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  • BetweenAThighAndASoftPlace_1080_h264.mp4
  • BetweenAThighAndASoftPlace_4K_h265.mp4



Hey there, hey there! We're back in full action mode! ❤️ ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ ❤️

In fact, over the past few days, we've dived right into action and we've already began rendering everything! By the time u read this, we'll be applying last fixes and renders to the phase 2 of Fischl x Slime animation! And the scene you are watching right now as a WIP, is a completely new thing we've recently created to fix some pacing issues of the phase 2. It probably wont be the last scene that will have some last touches and tweaks like this, but we're on a sprint to the finish line from here onwards! Phase 1 renders are already under our belt and have been sent off to Rii for voicing too! So the work in a full swing! ❤️ ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ ❤️

But even with all this progress, it still early to relax - time to kick things up a notch! The ultimate plan is to finish rendering and last fixes for the whole phase 2 in the next couple of days and send it to Rii too, so on the next week we can jump straight into phase 3 tests and renders! So as always, these weekends will be super hot! And we cant wait to meet ya all on our evening working stream on our Discord! So stay tuned for the finals of Fischl x Slime, stay safe n healthy and see ya super soon with new WIPs, streams and releases! ❤️ ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ ❤️

And a big thanks to Rii (@riizuwu) and Kitsune (@KitsuneEcchi) for their awesome work on sound and editing for this WIP! (っˆڡˆς)❤️❤️❤

Luv u all!!! (っˆڡˆς)❤️❤️❤️️




This looks great 👍🏼 stocking ver. Maybe OwO


The fact that you are so close just builds my anticipation up to immensible heights Maybe it should have a Matching name like Slime bigger longer and uncut It's a south park the movie reference by the way


more of fish with her thigh highs on would be AMAZING


I agree with the other comments, the stockings from the first few renders look so good and maybe 'em toes do too. but anyways, great work!

Matthew Stasny

When do you do your streams on discord?

Heretic Heracles

Soon a masterpiece will be released


Our stream time always shifts a little further each day, but as for today, im going to start my stream in 2-3 hours from now (。> ‿ ◕。)❤️


And we'll be able to jump on a new story! ❤️ ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ ❤️


Man, this is depressing. I've supported for months but it's taking so long and my financial situation changed so I can no longer afford to be a supporter when it drops...I feel devastated =\


And..that's true


I really hate to say this, especially after being a supporter for 2 and a half years, but it’s pretty tiring waiting for over a year for an animation. I know you post gifs as updates to keep people engaged, but in the end it feels like painfully being drip fed bits and pieces of a full video for over a year. I’d also advise against releasing every single scene as a gif, because people have already compiled the gifs into 5-10 minute long videos, basically edgings together the full video on their own


Its very true, that with this project we tried to bite more than we can chew. The optimal way of working with such large animation would be splitting it into multiple separate release, 3 or 4 in this case, and releasing them gradually through time. And that will be our way of working with such right after this one, if ever jump on such 20min+ monstrosity ever again. In our next projects we'll focus back on 3-5 min animations, like Succubus HuTao or Raiden x Yae, so we wont make u wait for so long ever again. Thank you so much for being with us for this whole adventure, sharing your love and support with us! It was quite a journey for all us with this project, and we cant wait to share so much more with you soon! (っˆڡˆς)❤️


Can't wait for this to be finished. Watching all the updates though feels as if I've watched it already lol. But excited nun the less. Also I'm eager to see what's after this. Hoping it's something beach summer themed


Neko save me. I'm drownin-blub blub blub...


Please do it fast


Hi Vici, I could not find the HuTao × Aether Animation... just want to know where can I download it? Thanks and have a nice week!


How do you join the discord


this will be a full movie or what? XD At the moment, with the amount of wips we already have like 8 mins

John Storm

Hi, he has arrived and feels at home 😊


Why did you take so long with this animation?


DAYUM, the rubbing on the slime like that looks so hot🥵



ViciNeko (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-25 23:02:09 And we've already added another shot of this thigh job into phase 2 (。> ‿ ◕。)❤️
2023-08-25 19:38:12 And we've already added another shot of this thigh job into phase 2 (。> ‿ ◕。)❤️

And we've already added another shot of this thigh job into phase 2 (。> ‿ ◕。)❤️


You can find all our finished animations and links by sorting our posts by "Animation" tag! https://www.patreon.com/ViciNeko/posts?filters[tag]=Animation Enjoy! (っˆڡˆς)❤️