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8 years ago today I started something, and I know it's a cliche but I had no idea where it was going to take me. How I would grow, change and how this channel would grow and change alongside me. Adrift, if I had one word to describe how it felt those first few years I would say adrift is accurate. I was just finishing high school, I had lost friends that I thought would always be there, and to be honest my confidence and sense of direction were at an all time low. Now I want to be clear, this channel didn't save me. It's not the reason I am who I am today. But it is and forever will be an important part of my story. This channel has changed, adapted, at times been a chore that I loath to make time for and at other times been a reliable source of grounding. It has taken me from a jack of all trades, trying too hard to be master of all to storyteller, with a library of stories in my shelves and an undetermined number of stories left to tell. If these last eight years have taught me anything it's that I have the ability to build, create, and write any story I can dream up. Give a voice to the characters in my head. Give direction to the girl who was adrift in a sea of her own thoughts.
