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Shawn Leaf

That's albuquerque bro.. I'm an hour south... there are homes and trailers around here that I can't believe that people live in

Andrew Clifton

Yea bro I lived in Colorado Springs from 2016 until earlier this year and I had a friend from the Army in Rio Rancho I used to drive down and see all the time and yea, Albuquerque is an absolute shit hole lol. At least he took me on the full Breaking Bad sight seeing tour lol.

Andrew Clifton

Classic episode bro. 👌 I bet that house didn't even belong to them. There is houses like that all over Detroit that have been sitting and rotting for years and people move into a lot of them and no one does anything. This is back when stealing electric was pretty easy too lol. It's crazy how you see Walt continue to morph as time moves on.