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As I mentioned in my previous post, I've been diving into the realm of incorporating more liquids into my renders lately. This time around, I experimented with spit. Initially, it felt a bit challenging to grasp, but after stepping outside for a breather and returning with a clear mind, everything fell into place.

Liquid Workflow:

1. *Initial:*

   - Use Fluid Painter to draw the liquid on the character mesh.

       (You'll also need the official version if you want to be able to draw and have a panel)

   - In Edit Mode, adjust the points along the curve to form the desired shape.

   - Set the subdivisions to 2 in the Fluid Painter panel.

   - Change liquid thickness to the desired result in Fluid Painter.

2. *Midway:*

   - Convert the curves to a mesh.

   - Remesh the liquid geometry to increase resolution.

   - Use the 'Mesh Filter' brush set to smooth to refine the geometry.

   - Utilize Grab, Elastic Deform, Snake Hook, Inflate & Smooth brushes to finalize the liquid shape.

3. *End:*

   - Add a Subdivision Modifier on the liquid geometry.

   - Smooth again with the 'Mesh Filter' brush if needed.


One of my ongoing struggles is being patient and taking my time with my artwork. Whenever I start working on a pinup, I often find myself wanting to finish it within the same day, or at least by the next. This usually results in me dedicating over 12 hours a day to a single piece, which can make me less attentive to the details. It becomes more about completing it quickly rather than creating a high-quality render.

Despite this constant battle, I feel like I've made progress. Yesterday, I almost rushed to finish this piece, but I decided to hold off, sleep on it, and revisit it today. I'm glad I did because the final result is ten times better than what I would have achieved if I had released it hastily.


I've tweaked the Illari model and plan to sync its update with the release of my Junkerqueen model. Once I've ironed out any unexpected bugs or necessary edits, akin to the adjustments made to the Illari model, I'll roll it out like any other update. With Junkerqueen nearly complete, my focus shifts to the next character for porting. Initially considering Zarya, I'm now drawn to an exciting animation idea involving Junkerqueen and another special character. So, they'll be next in line for porting.
