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Russian Paul

almost everything in the US culture since the 60s and even before is heavily manipulated by intel agencies like CIA and FBI terrified of socialism gaining popularity lol everything as far as left vs right and black vs white is HEAVILY amplified by these agencies. racism was really at an all time low and not much discussed but suddenly reports of white supremacy skyrocketed after occupy wall street, you might remember around 2008-2011 after the financial crisis, there were these massive protests around the country, there was unity among left and right black and white, and all of a sudden racism is on the rise. and yea abortion was roe v wade,another social issue they use to keep people divided. the democrats had many opportunities to enshrine it into law but they prefer to use it opportunistically for elections. the system here is so messed up. i think europe has issues too but the corruption here is totally out of control