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Have a Gravity Rush Kat and Raven duo TG in the works. Is a collab story effort with me and TheTGScourge 

“James! James wake up!”

A slim, well-trimmed Cameron, wearing nothing but their boxer shorts and white, sleeveless T-shirt, shook their friend passed out on the ground. James was dressed in similar lounging attire to them, the two mere moments ago having been in a living room late at night.

Cameron’s panic was understandable, having just woken up in a cold chill on the edges of a giant, floating concrete structure miles up in the sky, unable to see the ground beneath the clouds. They’d barely gotten their bearings, but something about the place felt familiar. What mattered now though was making sure their friend was okay.

James thankfully came too, jolting up as if from a deep sleep. He looked around in confusion before looking at Cameron. They asked what was going on?

“I don’t know man.” Cameron replied. “Last thing I remember was us talking about Gravity Rush after having played it some. Next thing I recall is the TV glowing brightly and then blanking out.”

They both felt the chill of the air and looked at their surroundings once more. As they did, it slowly become apparent where they were. The large concrete and brick walls around the drop off, the long arches and steel pipes. It was exactly like the underside of the floating city of Hekesvile in the game Gravity Rush!

“James… I think I know where we--”

Before they could finish, James tugged at Cameron’s shirt. They turned around and saw their friend silently pointing forward at a giant opening to a pipe that looked like the dump off from a sewer. It was decorated with home furnishings and other homely items. There was no doubt, it was Kat, the main character’s house from the videogame.

Another gust of wind chilled the two to the bones and they immediately took refuge inside the dwellings. It was better than being out in the wind in their loose shirts. Once inside they made themselves at home, curious as to how this was even possible. They racked their brains for several minutes, but it was clear neither had an answer to give. Also worrisome was the idea of Kat from the game showing back up at home. They were technically trespassing, and they didn’t speak her language and would be at a loss for explaining themselves.

“Okay, we know Kat is a kind soul.” Cameron said, pacing around the room. “ She'd surely be understanding and probably be willing to help us. We just have to think of a way to communicate with her once she gets back. She'll probably be our best bet for figuring any of this out. At least I hope."

“Yeah… she can help us to higher ground at least..." James agreed.

James in all honesty was terrified, mostly leaning on their friend for some security and to keep from freaking out. It was something he often found himself doing thanks to the lack of any assertive drive. Cameron eventually pulled away though and sat on a chair, puzzling over the situation more.

“I’ll… um. See if I can find anything to keep us warm?” James muttered weakly. He figured Kat was likely to have something lying around that could help them. Sure her bed was right there, but if Kat wasn't happy with us trespassing in her house, she certainly wouldn't if we tried to keep warm using her bed.

He sorted through the pipe for anything he could find. It was quite the narrow space to search, all he could find were a few odd bottles, books and thee outfits in the draws, folded up neatly. It was her normal outfit, a maid dress, and a catsuit.

"Ok I don't think we're that desperate for warmth yet..." James muttered. "Doesn't she have any other clothes!? Or even a blanket?"

Everything felt like a dream to him as her continued to peruse. It all felt so real to the touch, but how could any of this be real? It didn’t make any sense. All the two of them could hope for was Kat being understanding and helpful instead of throwing them out in seconds…

Shaking their head, James peeked a look behind some curtains for anything else that could help, recalling that it lead to a open area of pipes Kat used to take showers. Maybe she also used part of the area for storage? It wasn't the best idea, born only from his slowly rising panic, but it was the best idea he had. What he didn’t expect though upon opening them, was a flash of movement. He screamed in terror as something jolted out of the shadows and leaped onto the bed, a shadowy mass in the shape of a cat.


James leapt up as a black cat scurried away from him and planted itself near Cameron’s feet. That was Dusty alright, the guardian cat that was tied to Kat's gravity bending powers. The way it looked up at Cameron seemed inquisitive, though it was hard to know for sure given it had no easily discernible features on the surface of it. It was more a starry night sky taking the shape of a cat.

"Uh, hey little guy. What are you doing here?" Cameron asked, giving a perplexed look towards James after. Their friend shook their head. It didn't make sense for Dusty to be present without Kat around.

"Um, is Kat nearby Dusty? Could you... go get her perhaps? We could really use her--huh!?"

Dusty suddenly jumped at Cameron’s chest, phasing into their body like an apparition. They felt warmth immediately spread throughout them in a quick flash before disappearing. They looked behind thinking the cat may have passed through them, but he was nowhere to be found.

"What the. Where did he go?"

"He, jumped inside you! I-I think anyways. Are you okay?" James replied.

"Yeah uh... I don't feel particularly weird. There was just a quick moment... where--uh? Wait..."

Cameron felt the warmth returning, this time more intensely. The blood rushing through their veins felt molten hot, skin warm to the touch as if held in front of a heater. Looking down, they could see traces of a golden glow beneath their skin, drawing out the paths of the many veins within.

"Oh god Oh fuck! What? What is happening!?" James yelled.

"I don't know! I'm burning up! I-I feel-guh, hoooh!"

They keeled over, feeling a rush of bliss suddenly strangle control away from their body. Cameron was shaken off balance, stumbling towards a wall for support as a strange elation rose within them. They were scared, no doubt, but the bubbling passion their body was experiencing was a struggle for the mind to ignore.

James ran up to their friend, unsure of what to do, seeing them sweaty and agitated, panting as they tried to form words. But words escaped them, every attempt coming out muffled and half spoken, as their body throbbed like a beating heart. Ecstasy pooled within their loins, forcing their dick erect.

Recoiling, James noticed the stiffy in their boxers. Cameron couldn’t blame him. It felt so shameful to be feeling this way during such a worrisome situation. But fuck, their body refused to settle down, completely consumed by an erotic fever. Thankfully, they began to acclimate enough for words to once more make their way out from their trembling lips. Though, they hadn’t a clue as to what to say to assure themself or their friend. Truth was... they had no idea what to do.

"H-Help me. Guhn! ooh! The c-cat! I don't know but, he did something to meee--GAAHN!"

Cameron stumbled forward into James’ arms, flesh pulsating and bones creaking as they felt a light load release from their dick. Their eyes dilated and mind grew fuzzy. It was like being caged in by a constant, edging orgasm.

The barely contained composure of James quickly failed. They looked around in a panic, desperate to find anything they missed that could somehow help their friend. Despite his searching nothing jumped out, and a quick check of Cameron’s forehead only confirmed that you were indeed burning up.

"Um! Stay calm Cam! I-I'll help you! Somehow! Just d-don't... huh?" He gaped, suddenly aware of how their friend’s body seemed to be lowering in his grip, inches of height rapidly fading as they shrank before his eyes.

His throat went dry, finding himself barely able to comprehend what he was seeing, Cameron’s cock only seeming to grow harder with each bit of height that was lost. Also troubling, as James’ hand moved across their arm, he suddenly became aware of how... smooth it was. In fact, he struggled to find any part of Cameron’s body outside of their head that had any hair.

Thoroughly disturbed, James called out again, hoping that someone passing by above could come to the rescue, the language barrier forgotten amongst his fear. The sound of harsh cracks and clicks snapped him from his thoughts and he was further taken back by what sounded like breathless moans coming from Cameron.

He looked down to an alarming sight happening to their friend’s thinning form--their flesh looked like it was tightening, crushing their muscle and fat until it was squeezed out like a sponge. It was a slow process too, forcing Cameron to experience every part of the change, a change already pushing them to their limits.

"C-Cam!? W-What's happening to you!?" James gasped in horror, unsure if they could even answer his plea as he kept hold of their shivering, convulsing form.

Despite the pounding in Cameron’s head, they could hear their friend loud and clear. It was imply hard to respond with their face flexing unnaturally. It was like being molded from the inside out, their body soft dough within the hands of an oppressive, gravitational layer that was growing more powerful by the second.

"I don't know, gah! Whatever it is, I... I-I oh god it feels so goood!"

They didn't want to admit it, but between Cameron’s strained moans and cumming cock there was no denying it. The pleasurable sensation within them was only growing in intensity and felt connected to the vice-like energy compressing down upon them. The more they groaned and bucked against the forcefield, the more it crashed down upon them, reshaping both flesh and bone. What was more bizarre though was how with each pulsation from the energy, Cameron could feel it aligning to their movements, slowly but surely feeling as if it was emitting out from their body. The only assumption they could make is that their body was the thing creating the force.

"F-Fuck, FUUUUCK! Its coming from inside meee!"

Their clothes began to slack as their figure became ever more lean and by this point androgynous in nature. They also began to flutter, as did their hair, held up by the invisible force. Their hair began to tingle, and gradually the roots of their hair turned a bleached blonde, slowly spreading out across all their strands. They couldn't see the color initially, but James commentated on what he saw. He also mentioned that Cameron’s skin was becoming more tan, splotches growing out like stains all around the body.

It was at that moment Cameron’s body began to feel lighter, and their feet rose onto their toes. A weightlessness started spreading from the tips of their toes up to the fingertips, and their body lifted up from the ground, strongest at the feet, which carried upwards quicker than the rest of them. Both friends reacted in shock, Cameron holding as tightly as they could to James as he tried pulling them back to earth. But the force radiating from their body was stronger, defying gravity as it kept them suspended and pulling at both arms stubbornly held.

“Gravity... wait…”

Cameron took in the sight of their changing body, the now longer, blonde hair, the tan skin. Given the context of the anti-gravity experience as well and where they were, how Dusty had leaped inside them, it begged the question. Were they becoming Kat?

"G-Get me down! You have to get me down! I-I can't hold, oooOOH! AAAH~!"

Their body shivered and came, HARD. They thrashed in the air, trying best they could to hold on to James, but they could feel their friends grip slipping against the gravitational pull. Their toes grazed the ceiling of Kat's home, curling in ecstasy. They could feel both their hips trembling, hair growing more, spine tingling, and every muscle enticingly shifting.


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