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It isn't that she leaked it, it was that she did it to turn the vote, also him realizing she did it all on the same day as the emotionally charged funeral. It's definitely a little hypocritical but it is an emotionally charged day. It's rare for show content to really be as good as the books. Maybe they thought the original plot was boring or it needed something else. It's carried by Avasarala's actor. It isn't about her sharing the photos, its about the fact that she only saw it as necessary when it benefitted her politically.

Bubba Fett

I think Arjuns gripe was timing. To sit on it until this day and seemingly to leak during the whole memorial. Even Gao took the high road during the interview and stopped campaigning for that moment where as it was clear that Crissy had not stopped, and even during the memorial she continued to campaign. More about how she did it than what she did.