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Patreon backer Mark brings you this special episode all about a world where monsters live alongside humans!

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.



There are a couple of problems with skellingtons. They have no lungs or soft tissues, so they can't talk, except via sign language. I expect there's a whole profession for teaching BSL to the newly dead. Also, bones are not especially durable. If they get wet, they can go mouldy or soft. If kept dry, they are prone to friction damage and eventually turn to dust. So even if the motivating force is eternal, the bones will wear down pretty quickly and there will be piles of unquiet but immobile ancestors lying around and the best thing to do is bury them (they do make good fertiliser).


Hilda, the great Netflix animation, has trolls and many other creatures living cheek by stony jowl with humans and goes into much of the problems this creates. Otherwise, many of the settings you discuss seem to be getting perilously close to musicals.


I mean, the problem with that line of argument is that if the skellimans are walking around in the first place, we're already a million miles outside the properties of real bone.