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Wie versprochen hier Teil 2 deiner Oster Sex Fragen an mich.

Super spannend auch diese Fragen, die wollte ich unbedingt noch beantworten.

In diesem Podcast hörst du folgende Fragen und meine Antworten:

1) Wie kann ich meinen Kitzelfetisch mit der Freundin ausleben? - von: Supa - ab Min: 01:10

2) Wie fühlt es sich an so öffentlich über Sex zu sprechen? - von Patrick - ab Min: 07:15

3) Lebst du Bondage ausgelebt und wie fühlt es sich für dich an? - von Maris - ab Min: 12:33

4) Wie fühlt sich für dich Analsex an und hast du den oft? - von Tina - ab Min: 15:10

5) Bist du devot? Warum mögen das so viele Frauen? - ab Min: 22:07

Danke für die spannenden Fragen. Hast du Lust dass ich Sexfragen auch mal per Video beantworte?
Lass es mich gern wissen und schreib auch gern in die Kommentare was du von meinen Antworten hältst, ob dich was überrascht hat oder wenn dir was weitergeholfen hat :)

The Questions and answers in english:

How to live out your tickling fetish with your Partner?

- Talk openly about it and see if she is into it. If not maybe it is possible to set special dates just for the tickling but dont overdue it.

How does it feel to talk so open about Sex?

I am very honored to be allowed to do that - I think its also because of the open minded culture in Austria or even Europe. But i never thought about it in that way - its just my passion!

Do you live out Bondage - how does it feel?

I did - nowadays I get frequent panic attacs especially when my arms are bound away from my body. So I would prefer a setting where my arms keep close to my body. In my current relationship Its not a big topic though but in past relationships it was. I even did a bondge workshop once.

How do you like anal sex?

Sometimes I enjoy it very much - not all the time but I think it spices up the sex life. I need to be into it and some foreplay to avoid pain though.

Are you submissive - Why are so many women submissive?

I am not really submissive but also not really dominant - I dont think that there are a lot more submissive women then Men.

In my area there are far more submissive men.

I think it gained popularity with 50 Shades of Grey and now its super normal for women to air this preference. For men its still more tabu because they think they need to be strong... But i think its getting there.




Super wie immer Danke Sandra


Ja ab und zu Fragen und bu Video Danke