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Some very strange edits in this film!!!!! Also sorry to anyone who wanted me to watch the Donner cut I thought as a reaction this film would be better as it would have been the one audiences saw after Superman.



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Kade (Sydney, AU)

I just watched your Superman I reaction, and your comments towards the end amused me... because the pacing of the first third of Donner's original cut for that caused him the same note from the studio. "Bring forward the action... less Smallville. Less Krypton. Get the villain and love interest introduced quicker." Of course, they were the ones paying for Hackman. The Extended Cut of Superman that you watched (still slightly shorter than my own R1 Ultimate Collection DVD) isn't the original Donner cut either, but it does put back in many of the scenes the studio and Donner himself later removed to improve the pacing. Anyway, looking forward to watching this reaction to II when I get home. I'll let you know what my thoughts are on this video then. Toodle pip.

Kade (Sydney, AU)

Yeah man, that's the Theatrical Cut. Lester came on board late, did some reshoots and therefore could not fully implement a new vision. Therefore some cuts are just that... hard cuts. It is not that uncommon to cut in the middle of dialogue, but if it is jarring then they often do ADR, but I think time ran out in post-production. In the blockbuster era that began with movies like Star Wars and Jaws, movies had hard release dates that were made up before the movies were finished. So the editor and director would have worked in the edit suite almost right up to the time the negative had to be finalized and interpositives made.


Gene Hackman refused to work for Richard Lester so they had to use Donner footage causing the weird cut