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Hello Everybody! This kinda rocked!! PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rolypolyolliereactions INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rolypolyolliereactions/ LETTERBOXD: https://letterboxd.com/Olllllllllllie/


Raven Dark

Now that I've finished watching the second part of BoBW, there was another fun fact I wanted to tell you about this franchise and the way in which it has influenced pop culture. I was reminded of it when you called the one guy who came with the crew aboard the Borg ship a "rando." (love that word, lol). Or more specifically, I thought of it when you said you thought he was going to die because he was a random character who hasn't been previously introduced. Have you ever heard the phrase "Red Shirt?" The phrase means exactly the same thing as the way you used "rando," but specifically, it refers to a character brought into a scene so they can be killed off without impacting the main characters. It's a stock character put there to die. But here's the thing. The phrase originated from Star Trek, though specifically the original series, not TNG. In the original television series, the writers had a habit of bringing in characters that had never been introduced, specifically to kill them off. It happened in more episodes than not, but said characters always wore red shirts. To the point where, in any show where a random character is brought in just so they can die, the character is often called a "Red Shirt." Some people still use the phrase, but the funny thing is, plenty of times people use it without knowing the origins or context, only knowing that it refers to a rondo introduced for the purposes of being killed off. Interestingly enough, TNG tried to avoid this practice in order to avoid predictability, though occasionally, it still happens, only now it's because the higher ups often wear red shirts anyway. Fantastic reaction, Ollie. Can't wait to see you react to the movies with the TNG cast, as those are some of my favorite films in the phranchise.

Chris Curry

Hey there! Glad you are enjoying this. Dude... Part 1 was the first TNG I ever watched. I was so prejudiced against them because of my love of the original crew (Kirk etc) that i just refused to watch this show. Then I just happened to be at a friends house watching this episode. When Riker said "Fire" I was hooked. Rewatched all of the shows (when i could since there was not streaming service back then). And this is the single most reason I loved STNG.