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I am finally unpacked and settled in my new place! Still feels a bit empty but hopefully I am able to buy more furniture and what not soon. I just got back from a modeling trip to Texas and even though I was super sick and had to go to urgent care it was a fun and successful trip. I got to catch up with some of my model friends which always makes me so so happy. Today I am working on unpacking from that trip and getting some things organized around my house then going to drink some sangria in the pool with a few friends. Lately I have been OBSESSED with boxing. I never payed any attention to it before but the past few weeks I have been watching old matches and documentaries and I love it! I hope to take boxing lessons soon to get into shape because I need to start working out! For those of you who haven't found my new instagram yet it is @kayjay_slays 

I am going to start writing more short little blogs like this to keep you informed of how/what I am doing and stay more connected with you :)


michael fair

Boxing?#!@#!? My first thought - dread the image of someone hitting that beautiful face of yours. But! If you float like A butterfly and sting like a bee, I 'sposs you'll be o.k.


I'm not sure I want to spare with real people more learning techniques and practicing on bags and dummies and what not. And turns out it's pretty expensive so unfortunately not sure if it will be in the cards for me any time soon. But I love the Muhammad Ali quote, he was such an amazing person and fighter.