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Well I guess if using magic is lazy, we should stop using planes, trains and cars, maybe even the wheel and just walk everywhere. Lol And forget about cell phones and computers, if you want to talk to somebody, you guys need to go meet in a mutual place and it's really lazy for you to be using those headphones to hear the movie better. Matter of fact, why are you watching the movie when you should be reading the book. That's just lazy. Oh and while we're on the subject, did you make your clothes or did you buy them or worse than that...did you order them?? Don't be so lazy. You can buy a sewing machine and make....oh wait 🤔😂.


The books are amazing! However, you can understand this scene, just go back and listen to each line that's being said by each character. I just think you didn't pick it all up cuz it was going so fast. I loved your reaction though!