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Hello everyone! 

This week on Monster of the Week we're looking at an old favorite of mine, the raggamoffyn! They are a sentient pile of discarded magic items and they are here to take control! 

I'm super stoked to talk about them in the video this week, but for now, here is the stat block! The full high-res PDF is in the attachments below. Have a  good week! 

Link to the google doc version of the stats: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zyZUM9YfDfIHQjCa5aptrDKpEjMVxabw3TYOexFSCw0/edit?usp=sharing


Clayton Barthel

Really cool! I did notice at the end some typos. Did you mean to spell the Varient "Shrapnyl" and it's ability is "Could of Steel" and I think you mean "Cloud of Steel". Great work as always though! Love this!