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Hey saucy ones,

Ugh, I hate to have to so much as bring this up but I gotta address it: THE DISCORD IS A PRIVILAGE AND THAT PRIVILIAGE CAN BE REVOKED. I recently was made aware of some pretty abhorrent behavior of one of our (now former) members and I booted them on the spot. This was a pretty egregious offense so I just refunded this month's pledge before banning them from here since I'm a nice guy. For future reference in the event that someone is kicked out of the discord for bad behavior it's on them to cancel their membership if losing access to the discord is a dealbreaker for you.

Okay, that's dealt with. Now for more pleasant matters.

So on monday alone I was able to get a third of the editing for the Fallout 4 California Compliance Run done. I'm getting you a version of that done for you all come hell or high water by Thursday. I've got no worries about having the final version done by the time Saturday rolls around. I'm getting the rest of the video edited in the mornings and then in the afternoon I'm off to the Makerspace to get more patches done since I can't get them done once I move.

Oh yeah and I should have the cooking segment for the chicken parm up in a bit.

After getting this done I'm gonna spend the next month or so focusing on Halloween in July... well, the time I have working on it. Things are REALLY ramping up for me in my personal life as in the span of the next month I'll be flying out to find a new apartment, then there's my wife's graduation, and then not even a week after she graduates we're moving. It's gonna be wild but I'm gonna do my best to get back up to speed in June.

You'll have plenty of cat videos though as I've got quite a few banked. Until then, stay saucy everyone


Keystroke Cascade

I cant fucking wait for a chicken parma cooking segment