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Hi all, just wanted to send an update before going to bed. 

I wasn't able to get the image done in Mayternity :/    But! This is it 95% done. 

If you're a member of Da Big Ott Club, please verify that this pose looks alright for you, including the chest size, or any other issues. A few people didn't respond or reach out for slots, so I just assigned them slots-- if you don't know which you are, let me know and I'll share. 

If you're not a member of Da Big Ott Club, there's still time to join in! I still need to draw the "Tour Group" that is going to be touring the milk factory, You can choose to be pregnant or not but it will largely be a mass of heads and ears as they amass at the front of the room. 

Hope to finish this tomorrow after work, so you got 24 hours to respond!




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