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  • LevelUp_1080_h264.mp4
  • LevelUp_4K_h265.mp4



Hey hey! Hope ur weekends are going awesome! ❤️(˵^ ◡ ^˵)❤️️️

And we are back with some new updates on our Prinzessin's adventures with Slime-kun! ~(。◕‿‿◕。)~ This time from some of the last parts of the Phase 3! It looks like our Slime doesnt want to stay in his boring "toy" form anymore and about to bring the fun to a whole new level. Tho i think its all just a mere preparation before the big reveal of the Phase 4 (¬‿¬)❤️

Speaking of Phase 4, i think we will be moving to it right after these weekends! Thanks to the huge help from Kitsune, we've added and polished a bunch of scenes for the ending of the Phase 3 and all we need now is to add lights and effects for like 10 scenes of it and we will be able to move on! So next time we'll be more than happy to show off something brand new to you already from the later sequences! (。> ‿ ◕。)❤️

So as always, lets not waste any time and jump straight back to work! Our stream will start in a moment and im planning to run a really long Sunday working session today, so would love to meet ya there in our Discord! So stay tuned, stay awesome and see ya there! ❤️(˵^ ◡ ^˵)❤️

And a huge thanks to Rii (@riizuwu) and Kitsune (@KitsuneEcchi) for their great help with sound and animation for this WIP! (っˆڡˆς)❤️❤️❤️



Arther Rose

This is gonna be good😈


God this looks so good! I can’t wait for the final product! Been so busy I can’t chill in discord been missing the updates

Omega Defender85

I love Fischl's "uh oh" face as she realizes what she is getting into. Might have to call Barbara later for some healing XD Also, to quote a special movie, "Upgrades people, upgrades."


I love that look of shock and fear. She knows she's about to get it.


Her expression ist absolutely amazing exceptional work can't wait for the full release

Solomon Kuo

just like a bossfight

Nathan Streety

I love the confused yet worried look. Also, lighting still looking good. I think the warm light works best.


How long will the final animation be?


Oh oh, Slime-kun evolves (¬‿¬). But the look on her face...this definitely made my day. xD


Definitely not what she expected when she started playing with em (¬‿¬)❤️


I just love these "power-up's"

Aidan Nichols

Is there anywhere I can find the full release of animations for any?

oh _ capitan

When can we expect a full release of all scenes blended together? We've been anticipated it for so long 😁




Is there an incentive for a creator to publish all his work at once, versus stretching it out over months? The way Patreon works, it seems smarter to make a video, cut it into pieces and publish it periodically, as long as not many subscribers leave. Which they won't, because of anticipation. This way a creator does not need to keep coming up with new content all the time, yet still get paid. Right?


Omg, I love her expression in this WIP😂. Also, amazing work as always,can't wait for the next update🙏.

Altina Orion

i think most people that wait and anticipate also just want to support. Typically you can find any creators work for free on pirate sites. I think whats more important is making a product people are willing to wait and pay per month however long it takes.


Please create a new full version of the partition, which is full of complete paragraphs uncomfortable.


The shine is absolutely excellent

Good Boy CH

It's too slow, I haven't seen the finished product after waiting for half a year.


I really don't want to be too entitled, but do we have a very rough ETA for the final release? It's been a loooooong time coming and we are paying every month.


Where next wip 🦍


The more I see this, the more I just want to imagine the sound of a sonic boom when the slime levels up haha