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Chapter 3

Well, it seems things are changing for Lucy. The question is… had she really just accepted the help from an amazon of a woman he just met?

Well, she was on a point of her life that, emotionally, she doesn’t feel she can reach any deeper. Can´t fall any lower. She´s at the bottom, and from there, the only way is up. Right?

But she shouldn´t have nothing to worry about. Mona´s a sweetheart. Big, warm, sweet, tender. She´s like the aunty she never had. But will wish she actually did.

And now, this amazon of a woman´s got a plan. As it´s been said, she wasn´t always the big woman that´s before her eyes. And no, this is not a weight thing, it´s a size thing. Mona wasn´t always that tall. But, what happened to her? Well, let´s just say, it all started the same way as it will with lucy.

With some mild differences.

Lucy wasn´t so confident about her latest choice, but as Mona came back to the table, she didn´t care that much.

The aroma, the smell of the food. It was so nice, so warm, so inviting. So delicious! A home-cooked meal, for the first time in what feels like ages, a meal. A real one. Soul food.

And once the plate was placed before her. She could see this wasn´t one of those counted-calories plate. The whole thing was full!

She was certain no more food can be placed on that plate. It was full to the brim! And then, when there was no more space, she went up! Like a mountain of food. Well, a small mountain. Mona´s plate was actually filled to the brim, and beyond.

“I hope you like it dear. And don´t worry, sweetie, it´s all natural. No chemicals, no… what´s it called? GMO´s? It´s all organic, fresh from my garden. And the mean? It´s grass-fed, from my own livestock.” She said.

“Oh, I´m not worried about the ingredients. I´m sure it´s all perfect. What I´m worried about is, well, the portions. Uhm, don´t you think this is a bit… too much?” For a big woman like Mona, it´s average, but for Lucy´s small frame, she´s unsure if she actually eats this much in a whole day.

She´s not taking in mind the calories. The macros. How many carbs, fat, or grams of protein. Overall, she´s not sure if all this fits inside her stomach.

“Listen, honey. I´ll be honest with you. If you want to improve, you´re going to have to do as I say. And I´m not trying to be rude, or bossy, I´m telling you this as a woman who´s concerned about a young lady who she found soaked up in her porch. If you want to make a change, you´re going to have to do as I say.” Well, that sounds a bit bossy, and coming from her, a bit intimidating.

“I…” Lucy started.

“You´re going to eat. Yes. Food´s good for you. And, as a matter of fact, you´ll be coming here, every day, to have dinner with me. If you really want to make a change, you´re going to have to start now. Listen to my advice, and my advice is, a well-nourished woman can achieve more than a malnourished one.” Lucy looked at her and blinked a couple times. Was she saying she wanted her to eat all that?

“You don´t have to finish the whole plate, but I´d love for you to try and eat as much as you can. This food´s good for you.” Little does Lucy know, it is actually good for her…

Moments later, well, like two hours later. Lucy was laying back on her chair, the plate still had some food, but she had eaten the equivalent to three regular diners for her. Meanwhile, Mona had finished her plate a while ago. And then, she came back with cake. A HUGE slice of cake.

“Do you want some, dear?” Mona offered some cake.

“No. Please… I think I´ll… burst.” She felt a bit sick. The meal had it all. Steak, baked potatoes, carrots, greens. A delicious sauce. But it was way too much.

If the shirt she was wearing right now wasn´t so baggy, she would clearly see her belly´s all bloated.

“Ok, dear. I´m sure, one of these days, you will.” Mona´s sure of that.

“Ok, now that you´re full. Let me explain you the rules. While you digest, of course.” Now, it was time for Mona to explain how this will go.

Lucy couldn´t believe she had actually eaten that much. And, was she supposed to do this every day? What does Mona have in mind?

“I won´t make things hard for you. Here, at my house, you´ll be taken care for. I´ll look after you, I´ll give you advice. If things are hard and you need a shoulder to cry on, I´ll be there for you. The only thing I need you to do is to follow my advice. I´m not saying that my word´s the rule, but if you want to make a change, you should listen to a woman who has already made it. A woman who found true happiness. Away, far away from people. But that´s just who I am. Independent. Now, I know you´re not me, and I´ll be sure to advice you properly. Trust me, I´ve made mistakes, and I´ll be sure to help you on not making them, ok? So, what do you say, dear?”

“I… I want a nap.” She was tired, and digesting it all down, it will take a lot of energy. Lucy was lethargic.

“Aww, yeah, I thought the food would have that sort of impact on you. Sorry.” Who´s this woman?

Lucy´s unsure what she just agreed to. All she knows is, when she´s tired of the world, she can come here, well she´ll have to come here everyday for dinner actually, and find shelter. A friend. Was Mona a friend?

Hopefully, because she´s sincere. However, right now, Lucy feels weird about it. If Mona hadn´t eaten way more than her, if she wasn´t such a big woman that thought she could eat too. She would think she´s trying to make her fat.

But the truth is, Mona´s got plans for Lucy, plans which imply some… growth.

Lucy wasn´t sure if it was a good idea for Mona to give her a ride home. Was it safe to share her address with her? Maybe, could she lie and make her drop her somewhere in the city, but not her apartment?

But Mona was so nice with her. Lucy doesn´t really want to lie to her. Therefore… she dropped her right at her apartment building. She didn´t share her apartment number, tough…

Lucy was finally back at her place. And she had a lot in mind right now…

“Am I really going to go get dinner at Mona´s place every single day?” What had she just agreed to? Was this normal? Was it safe?

Lucy just doesn´t trust her intuition now. All those decisions she made, it would´ve been of great help to have some advice before she did some.

But that´s not the way she thought an independent woman should do things. No advice, no help, just you, making decisions on your own. But so far… it´s not working so well…

Lucy went do bed. Stuffed. Hopefully, her stomach will be flat in the morning again. This leads to another question… will she get fat? Mona´s a big lady, a thick one. Does she want Lucy to be thick too? “Healthy” like she surely has said?

She´s unsure, and soon, she´ll know.

But Lucy ignores one thing. A little detail Mona didn´t share with her. One she´ll keep a secret.

Food, as Mona says, is a very important part of the day. Meal. And noy just to nourish. Let´s just say, Mona´s food… it is special.

Back at the farm. At that distant place, so far away from the city. From the busy life of the city. Mona was getting ready for a bath…

The tub was full of warm water. Some salts also, just for some scent and further relaxation. The fact that she lives on a farm doesn´t mean she doesn´t have certain comforts from the city. She´s away from the city, not living on the early nineteen-hundredths.

Mona was ready. Her towering 7´2” body, covered by a robe. In fact, that´s the only thing this thick amazon´s wearing. She´s ready to get into the tub and relax. It´s been a long day, and now, it was time for some time alone before bed.

Her robe was fuzzy, of a lavender color. And big, very big. A custom-made robe, meant to cover up the large body of this amazon. Her lusciously large body.

She walked through the tile floors and made her way to the tub.

“Ooooh, the floor´s chilly…” she said as her bare feet touched the cool tiles.

As she made her way, she began to undo the knot on her robe. Slowly, with her large, feminine hands. As the knot was loosen, she drove her hands to her shoulders and pulled it off.

The robe slowly went down as it discovered her body. First, her shoulders, her wide, soft shoulders. Mona´s surely strong from all that farm work she´s been doing through all these years, but that doesn´t deny the fact that she´s got a sexy layer of soft flesh all over her body.

The robe went down, slowly. Revealing more and more of this mature woman´s body. First, her breasts. The sensuous line of cleavage showed more and more. More and more, soon, the roundness of her bosom was visible. And sooner than that, her breasts were bare.

Her arms were fully visible. Thick arms, soft, yet strong. But you wouldn´t notice that, instead, you´ll find yourself lured by her breasts.

They were firm, large, heavy, and so soft-looking. Massive was a way to describe them. Heavenly could too. Out of this world. Luscious. Perky. All could be used to describe Mona´s huge bosom.

Then, the robe continued making it´s way down. Revealing her soft stomach. Not so flat, but not so much of a belly either. Just the right stomach for a mature woman that doesn´t count calories, that doesn´t diet. That works off all of the food she eats while working hard, and the rest, well, that only contributes to making her body sensuously thick.

Her wide hips, her matronal wide hips were now in display. So fleshy, so mighty! Soon, her butt was free. Her large glutes, big, round. Of a peach shape, a really big one! So firm, so perfect. Majestic. It had such a smooth look. All of her body did. No signs of age, stretch marks, cellulite. Nothing! She was as firm, as terse, as good looking as a woman half her age, if not better!

Her legs were thick, like tree trunks. Her thighs were so thick, so powerful! And her calves were just so big too. Mona was a muse, a thick muse. A big and beautiful woman.

And now, as she enters the tub, the really large tub, getting all of her body in there; this sexy amazon can´t help but to have some thoughts.

“Mmmm, the water´s so nice…” she started, but there´s something else she needs to think about now. Not just chill in there, she needs to think on the decision she made. The decision of taking Lucy under her wing.

“I wonder…” she started. “Had I made the right decision? I could´ve just dropped her at her house…” And not actually accepting to be some sort of tutor in life. Her guide.

But Mona knew better, Lucy doesn´t look like the kind of woman that needs some words of encouragement and a hug. She needs guidance, actual guidance. And, most importantly, a change. And Mona´s plan will certainly bring a change to Lucy´s life.

“Should I have warned her about the food?” she thought, “Nah. It´s fine, it´ll be a pleasant surprise. Besides, it´s not like this will work overnight. This needs time, and during that time, I´ll teach her to embrace this new feeling. To embrace her new self. Size will give her confidence…” Mona was surely going to help Lucy.

To help her grow as a person. In more than just one way…


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