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Brian Vouvali -|- Palms Crossing (Original Setting)

Brian always had a penchant for collecting old interesting things! Much of it came with the territory of being a passionate archeologist, often turning his own living quarters into additional temporary relic storage for all his museum management! Peers present him with all manner of strange and rare antiquities, however that doesn't necessarily mean they know what every artifact does, or what ancient enchantments still remain carved into structures.

The mirror was strange. Granted, most mysterious relics are strange, but this one was an EXTRA flavor of odd. Its design dictated a style not distinct to any previous time period, but its alien-like smooth surface was still aged and worn like weathered backyard plastic fading and cracking in countless summer suns. Chips were here and there, scraped stickers where the adhesive stubbornly persisted, but it was still in decent enough shape. It didn't seem that old, and yet somehow it felt as such. Still, with a proper dusting, Brian didn't mind leaving this relic uncovered. For a man of his stature finding mirrors to show all of him was a fine boon.

Often he bypassed the reflective surface between his various tasks, providing it more glances than he realized he was granting. Brian, despite being a proper minotaur wall of muscle, always considered himself more a man of mind, and didn't fuss too hard on his looks past the occasional indulgence of a colorfully beaded rope bracelet. And yet? Something about this mirror drew him in, urging him to smooth out his hair more, to pick at and preen.

Brian was beautifully clueless to the wicked influence radiating from this relic.

Hard to say what it was— haunted? Mimic? Fae? Demon?
Whatever essence frothed and churned within this surreal silvery surface could not be defined for sure, but it certainly seemed to have an affinity for something specific.

None of the previous curators seemed to key into a quiet consistency that occurred with every soul that played homestead to the mirror: the owners always got suspiciously, quickly, and ABUNDANTLY fat.

It's not shocking that no one picked up on it. It's such an easy thing to shrug off as a result of more mundane and obvious reasonings. Opulent academics whose only real physical activity is shuffling old texts around on a rolling cart, leisurely enjoying fine wines and cheeses? No one is all too shocked when they show up portly double chinned at the next Christmas party. But Brian? Oh, Brian LIKED his active outdoor activities! He so enjoyed his little hikes and field expeditions, and given his regular gym visits with a crew of supportive buddies? He's not someone anyone really expected to pack on an excess of pounds.

AND Y E T . . . .

Brian inspected himself in that dusty mirror. A gut, round and dimensional in its thick weighty HEFT, hung heavy and spacious out before him. With furrowed brows at where all this extra weight could have possibly come from, his hands instinctively cupped the ample underhang of his belly and gave it an affirming LIFT and B O U N C E. It was real. It was indeed there. This was no late lunch sushi-bloat, nor a meager patch of passing padding one tends to amass in the off season. No, it was an earnest gaining, a fine dispersing of gathered weight that softened out his face, filled out his cheeks, thickened out his neck, gathered around his chin like a warm tender scarf and showing no signs of decreasing its fluffiness.

"Now how did I go and get myself all this...."
He muttered to himself, tone more innate bewildered curiosity than horror at the high strangeness of it all. His fingers pressed and squeezed into the abundance of flesh, molding it about in his hands with all the amusement of someone sloshing about an oversized water balloon to and fro. It was fine, no one could see him, he could be a little weird! A little....curious! Exploring these newly added curves was a fascinating experience! One would say...almost suspiciously intoxicating! The more he chased these thoughts, the more he granted them permission with acknowledgement, the more they multiplied and evolved. His mind grew pleasantly hazy as he smoothed his palms down other amplified regions of his frame. Pillowy adipose bulged around the taut elastic bands of his jockstrap, leaving itself reminiscent of warm fluffy bread dough baking it's way around a line of twine. His palms instinctively clapped to either side of his rear, feeling the way the porky cheeks WOBBLED with hardy motion upon impact. The sensation summoned a heat in him he had not been anticipating— or certainly at least not the strength of it.

So enamored with this feverish sensation that clouded his better sense, his better judgment, he failed to clock the anomaly in the reflection before him. He didn't notice the way that version of him didn't always match his motions with the flawless precision of a reflection. He didn't notice that this reflection was also much larger. Fatter. And growing more so in a fiendishly subtle fashion. The reflection grew a smirk to contrast Brian's own uneasy expression. The smirk spread into a devilish grin, of which was steadily dimpling into the mounting plushness of the reflection's flabby greedy cheeks. A double chin swelled its way into a third, surging out with amassing thickness till they were likened to a doughy stack of pancakes: thick, excessive, and buttery.

Brian didn't take note of the way the floorboards creaked or squelched in protest as his bullish hooves shifted about uneasily. He didn't take stock of his jock suddenly growing ever tighter, its fabric stretching sheer across an unfurling fatpad that was steadily dominating it. He didn't pay mind to the way his stomach gurgled and burbled, jiggling out an additional inch each time he wasn't looking. He didn't notice the way his gut had grown from a smooth barrel-bodied roundness to a creasing of rolls that layered up his back to rest atop a rear where each cheek wobbled individually of their own accord.

He wouldn't notice these things.

Until it was too late to thwart them. 💖






That's a lot of Beef and it looks a little Fatty 🐮😁😊💕