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Susan B

You picked up so many details that I’ve missed even though I’ve rewatched Memento several times since seeing the theatrical release. Example, the changes in Teddy’s tag number. The kind of disconcerting mismatch that most viewers are maybe subconsciously picking up without it quite clicking. And a way for Nolan to remind us that we’re experiencing Leonard’s story through Leonard’s manufactured memories. What we “know” about anything including whether that’s an I or a 1, we know only from what Leonard wrote down before he had the tattoo done. So easy to switch a letter for a number. Thats crazy-focused filmmaking. Creating more than one license tag for the same character, just to mess with our heads. 👍


this was wild! I'm still not certain i've got all the facts in this one. Crazy film. I think i need to re watch with a journal out to keep track. Still not sure about Natalie. thanks for this one.

Susan B

Natalie is getting revenge for her dead boyfriend. She does a pretty good job of it as far as Teddy goes, but Leonard gets to keep the boyfriend’s Jaguar. So a mixed bag of revenge. 😵‍💫