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Hey Saucy Ones,


I am sorry if this is how you learned about this. This is terrible and maybe a sign that I need to finally make that mooncrash video. But that's not gonna be for a while at the soonest. I gotta move (literally)

As you're reading this all my stuff's in boxes and I'm just putting the finishing touches on the last Halloween in July video before making sure all 4 I've got uploaded so far have thumbnails, descriptions, chapters, and so on. Once everything's good to I'm tearing down the PC as that's the last unpacked thing in my office. We move next week.

I just wanna say thank you to you all for all your support while I'm getting everything set up. This has all been 4 years in the making and we're finally done with grad school and can move out of this miserable pit of a town. Everything's worked out in the best possible way since as you know while Halloween in July is going on I take my vacation which means that Once we're all moved in I can finally get some rest and enjoy that my wife and I's life is finally taking off. Maybe I'll take the time to finally get fully read up on Berserk.

Stay saucy everyone!


Zetta Slow

Rest in peace Arkane(and also tango gameworks), you will be missed