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☆ Double post today! ☆

No, I didn't magically draw a 13 pages comic in a week (it would be so good... < T V T >).

We have to thank Altecfenix and Lyssandia for this, because they commissioned a comic version of the 25th chapter of their wonderful fanfic: "JUST BELLOW THE SURFACE" months ago when I was't depressed, as you can guess by the name on the cover. 😅

Chapter 25th will be out on January 29th on AO3 (it's a special date! ♡ Don't miss it!) and I suggest you to read it in full because there are so many nuances and things that I could not bring back in the comic. Like all of Shadow Weaver's notes!!

You could take advantage of the wait to read all the other 24 chapters.

The first one is HERE (you have to to be subscribed to AO3 to access the chapter)!

+ + +

Who knows why Shadow Weaver was experimenting on Catra...




So so so happy the time has come to share this! Such amazing work, just have been in awe since you finished this. ❤️ can't wait for the full release!


This is a GOOD SPOP AU read so far `🥰