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Hello everyone!

It’s the last development update before my surgery! Tomorrow morning I’m gonna register at the hospital ward. In the best case scenario I’ll be back home in a week and in the worst case, well… it’s unknown. I’ll be sure to write even a short status update when everything settles down.

As for where we stand with Race of Life Episode 3.1- the UI is finally finished! It’s been quite a ride and I think it looks much better than it used to. I also managed to finish up two more scenes since the last dev update and that leaves me with 2 lewd scenes and an extra scene when I’m back at home. When that’s done we’ll be almost ready for the release of Episode 3.1! As always there are a few other tasks that are not that time consuming but still have to be done though I’m positive it’ll all go smoothly.

And as always, a few words from Joshua:

From the writing angle, things are rolling along. It might be surprising to some, but there's actually a lot of admin work in writing a branching script, so I've been spending the last week updating my spreadsheets of variables, path charts and key plot points for each major character. Add to that the intersection of plot lines (like how Character A will react if she finds out you banged Character B), and those flowcharts and spreadsheets become vital to keep track of everything.

But, I've still managed to get some writing in for 3.2, filling out some more lead up to what I think will be a highlight scene for many players and perhaps even their chosen Love Interest, depending on who that might be. There will be a few options though.

It's still kinda weird to see a table full of variables like "Allison_Hatefuck=True/False" though.

But, that's the job. Oddly enough, it's not even in the top 5 weirdest things I've had to write. Imagine having to write a radio advert trying to convince people to try a pharmaceutical treatment for bacterial vaginosis, when the clinet asks you to make it sound 'light', 'fun', and 'adventurous'.

Any time I have a moment of unreality writing RoL, I just remember some of those jobs. It really helps put into perspective some of the odd googling I have to do.

Anyway, I had better get back to it. I've got an article on the cultural significance of the Bollenhut to finish reading.

Until next time!




All the best with your surgery and let recover be quick and painless! Also really loved the joke about radio advert! Or was it a real life experience for Joshua?

Bobo Bobo

Thanks for the update, and best of luck with the surgery.