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no spoilers in comments pls:)


Siobhan Linehan

Good episode this one. I love it when Oliver and Diggle clash like that because it's always for good reason and it always seems to make them better as individuals and as a team. It's not just tension for no reason, it actually makes sense. I appreciate that. Malcolm is an awful dad to Tommy and just a terrible person all around. Moira isn't much better. But at least Oliver seems to be starting to suspect her now, he definitely didn't seem like he believed her excuses anyway. My feelings about Felicity will become very clear to you as time goes on, not much I can really say yet though except the feelings aren't positive. A lot of people do love her though and I think you will too. We'll see. And yeah, that twist at the end of Yao Fai working with the bad guys on Lian Yu was so well done. Didn't see it coming. This show is great for twists like that. 🔥


I'm glad you're not familiar with the source material. For me, it will make for more enjoyable reactions. Comic book stans/purists are very serious about their comics. Everything has to play out exactly as it did in the comics.🙄