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Seems some of you are not getting any email notifications about new posts etc. I did a google search to see if it is widespread and all I could find is this on reddit...

Steps to take: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003578386-Not-receiving-emails-from-Patreon

  • Patreon recommends to check with your email provider

Check with your email service provider. Especially if you are using a hosted domain service and are running email through your own domain (rather than a gmail address, etc), your provider may have additional anti-spam tools running that are preventing you from getting messages. If so, ask them to whitelist the above addresses as well.

2a) Add patreon email addresses to your address book so future emails won't get lost.

bingo@patreon.com (for post notifications and creator content )

password@patreon.com (for resetting or confirming your password)

no-reply@patreon.com (for transaction notices and automated notices)

message@patreon.com (for message notifications from your creators)

guidelines@patreon.com (for trust and safety issues)

3) If you still have trouble receiving e-mails from Patreon, get in touch with Patreon Support by clicking send a note button at the bottom of every page on their FAQ site.


Richard Batten

Good of you to comment on this concern! Appreciate you looking into it!


Heh, good thing you got a schedule