It's n-n-not what it looks like—”

“We can e-explain what—”

“None of-of us were—”

Desperately talking over one another in a frantic attempt to explain themselves they were all immediately and completely shut down by the newest Honeygirl saying, “You were eavesdropping on one of our guests.”

After a brief moment of silence, or as silent as it could be with Cloud screaming in pleasure as his asshole was completely destroyed, the four girls nodded and meekly said, “Yes...”

“Dante's fucking Cloud and Tifa at the same time!” The patron who'd started everyone down that shameful path exclaimed, “And by the sounds of it he's really turning Cloud inside out!” Her statement ended with a ferociously wet slap and a high pitched, girly wail as the unmistakable sound of bodies slapping together rang out, “He's actually taking all of him!”

The senior Honeygirl's eyebrow arched as she looked at the guest and listened to the lascivious sounds of passionate sex unfolding just a few feet away. After a handful of seconds she dipped a hand between her absolutely massive breasts and produced a small, ornate key, “I know.”

All six women stared at her in disbelief for several seconds as smiles slowly blossomed across their faces. As soon as their minds caught up to their frantically beating hearts and the adrenaline pumping through their veins they all hurried out of the way so the Honeygirl could open the door and give them a glimpse of what was really happening. Of course they huddled around her the moment she slid the key into the lock and a couple nearly squealed in delight as the door was cracked open ever so slightly and the pungent smell of sex flooded the air around them in an intoxicating bouquet.

And while only a few of them could look inside at the same time that was a small price to pay as the others listened the feverish slaps and desperate groans coming from within. Although the lucky handful actually staring into the room and watching Dante slam his monstrously thick, gorgeously long cock into Cloud's sloppily sputtering asshole while Tifa squirmed and trembled atop her friend were nothing short of dumbstruck. It took everything in them to stay silent as they watched Dante absolutely turn him inside out with nearly every stroke. Watched his madly quivering ring almost completely distend around the massive dick flying in and out of his guts so much faster than any of them had seen. Let alone experienced for themselves!

After a few wild seconds everyone except the Honeygirl who'd brought the master key switched out with everyone who hadn't been able watch yet. Just in time to see Dante suddenly pull out in a shower of gooey precum and churned up pussy juice. And they watched in awe as he slammed most of his dick inside Tifa's cunt without missing a beat.

“He's gonna destroy her!”

“He's gonna destroy both of them!”

“Oh I'm so jealous!”

“Me too!”

Slamming into Tifa's cervix and breaking her pussy just a little bit more while Cloud's gaping asshole was filled with another deluge of arousal Dante held nothing back. Just like both of them wanted he absolutely rammed his dick against the entrance to her womb, forcing all the air out of her lungs as she screamed until her throat was hoarse. Tifa clawed at the bedding underneath them as surely as she held on to Cloud for dear life. Her mind was completely gone and her head was spinning so fast it felt like she was on the verge of passing out with every brutal stroke of his dick. She couldn't stop squirting and she couldn't stop groaning. Even when she wasn't actually cumming and even when she couldn't take so much as a single ragged breath. Dante was nothing short of merciless in his thrusts! Even in the delirious state she'd been reduced to she could feel her cervix weakening as his dick hammered away at her entrance without mercy.

Yet before she could completely break, just when her pleasure and her madness were at their very peak, he suddenly withdrew. She'd lost count of how many times he'd brought her to the edge of something massive only to retreat at the very last second but however many times it'd been it was absolutely devastating. Bucking her hips and frantically grinding against the open air while the sloppy cavern that used to be her tight little pussy quivered she begged for him to fuck her again in every way she could without words. Of course her pleas fell on deaf ears as Dante buried his entire cock in Cloud's ass every bit as ferociously as he'd been fucking her pussy.

Even more overwhelmed than his companion as he was destroyed by every last inch of Dante's cock Cloud was reduced to a squealing, cross eyed wreck them moment his ass was filled up again. Between the simple pleasure of getting split open and the endless anticipation of waiting for his turn while Tifa squirted all over and inside of him he was practically on the verge of exploding after one thrust. And he didn't need all that much more to send him right over the edge!

Tifa's arousal squirted out of his asshole in thick, gooey jets as Dante's cock slammed balls deep inside of him again and again and again. Every last drop was forced out or left completely slathered across his inner walls and the fat prick utterly ruining him and a thick helping of precum was added with nearly every pump. Although that paled in comparison to the flood of cum spraying from Cloud's dick and joining the massive puddle soaking the sheets and floor beneath him as he was wracked by another orgasm faster than he could fathom. He'd already cum more times than he could count and yet somehow he was still reduced to a squirting mess as Dante hammered his g-spot and broke whatever was left of his barely functional mind.

Squirting every time Dante slammed inside him and squirting again every time Dante pulled out Cloud was gushing like never before. Everything his lover did sent cum spraying from his madly throbbing dick. And even when he was completely limp after cumming harder than his brain could fathom he still managed to erupt like a broken pipe for a good thirty seconds before coming down from his high.

Most of the time his high ended the very moment Dante pulled out after taking a minute, but often even less, to absolutely break him before returning to Tifa. Cloud was still left trembling in the afterglow of his latest bout of pleasure but unless his absolutely destroyed asshole was stuffed full of cock he couldn't do much more than collapse against the sheets. Especially when Tifa was writhing atop him with such a passionate frenzy, her arousal cascading into his gaping ass once more as her body pressed down against his with every stroke.

Over and over and over again Dante went back and forth between his companions. Like it was the easiest thing in the world he fucked them both in an almost nonstop barrage of toe curling, mind shattering pleasure. Neither of them even realized when he'd slowed down to catch his breath. Nor did they notice when he was taking his time fucking one of them in long, almost tender strokes before another relentless barrage. So long as he was fucking one of them the other was left drowning in both jealousy and the afterglow of their most recent dicking while the other was crying out in ecstasy. Again and again without any signs of slowing down or changing. Particularly for Cloud. After taking all of his man's dick at the very beginning there was nowhere else for him to go and nothing else for him to do except bask in his constant ecstasy.

Tifa on the other hand was floating in a constant state of anticipation and ecstasy as Dante slammed into her cervix with such relentless abandon only to stop at the last moment. She could feel the entrance to her womb weakening after every barrage and some part of her knew he could push through and bury his entire prick inside of her whenever he wanted. And the fact that he didn't was perhaps the most excruciating thing she'd ever felt in her life. Yet the ecstasy of him teasing her and pulling away, of him bringing her to ecstasy countless times and stopping just shy of something really incredible, was everything she could've wanted and more. Like her friend she'd completely lost count of how many times she'd cum and she truly couldn't get enough as he constantly broke her. But that didn't mean she wasn't aching for more. Yearning for him to finally take her like he could've from the very start. Had she knew he was only moments away from that very thing when he slammed into her for what would be the last time that evening Tifa probably would've lost it immediately.

Instead she spent a few minutes holding on to Cloud and screaming as Dante destroyed her pussy and sent pleasure tearing through her body yet again. All the while waiting for him to pull out as she felt her quivering cervix buckle under the weight of his every thrust. It wasn't until he didn't pull out when Tifa expected him to that she thought something might be different. Or rather when she instinctively knew something was different. Her mind was much too broke to have any coherent thoughts and it would only get more destroyed as his grip around her waist tightened and he slammed into her with a startlingly relentless abandon. Her eyes opened wide as her mouth fell open in shock as she 'realized' what he was finally doing a moment before it happened at long last.

Dante's cock broke through her beleaguered entrance and plunged into Tifa's womb with a final, climactic stroke. All the women watching just outside gasped as they watched him sink balls deep into her pussy. But their shocked cries were entirely drowned out by the unearthly wail exploding from Tifa's lips as entirely lost her mind.

Utterly wracked by an all consuming swell of pain tinged ecstasy she was destroyed like she'd never been destroyed before. Nothing had ever come close to the pleasure tearing through her body and assailing her very soul as his cock throbbed inside her womb. As she felt his precum soaking her innermost walls and practically searing her body with an unbearable heat. Warmth exploded from her pussy as her entire body was reduced to convulsive spasm. Every fiber of her being cried out in ecstasy all at once and the whole world completely faded away as she truly went feral.

Grunting and squealing and clawing at the sheets beneath her Tifa was little more than a wild animal as she shook against and around the man inside her. Atop the one beneath her. Everything was a constantly churning sea of madness beyond her comprehension and Dante hadn't even moved! His dick throbbed away inside her with relentless abandon but he wasn't thrusting in aout of her conquered womb and breaking her even more. He simply didn't have to and she absolutely loved every second of it regardless. If it'd had any meaning before time lost all relevance as she succumbed to his dick. As darkness swallowed her up and completely enveloped her mind after what could've been hours, days, or even weeks of screaming and grunting while his dick impaled her cervix and pulsed against her trembling womb.

At some point during her frenzy Cloud rolled onto his back to watch his friend go completely insane and much like everyone else he was completely enamored with her mania. For almost a minute straight she was lost in the throes of ecstasy and so utterly destroyed by that final stroke she was practically an entirely new woman. A drooling, pleasure broken, ecstasy riddled shell of the woman he'd known and so wholeheartedly lost to her bliss when she finally collapsed against Cloud she seemed almost comatose. Were it not for her ragged breathing and constantly spasming limbs he might've thought she'd somehow died from the pleasure!

Thankfully she was very much alive as he was left cradling her limp, broke body in the aftermath of her ruinous ecstasy. Tifa barely even reacted as Dante's cock slid out of her pussy, though she did whimper just a little bit as his swollen tip pulled against her cervix while he retreated. But beyond that she was so utterly and completely devastated by his efforts she couldn't do much more than lay against Cloud in a state of abject euphoria.

Even when she was unceremoniously rolled off him by the very man responsible for her madness Tifa didn't and couldn't react. She just tumbled onto the bed as Dante set his sights on the sweaty little whore still waiting to be broken, “I think she's down for the count!” He laughed.

“I-I think so too!” Cloud moaned, shyly looking up at Dante's face before glancing at his massive, glistening cock, “I guess that means it's my turn...”

Outside the bedroom all the women watched squirmed and stifled their moans as they waited for the fun to resume. Almost all of them wanted to see Cloud being fucked more than they wanted to see Tifa and even the ones who didn't were still elated by the prospect. Although they were smart enough to keep their voices down as Dante slowly pushed his fat cock back inside Cloud's ass, a shower of pussy juice squirting out as both of them moaned in delight. And when Dante suddenly lifted his plaything off the bed entirely another chorus of barely stifled moans filled the air.

“Oh!” Cloud gasped and wrapped himself around his hulking lover, nervously crossing his legs behind Dante's waist and clinging to his shoulders as he buried his face in his chest.

Holding him up with one hand, and cupping his trembling ass as he did, Dante whispered, “Don't worry beautiful, I've got you...” while he turned away from the bed and lumbered towards the door.

None of the women watching knew what he was doing until he suddenly reached out and pushed it shut with a loud thud, shoving several of them back and making the rest recoil. Cloud looked back at the door with no small amount of confusion, “Did you leave that open this whole time?”

“I guess I did.” Dante replied. He grinned down at the gorgeous little slut sitting on his cock and said in a carrying voice, “Don't worry though, you've got me all to yourself for the rest of the night!”

Cloud blushed a furious shade of red and looked away for a few heartbeats, nervously trailing his fingers along the back of Dante's neck as he was carried back to the bed. But as soon as he felt the soft, damp bedding against his back he looked up at his lover once more. Dante grinned down at him and both of them leaned towards each other at the same moment. Their lips met in a beautiful swell of pure desire and the only broke apart when Cloud pulled back just enough to whisper the most enticing words his man had ever heard.

“Good... because I want you all night long!”

Dante shivered and grinned even wider, his cock throbbing so hard he just about lifted Cloud off the bed for a moment while he murmured, “Let's see how long you last gorgeous!” before swooping in for another kiss.



Love it, everything I was hoping for when I suggested it and then some!


I am very happy to hear that! I really couldn't ask for higher praise under the circumstances and it's a relief knowing you enjoyed the story so much!


Thank you! I was definitely in the mood for femboys when I wrote it so I think this story came at the perfect time and apparently went over rather nicely to boot!