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POV: How do you respond without sound mad PatreonBros? 🤔😼❗❗

Hey HEYY peoples,


So this was a collab I did with a friend/famous Hentai Voice Actress KassioppiaVA on Twitter (she did the dialogue/original ideas/posing/etc, I drew it 😎) and HOLYYYY this one was a rollercoaster since I was weaving this in between my other projects/comms/etc etc but at last it's complete! Included nerds Darius/Garen in the back for extra background lore🤭🤭

Included some Alts such as:

  • The Default Clothed

  • Lingerie

  • Nude

  • Pantyless 

  • Chibiless/Textless Alts of all of the above 

Anyway brahs, lemme know how this one turned out and be sure to check out Kass on Twitter (I'm sure most of ya'll have seen/heard her work before anyway 😈), but till then and as always: ENJOY BRAHS! 🥳💙❗❗



Elijah Guerrero

she needs some afterschool detention~

Aaron Ho


Gurvir Shinda (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 16:09:18 LOL Elijah I'm legit thinking of doing a followup/sequel of Ahri getting plapped by Darius and Garen in the back there since so many people are asking its unreal ahah 😏
2024-04-14 13:04:21 LOL Elijah I'm legit thinking of doing a followup/sequel of Ahri getting plapped by Darius and Garen in the back there since so many people are asking its unreal ahah 😏

LOL Elijah I'm legit thinking of doing a followup/sequel of Ahri getting plapped by Darius and Garen in the back there since so many people are asking its unreal ahah 😏