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In just the first few days of classes Olivia has found her body changing more than that it has in the rest of her life. With the mysterious plant as the prime culprit, she begins the hunt for answers by seeking out the source. With classes done for the day and the school week halfway over, it was time to pay her friend Cynthia a visit. Meanwhile, Cara returns to the dorm for an investigation of her own…

In this Gold Edition you will get:

  • 51 page comic in JPEG & PDF Format

  • 14 second animation

  • 4 height charts

Also available:

Platinum Edition (Get It Here):

  • 51 page comic in JPEG & PDF Format

  • 24 second platinum animation

  • 4 height charts

  • 4 image pinup set of a little magical mayhem! Looks like there's a few new witches in training...

  • 134 page set of no text and extra angles in JPEG & PDF format




Personally I was hoping that Olivia would have another growth scene and add a bit more muscle to her body. I her interaction with Cynthia was a little interesting, and it looks as though Cara is well on her way to becoming the top lady on campus.


there's just something about vain girls getting it the way they want that is so hot, thanks for the work