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What if the real treasure ... was the knowledge about carrion crawlers we gained along the way? Patreon backer Dan brings you this special episode all about the science of monsters!

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


Gerall Kahla

Crashed spaceship releasing alien monsters into the local area? Expedition to the Barrier Peaks! The illithid in that original scenario was a prisoner being transported to justice... Fun times!

James Baillie

I wonder about how using pre-modern ideas of academia/knowledge production affects all this: the "gaining knowledge" side of quests and games like this is often presented quite scientistically, but adding some weird pre-modern ideals of knowledge and its use could be pretty interesting.


Honestly, it wouldn't take much to turn Expedition to the Barrier Peaks into Annihilation.


Knowledge as a product of experience. You can't learn about this from someone who went on a quest; you have to go on the quest yourself.