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For her eighteenth birthday, Marie chooses to visit America and make the most of it. However, her plans change when she meets a man named Tyrone who helps her do a bit of shopping.

Tags: Marie Rose, BBC, Blacked, Original Character, Vaginal, Oral, Creampie, Impregnation

Wanting to celebrate her eighteenth birthday as best as she could, Marie Rose booked a trip to America on her own. She wanted to bring a few friends but didn’t want anyone to try and drag her into anything she wasn’t entirely interested in, nor drag them into something that they didn’t want. So when she booked the week-long trip, she made sure to not tell a soul until she had already arrived in California. Fortunately for her, no one argued against her and it left her free to explore as she wanted to.

The first stop she made after checking in to her hotel was to go to a local strip mall. She understood that the shops would make a good choice for a memento for her trip. Unfortunately, she found herself struggling rather quickly, unsure of what she wanted to get for herself. Between plaques, flags, fake flowers, and even some outfits that had an American theme to them, she was at a loss for choices. And as she looked between a few of the stores in front of her, that was when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

Marie quickly turned around to see a rather large man standing behind her. A quick breath left her as she looked up and down at the figure that stood there. A large black man that looked to be almost three times her size when his muscle was included in the equation, with a surprisingly gentle smile on his face. “Y-Yes? Is there something I can do for you…?” It was clear from the tone of her voice that Marie was nervous about this man, unsure about what he could do to her.

“Name’s Tyrone. I’m a regular here and you looked a bit lost. Figured I’d offer some directions if you wanted.” Tyrone looked down at the slender girl in front of him, shooting her a smile that he was happy to see caused her to blush. “What’s your name?”

“M-Marie… Marie Rose.” At first, she wasn’t sure if he was actually going to help her, but Marie knew that she was lost. And a little bit of help shouldn’t hurt, right? “I’m… Well, it’s my first time in America. I’m here for my birthday this week and I wanted to get a memento of the trip. I’m unsure of what I want to settle on.”

“Oh! Is that all?” Almost immediately, Tyrone smirked and grabbed onto Marie’s hand and started to walk her away from the spot they were in. “I know the perfect place we can look for something. It’ll be much better than the nicknacks at these shops.”

Marie’s heart skipped a beat in her chest when he grabbed onto her hand. In the heat of the moment, she felt far too flustered to tell him no. To tell him that she would just accept some directions and look on her own. But with the way he grabbed her hand, the surprisingly gentle feeling of his fingers pressing into the back of her hand, she couldn’t bring herself to do so. Marie could only bring herself to smile and follow his lead as he dragged her through the mall to one of the shops at the edge of it.

She didn’t recognize it, not having seen it on her way in. But when she got a look inside the store, she couldn’t help but admire the things in front of her. Bikinis, hats, mugs, clearly fake toys that made fun of some politicians, and even a sign that allowed for custom wood engravings if given a few hours. It was an incredible spot. “T-Thank you, Tyrone. I… I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t thank me just yet. I’ve got some time on my hands, so let me help you pick something. If you can’t decide on anything, I can help out.” Without missing a beat, Tyone let go of Marie’s hand and gestured toward the store. “Let’s go.”

Over the next hour or two, Marie got lost in the experience of shopping with Tyrone. Between her trying on a few different American-themed bikinis, him trying on a few silly hats and making her laugh in the process, and her asking for a wooden engraving with her name and birthday on it, Marie found herself having what felt like a magical experience. It all happened so fast and smoothly that it almost felt unreal. That she may have been dreaming it all up while asleep on the plane.

But when she stopped for a moment and looked up at Tyrone, seeing him carry her bags, Marie couldn’t help but smile. “T-Thank you, Tyrone. I didn’t think my first day here would be this lively at only one store. I don’t know how to thank you for making this a great first day…”

“What?” Tyrone looked back at Marie with a bit of a confused expression. “Who said you had to repay me for this? When you said it was your birthday week, I had to make sure you enjoyed yourself.” Looking down at her, Tyrone semi-squatted to get eye level with Marie. “But… If you insist on paying me back for the help, why not go on a date with me tonight? Let’s keep the fun going and give you a great first night as well.”

“A-A d-date?!” Hearing the offer, Marie couldn’t believe it. Just why would he want to go on a date with her? What if he had a girlfriend? What about her made him ask her out? Was it just him being polite to help her enjoy the day? She didn’t know. But as she looked at him, her mind racing with similar questions, she knew that she couldn’t keep him waiting. And enjoying the time they had spent in the store, she didn’t want to just leave him high and dry.

With a smile on her face and a deep blush coming to her cheeks, Marie nodded her head before wrapping her arms around Tyrone’s neck. “Sure! I’d be happy to.”


After everything that the two of them had done at the store, it didn’t take long for Marie and Tyrone to find themselves outside of the mall now and see a small pond with a few people in swan boats floating across it. Clearly a small date spot. At first, Marie wasn’t able to pull her eyes off of it. She had heard stories about how sweet and romantic they could be through media, but she never expected to see one out in public like this. Especially at a mall.

But that was when she felt Tyrone squeeze a bit tightly on her hand, gaining her attention and causing a blush to linger on her cheeks. “Y-Yeah? Is something wrong?”

“You tell me. You’ve been staring for a hot minute. Do you want to ride on a swan boat?”

“W-What? A-Aren’t those only for couples? I’ve… Never seen anyone that wasn’t dating be on one before. I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea.” Marie turned her head back to the swan boats that were in the water, seeing that they were indeed had couples in them. Between the few kisses they shared and the blushing and kisses, it was clear who was dating and who wasn’t.

“And what’s wrong with that? We’re on a date, after all, aren’t we? Besides, it’s your first time here. If you want to ride on a swan boat, let’s do it! We gotta make this trip worth it, after all!”

The smile that came to Tyrone’s face warmed Marie’s heart and broke her down almost immediately. She didn’t know what it was about him, but he seemed to be able to talk her into almost anything. She quickly smiled and nodded her head. “Okay!”


With the date that the two of them were on drifting into the night, Tyrone thought it was a good idea to bring Marie back to his place for the night. Of course, she didn’t think there was anything wrong with that. So as Tyrone opened the door to his home, he shot a smile her way and tossed his keys to the side. “Make yourself comfortable, Marie. Our date isn’t over just yet.~”

At first, Marie wasn’t sure what to do. She wasn’t against being in his home or staying the night at his place. But it didn’t make sense in her mind for him to turn on jazz music as he stepped away from her. “Uh… Sure thing.” Bringing a smile to her lips, she found her way into his living room and planted herself down on his couch. What more is there to do on a date when it’s been this late? We’ve already had dinner… We went on the swan boat… We danced together…”

“We can talk the night away, of course.” Tyrone chuckled as he sat on his couch across from Marie, keeping his eyes locked on her. “We can start with talking about you if you want. Like... You said it’s your first time in America. But where are you from?”

“Oh, I’m from Sweden.” A smile came to her face as she looked at Tyrone. “I assume you’re an American?”

“African descent but American born, yes.” Tyrone let out another small chuckle as his eyes began to drift up and down Marie’s body. “Let’s see… You said you’re here for your eighteenth birthday, right?”

“Yeah, why?”

Tyrone saw the confused expression on Marie’s face and shook his head. “Just wanted to get to the point of something. Have… You ever been with a black guy before? Sexually, I mean. Being from Sweden, I’d assume not.”

“O-Oh…” Almost immediately, a light pin blush came to Marie’s cheeks, clearly flustered from the question. “No, I haven’t been.”

“Is it a race thing? Just something about Swedish women? I’m curious.”

Marie quickly shook her head and held out her hands. “Not at all! I have nothing about being with a black man! I’ve just…” The blush that stained her cheeks grew brighter as she tried to muster up the courage to speak the truth. “I’ve just never been with anyone…” A heavy sigh left her lips as she thought about what she was saying, tilting her head to look at Tyrone. “I haven’t even had my first kiss.”

“Oh, that’s not good for a girl your age. You should pick your partners as you please, but you should always have some experience with how to pick them.” Without missing a beat, Tyrone stole a kiss from Marie’s lips, allowing it to linger for a moment as he brought a hand around her body, placing it on her back.

However, once that moment was over, Marie pulled away from Tyrone and almost started to freak out about it. “H-How?! W-Why would you?! Uh-Um…” Marie couldn’t find the words to describe how she felt right now. She quickly brought a hand to her heart, feeling it racing at a million miles an hour. “It’s beating so fast…” The words left her lips before she realized she was saying anything, causing Tyrone to laugh before reaching out for her hand.

Without missing a beat, Tyrone grabbed Marie’s hand and yanked her into his lap. He looked her in the eyes for a moment, just appreciating the feeling of her in his lap and this moment the two of them could share. “Is it such a bad thing that I stole a kiss? Did you not enjoy your first kiss?”

“I… I don’t know… It happened so quickly that I didn’t expect it…” Marie brought her free hand to her lips, gently pressing her middle finger against her lower lip. “But… I can say I definitely didn’t hate it.”

“Good. That’s fantastic to hear. It’d be a problem if you hated it the first time.” Tyrone carefully wrapped his arm around Marie’s body, preventing her from being able to get out of his lap again. “Because then I wouldn’t feel like it was okay to do it a second time.”

Before Marie could properly figure out just what was happening, her lips were caught in yet another kiss by Tyrone. However, unlike the first, this one lingered for a moment longer. A moment long enough for Marie to realize that she wasn’t struggling against him anymore and things had evolved from being just caught off guard. A moment long enough to realize that she wasn’t going to fight against him, that she was going to accept it for now. But as soon as that moment was over, Tyrone pulled himself away and looked her in the eyes, causing Marie’s cheeks to flush a deep shade of red. “I… I…”

“And just like that, your second kiss has been stolen from you as well. And you didn’t do anything about it this time.~” A smile came to Tyrone’s face as he brought a hand to Marie’s cheek, gently caressing it. “Will you do anything about the third?~” Without giving the young woman a chance to respond to his question, he went in again for another kiss. A kiss that was more passionate and heated than the first two. This time, Tyrone went in wanting to paint a picture in Marie’s mind.

Much to her surprise, Marie found herself slowly following Tyrone’s as one kiss began to trail into another, and then another after that. She continued to not fight against this form of theft, enjoying the way he felt against her body. She followed his lead and began to return the affection he was giving her, slowly finding herself loosening up with each passing kiss that landed against her lips.

In the heat of the moment, losing herself more and more to the affection that was being placed upon her, Marie didn’t even realize that Tyrone had taken the time to shift her into his lap by holding onto her hips. The only reason she noticed the sudden change in position was due to the fact that he grabbed her ass with each cheek in a different hand. Which prompted her to pull away from his kisses and look at him with a confused and worried expression. “T-Tyrone?! What do you think you’re doing?” The confusion was evident in her voice, but from the lack of movement to get out of his grip, it was clear to them both that she wasn’t against whatever he might have planned.

“I was wondering if you wanted to take things to the bedroom from here. You seem to be getting a little bit loose. But when I tried talking to you, you didn’t answer me.” Tyrone’s grip on her ass cheeks grew tighter when he spoke, only to loosen when he brought a hand away and playfully smacked both of her ass cheeks.

“You… You tried talking to me?”

“Yeah, but you were a bit too lost to hear me, I guess. Glad this got your attention, though.~” Without missing a beat, Tyrone carefully rose from the couch while keeping Marie’s booty firmly in his hands. It was clear he wasn’t going to let her go. But, of course, it didn’t stop her from wrapping her arms around his neck, holding him tight enough that there was no chance she would fall out of his grip. “So, is that a yes or a no to taking things to the bedroom?”

“I… I suppose we could see where this goes. You’ve already kinda got me in the air, after all.” Marie couldn’t stop herself from giggling as she swayed her feet back and forth behind him, accidentally kicking him in the ass with her heel.

The fact that Tyrone didn’t even flinch from the kick lit something up inside of Marie. She didn’t recognize the feeling that surged through her, knowing she brought him pain but he was able to take it. But it was something that caused her to feel excited, anxious, lustful, and energetic all at the same time. Whatever this feeling was, she realized it was the feeling that had caused her to get lost in her lust when they were making out a short bit ago.

However, when Tyrone casually walked to his bedroom, carrying Marie like it was nothing, that feeling that coursed through her only seemed to grow. It only seemed to become more intense as he made it seem almost effortless to carry her. At this moment, Marie realized just how strong Tyrone actually was and how much he was able to do to her if he wanted to. Just how well he could manhandle her if she gave him permission to do so. Because he didn’t seem like the type to treat her improperly. Nor did he seem like the two to do anything she wasn’t already okay with.

At least, that was the thought until Marie found herself free-falling in the air, Tyrone clearly having tossed her. Before she knew it and could process the fact that he had thrown her, her plump rear end had connected with the bed. And she quickly looked her date in the eyes with a sense of concern and mild anger. “Why would you throw me like that? I landed on your bed, but what if I had--”

Before she could finish what she was saying, Marie was cut off by the feeling of Tyrone stealing another kiss from her lips. Only to then be kept silent by the sight of him undressing in front of her, stripping down to wearing absolutely nothing. Her jaw nearly dropped when she got a sight of his cock. It wasn’t as big as she had expected it to be, hearing things about black men over the years. But it was bigger than anything she had expected a dick to be.

Combine that with the fact that he was carefully undressing her as well, tossing their clothing aside, and Marie just couldn’t find the words to say to him. Her heart raced in her chest, pounding hard enough that she could have sworn he would be able to hear her. But that beating almost went silent compared to the words that left Tyrone next.

“We won’t be needing condoms, Marie. I’ve had more than enough practice pulling out.”

Marie immediately got a little nervous at hearing that. Something that Tyrone noticed before planting another kiss against her lips to try and calm her down.

“I don’t just have sex with women and treat them like toys. I make love to my partners and give them exactly what their body wants.”

When Marie heard this, she didn’t know how to feel. In the back of her mind, she knew that she should tell him to wear a condom anyway, just to be on the safe side. But as he leaned in and kissed her breasts, his tongue dancing around her nipples for a moment, she couldn’t help but accept that he knew what he was doing. It was clear from the way he moved, the way he grabbed her, and the way his skin moved against hers, that he knew what he was doing. It was clear that Tyrone was a bit of an expert and going to teach her well for her first time, but it was still nerve-wracking for Marie to feel him touch her like this.

Maybe it was the way his hand glided along her stomach, his fingertips just barely grazing against her skin. Maybe it was the way that his lips wrapped around her breasts, his teeth clenching down onto her nipple for only a moment. Or maybe it was the way that she could see a look of lust and desire in his eyes when he looked up at her, gauging her reaction to his movements, listening to her and her body. Whatever the reason was for Marie’s confidence in Tyrone, she wasn’t going to tell him to not do what he seemed to know how to do.

When Tyrone’s fingers met Marie’s cunt through her panties, she couldn’t help but let out a sharp breath. It was a new feeling to her and one that she didn’t expect. However, when Tyrone lifted his head from her breasts and began to press kiss after kiss against her skin, she began to slowly enjoy the feeling. The sense of bliss it brought her to feel his lips against the tops of her breasts, her collarbone, and her neck. Only to then feel him trail kisses along her jawline before reaching her lips.

It was an incredible experience so far and something in her body seemed to loosen up the more and more he touched her. Especially when he stole another kiss from her lips. And, at first, Marie didn’t realize just why it was like that. But when he broke the kiss that he had stolen, that feeling became clear. He had pulled her panties off of her at some point, leaving her stunned that she didn’t even notice, and his fingers were teasing her pussy without entering her. “H-How did you…?”

“A master at work, Marie. A master at work.” Tyrone couldn’t stop himself from chuckling as he adjusted his position and placed his shaft against her lower lips, starting to slowly rock himself back and forth. He heard another whine leave her and noticed that there was a look on uncertainty in her eyes as she watched his shaft. It prompted him to stop for a moment, giving her a minute to process what was happening. “Are you scared, Marie?”


“Then why don’t we try something? Have you ever talked dirty to someone before?” Tyrone’s voice was gentle as he spoke to her. And it seemed to pull Marie a bit out of the fear she was experiencing.

“N-No… Can’t say I have…”

“Why don’t you try it with me? Whatever you think of that you think would excite me, say it. Can be about race, about size, anything. But, I will admit, hearing a bit of dirty racial talk does wonders for me.”

Marie was stunned for a second to hear that from Tyrone. She had been taught that anything racially sensitive was something that should be avoided in any kind of context, good or bad. But to hear a black man like him tell her to talk about his race in a sexual way? She didn’t know how to feel or what to do. It was entirely foreign to her and it must have been clear to Tyrone. When she didn’t say anything right away, he cleared his throat and waved his hand between the two of them.

“Okay, if that’s a no-go, let’s try something else.” Without missing a beat, Tyrone adjusted his position on top of Marie once again, climbing up her body and bringing his wet cock in front of her mouth. “Let’s see how well you can suck a dick like mine.~”

Under Tyrone’s guidance, Marie felt like she would be perfectly fine. That she would be able to do almost anything as long as he was patient with her. Fortunately, he was patient and willing to take all the time in the world to make her comfortable with him. Her lips curled into a gentle mile as she reached both of her hands to the base of his shaft, immediately taken aback by its sheer size.

Of course, she knew that it was large just from seeing it, but to have it in her hands? It felt like it was even bigger than it looked. It took both of her hands to wrap around the base and it seemed to fill out her palms perfectly. However, she didn’t stay locked on the size of its girth, Marie quickly brought her head underneath it and was shocked by how it compared to her face. Almost immediately, she realized that his tip was pushing her bangs over her forehead while his balls rested gently against her chin. “Am… Am I going to be able to take all of this…?”

“One step at a time, we’ll be able to find out. Why don’t you start with a few kisses, Marie? Just press your lips against it and start from there.” It took Marie a moment longer than Tyrone expected to find the courage to actually follow his directions, but the instant that her soft lips pressed against his shaft, he knew that she was all his. “Atta girl… Take your time, and don’t be scared. You’ve got soft lips and need to put them to use.”

As she listened to Tyrone, Marie did her best to give him the pleasure he was seeking. It didn’t take long for a hand to come to the back of her head to hold her in place, preventing her from making her way up toward his tip. But that was fine with her. The heavy scent of his musk wafted into her nostrils as she stayed here she was at, clouding her mind and allowing her to more easily give in to what Tyrone was telling her to do.

“Now, make your way to the tip and open your pretty little mouth.”

Tyrone’s voice felt like it was the only thing coming through clearly in Marie’s quickly-clouding mind. And she was perfectly fine with that, following his guiding touch until she was at the tip of his shaft. Where she quickly pressed an affectionate kiss against the tip before opening her mouth and attempting to take it into her mouth. Unfortunately, that was where the first problem came in. Just like she had expected, his shaft was far too big for her to be able to take it into her mouth. And when she noticed this, Marie stopped what she was doing and looked at Tyrone for instruction. Almost as if she was instinctively giving him charge of how they proceeded from here.

It took a moment for it to click in Tyrone’s mind that she was waiting for his instruction. But that was when he knew what to do from here. “Let’s change it up. I’ve got the perfect idea.~”

Before she knew it, Marie was suddenly sideways on the bed and Tyrone was hovering above her. She didn’t know what was going on, but she felt his cock pressing against the entrance to her cunt as she looked him in the eyes. And then everything stopped for a moment. Just long enough for her to feel like she could tell him whether she wanted him to finally take her virginity or if she wanted him to stop. But when she didn’t say anything, only choosing to wrap her arms around his neck, it was clear just what she wanted.

Carefully and slowly, Tyrone pushed his hips forward and gently sank every inch of his cock into Marie’s incredibly tight snatch. A heavy and lustful breath left both of them in that moment, though Marie’s had a bit of pain mixed into it. Pain that she didn’t fight against or make Tyrone wait on before he started fucking her. Hot and heavy breaths left the young woman as her partner started fucking her right then and there on the bed, keeping her in a missionary position to keep things simple for her.

At first, as the realization of what was happening sank in through her clouded mind, Marie felt a bit of a panic. She was letting a stranger take her virginity for her eighteenth birthday. But he seemed like such a nice guy that she couldn’t think to tell him no while they were together. But maybe that was just a way he was acting in order to take advantage of her. Maybe, just maybe Tyrone was using her for her--

“Don’t forget to breathe, sweetheart.”

The words immediately threw Marie out of whatever thought process she was in. She opened her eyes to look up and see Tyrone looking down at her with a bright smile. Lust and desire were in his eyes, but there was a gentleness to the way he looked at her and caressed her cheek. And it was enough to make the young woman forget about the worries that were just plaguing her mind. She nodded her head and started to take in a deep breath, making her realize that he had stopped his thrusting for a moment.

“And don’t forget the dirty talk, Marie.”

“R-Right… I’ve just… Never been with a black man before. So I’m not sure what to…” Marie gripped the back of Tyrone’s neck in embarrassment, unsure of what to do to please him while he was trying so hard to please her.

“Tell me you want my black cock, my black child, you want me to breed your white womb. Whatever comes to mind but might be racially motivated.”

Being too embarrassed to say anything out loud, Marie used her grip on Tyrone’s neck to pull him in close so that she could whisper into his ear. “P-Please, Tyrone… Keep fucking me with your massive, black cock. It… It feels so good in… In my white pussy…”

Even though it wasn’t quite what he wanted from her, it was a step in the right direction and Tyrone was more than happy to take it. A smile came to his lips as he picked up the pace of his thrusts, truly fucking Marie into the bed that they were on and making sure that each and every inch of his shaft filled her with each thrust.

It felt wonderful to both of them. Marie had a mixture of pain, pleasure, lust, and bliss all coursing through her as her inner walls were stretched out and molded by this man she had chosen to be with. And Tyrone was enjoying a fresh, tight, virgin pussy that he was currently filling. Both of them were reaching a peak of their pleasure that they didn’t expect to get to so quickly. Mainly because not too much time had passed since Tyrone had gotten Marie in this position.

However, that didn’t stop either of them from enjoying the moment. Nor did it stop Tyrone from leaning it and stealing yet another kiss from Marie’s lips. Only for her phone to go off at the side of the bed and scare them both, causing Tyrone to quickly pull away from her lips and look over toward her phone.

“Ah! I’m… I’m so sorry, Tyrone. I… I might need to answer that…” With an embarrassed but happy smile on her face, Marie leaned over the side of the bed to reach for her clothes. She quickly dug through them for the ringing phone and answered it. “Hello?”

“Yes, we’re looking for Miss Marie. We’re calling to make sure that you’re going to come check in to your hotel. Otherwise, we’ll give your reserved room to someone that--”

Tyrone carefully grabbed the phone from Marie’s hand and let out a heavy sigh before dropping her phone back in her pile of clothes. “You can stay with me while you’re here in the U.S., Marie. There’s no need to pay for a hotel when you’re with me.”

In the heat of the moment, Marie wasn’t quite sure of what to do. Tyrone was still inside of her, he just took her phone from her, and the hotel hung up before she could respond to him. “Is… Is that really okay?”

Tyrone didn’t wait for more than a moment before starting to thrust into Marie again, bringing his hand to her cheek to caress it and make her look into his eyes. “Yes, it’s more than okay, Marie. Think of it like a birthday give from me.” A gentle laugh left Tyrone as he leaned in and took another kiss from her, chasing his own pleasure now. “And speaking of gifts… I think the perfect one to give you on top of your stay would be my child.”

“H-Huh?” Marie’s heart skipped a beat in her chest. Fear and confusion filled her as Tyrone continued getting faster and more erratic with each thrust. “Your… Your what…?”

“My black baby. My black child filling your womb.” Tyrone smirked as he looked deep into Marie’s eyes. “You want it, don’t you? My child, your gift, your stay here in America?~”

As the pleasure filled her mind, Marie didn’t think she could tell him no. She didn’t think she could tell Tyrone that she didn’t want his child. Because, right now, as the bliss and lust clouded her thoughts, she possibly did. “Y-Yes… I… I think I do.”

“You do… What, Marie? Tell me what you do.~” Tyrone felt his heart starting to race as Marie let out a heavy breath.

“I want… Your black baby, Daddy.” In the heat of the moment, Marie didn’t even realize what she had said. But it seemed to light a fire inside of Tyrone, as he started to thrust even faster inside of her, his cock throbbing and pulsing against her inner walls. She could tell almost right away that he was on the verge of erupting inside of her. And as she felt the pleasure he brought her growing all the same, she was on the verge as well.

“Atta girl. You’re giving Daddy exactly what he wants.” Hearing Marie call him daddy like that sent Tyrone over the edge and into his orgasm. He couldn’t help himself after hearing this shy girl talk to him like this. And even though it was clear she was still nervous and embarrassed about what he wanted her to say, she was giving in and saying it. “And he’ll be sure to give you what you want as well.~”

It was in that moment that Marie realized what was happening. But it was too late for her to say anything about it. Her inner walls clamped down like a vice around Tyrone’s shaft, instinctively attempting to milk him of his cum. “Please… Please fill me with your cum. Give me your child, Daddy!”

Unknown to her, Tyrone was already erupting inside of her. Rope after rope of his heated and potent seed flooded her womb and painted her inner walls. However, Tyrone was quick to pull out of her eager pussy and slap his shaft onto her stomach, stroking out the last few ropes of his seed. Even if she was begging for his child, he told her that he would pull out and he was going to keep to that.

Fortunately for him, Marie bought every moment of it as another few ropes of his cum splattered along her breasts and her face, giving her proof that he indeed pulled out just before cumming. Hot and heavy breaths left them both as their climaxes came to an end. But, in Marie’s case, something extra happened. The scent of Tyrone’s cum and the warmth that radiated off of it quickly hit her hard.

At first, she couldn’t find the words to describe it, but the scent that lingered caused her to bring a hand to her chest and gently swipe his cum onto her fingers. Only for her to then pop her finger into her mouth and get a good taste of his seed. Immediately, the pleasure and lust that was in her mind became enhanced. Though, it was only for a moment as Tyrone quickly brought his shaft to her mouth, catching her attention only when the tip pressed against her lips.

When she noticed that his cock was there, Marie instinctively wrapped her lips around it. She knew that she still couldn’t take it all, but she could at least work on the tip and show it the love she knew Tyrone would want. And just like he had told her earlier, she put her tongue to good use, swirling it around the head and getting another good taste of his cum in the process.

With a smile on his face, Tyrone brought his hand to the top of Marie’s head, threading his fingers into her hair. He didn’t care how lost she was in the pleasure right at this moment. The main thing he was happy about was the fact that she didn’t notice the cum that was leaking out of her pussy. He had pulled off his trick successfully and felt like a king as a result. But as she took the first inch or two of his cock into her mouth, there was no denying the rush of pleasure that surged through him. There was no denying the lust that filled his mind, prompting him to attempt to push another inch into her mouth.

Thankfully, Marie was so lost in the pleasure that she didn’t notice, simply enjoying the feeling of Tyrone’s shaft dragging along her tongue for a moment. Her heart raced in her chest as he took advantage of her mouth, putting it to use. And, of course, she was enjoying the low groans and moans that Tyrone let out, properly knowing that she was making him feel good with her sloppy technique.

However, it was in that moment when he first started to go soft that she noticed something was off. There was a slightly warm sensation between her legs. Obviously, she was excited and aroused due to everything he had done to and for her. But it was a different feeling this time. It was something that she didn’t understand or know. And as she looked between her legs slightly spreading them, she thought she could see something. Only to then have her attention diverted back to Tyrone as his arms suddenly ended up underneath her.

Before she knew it, she was quickly hoisted up off of Tyrone’s bed in the bridal position. Marie’s head rested on his shoulder as one of his arms rested under her back and the other held tightly under her knees. “O-Oh!” Marie let out a quick squeak when she realized that she was in the air, only to then look up into Tyrone’s loving and excited gaze. “I-I’m not too heavy, am I…?”

“Not at all! You did fantastic for your first time.” Tyrone chuckled as he hopped off the bed with Marie in his arms, looking down at her as he walked toward his bathroom. “Especially with the begging. I could tell you were nervous and you were such a good girl for me, getting yourself to say that.~”

Marie’s cheeks turned a deep shade of red as she listened to Tyrone. “Well… it’s not my fault. Having a dick like that just isn’t fair…” She buried her face into his chest as she relished in his warmth, still somehow not noticing the cum that had filled her pussy.


After the shower that they had taken together, Marie was starting to feel sore from her time with Tyrone. She was still enjoying the pleasure that her body felt, and relishing in the gentle nature that he had with her, but there was no denying the pain of her first time still radiating slightly within her. A heavy sigh left her lips as she laid out on his bed on her stomach, reaching back behind herself and carefully rubbing her ass cheeks, hoping that the pain would fade away. “I didn’t think he would be that rough… It felt good. But… Ow…”

It was at that moment that Tyrone stepped out of his bathroom with a smile on his face and a towel around his shoulders. “Nice and clean. And now we can just relax together.”

Marie turned her head to see Tyrone stepping out of his bathroom, gasping when she realized that he was fully naked. Of course, it wasn’t the first time that she had seen him undressed and she wasn’t nervous about seeing him undressed once again. But something about seeing Tyrone this time sparked a feeling that Marie couldn’t explain. However, it did make her smile to see him. “You… Don’t want to do anything else together? Just relax?”

When Tyrone got in the bed a moment later, tossing the towel he had around his neck to the side, Marie didn’t hesitate to cuddle up to him. She quickly rested her head against his chest and turned her face so that her nose pressed against his skin. And in that moment, she smelled his body wash once again, bringing a smile to her face. “It’s not fair…”

Tyrone couldn’t help but chuckle as he listened to Marie’s chuckled words. It was odd for him to hear, but he couldn’t help but admire the way she nestled into him already. It was so quick and she was becoming his, if she wasn’t already. “Is there something else you want to do, Marie?” Tyrone smirked as he threaded his fingers through Marie’s hair, giving it a few gentle and playful tugs.

“M-Maybe…” Marie tried her best to wrap her arms around Tyrone’s body, simply nuzzling even deeper into his body. “I didn’t think my first time would feel that good. I’m… Still wanting more…”

In that moment, Tyrone couldn’t stop himself from laughing, enjoying the way Marie seemed to just give in to the pleasure he brought. “Is that so? I’m flattered to hear you say that. If you want to do something else, we certainly can go for another round.”

At first, Marie wasn’t sure what to do. She didn’t think he would be so willing, for some reason. Some part of her felt like he would just toss her to the side for the length of her visit after taking her virginity. However, hearing him offer, she quickly nodded her head. “I wouldn’t be opposed…”

With that being said, Tyrone knew he had to give Marie exactly what she wanted. He couldn’t be a good boyfriend and not give her what she craved from him, after all. There was no hesitation as he brought both of his hands to Marie’s hips and grabbed onto her, pulling her body so that she rested against his form. Her breasts squished against his chest as he brought one of his hands to her rear end, the other resting against the small of her back. “I think it’s only right to start with me stealing another kiss.”

Before she could get a word out, Marie felt Tyrone press his lips against her own. She didn’t struggle against him this time or even shy away from the affection he brought her. And in the moment, it felt like the kiss was lasting forever. That the kiss was going to be the single best moment of her life. It was a wonderful feeling as he gently squeezed her supple ass cheek, smacking it just before he pulled back and broke the kiss that they were shared. “Oh my…”

“It’s always a treat seeing you react like this. You truly are something special, Marie.~” Tyrone brought the hand that was on Marie’s back to her other ass cheek, smirking as he stared into her eyes. “But if you want more, I need you to tell me. Make it clear what you want from me.”

“Please… D-Daddy… I…” Marie paused for a moment, pushing her face into Tyrone’s pillow over his shoulder as a deep shade of red came to her cheeks. “Please give me your big, black cock, Daddy. I want you to fuck me again. Make me yours once again.”

Without missing a beat, Tyrone grabbed a gentle hold of the back of Marie’s head and pulled her into a position where he could steal another kiss from her lips. And much to his surprise, she was starting to return the affection he brought her. Instead of just accepting the kisses, she was returning them with her own. But he wasn’t going to bring it up, wondering if she realized it herself.

Of course, as one kiss trailed into a second and then a third, Marie’s mind was slowly becoming lost to the pleasure and lust that coursed through her. She couldn’t help herself with how good Tyrone made her feel. With how special he made her feel. And with how loved he made her feel. Especially when he began to rub and play with her ass cheeks as they continued to make out. It was a wonderful thing for her. Almost making her feel like she truly belonged to him.

However, it was at that moment that something came to mind and she realized exactly what happened. Marie quickly brought her hands to Tyrone’s chest and pushed herself up and away from him, her breasts hovering in his face. “I…” She was at a loss for words when she realized that she was kissing Tyrone back just as much as he was kissing her. “... Like when you steal kisses from me…”

“Yeah. You haven’t told me to stop yet.” Tyrone chuckled as his eyes locked on her lovely breasts. “Did you not realize?”

“N-No… Not until just now. I just… Thought you were a master at making me comfortable.”

“Well, maybe you should let me steal a few more…” Almost as if on queue or following orders, Tyrone watched as Marie did as she was told, leaning in to let him steal some kisses from her. She didn’t make the first move or connect their lips together, waiting on Tyrone to do it for her. Which, he was more than happy to do, leaning himself upward and stealing a kiss from her. One that lingered for a few moments before she returned the affection and it drifted into the next one. “Again.”

Marie nodded and did as she was told, leaning down even more so that both her and Tyrone were more comfortable. But just like last time, she didn’t connect the kiss. She waited for him to take charge. And just like she hoped, Tyrone met her for the kiss and stole one from her lips. Her heart skipped a beat in her chest as she accepted the affection, enjoying the way she felt when he took charge like this.

Though, on the other hand, Tyrone was relishing in the way Marie seemed to do everything he told her to do. He loved the way she was already just giving in and doing as he asked, seeming to enjoy how he would take control of her. But, it was at that moment as the two shared another kiss that he realized just how much Marie was enjoying herself. He could feel her arousal through her panties, making it clear that she was incredibly turned on.

Of course, as they drifted from one kiss into another, Tyrone knew that now was his chance to take things to the next step once again. With just how excited she was, he saw no reason to keep her waiting for his attention. This is exactly why he used one of the hands gently rubbing Marie’s supple ass to pull her panties to the side. He was careful to make sure that she didn’t notice what he was doing, but he made sure that her pussy was free and bare for him to penetrate.

In the heat of the moment with lust and desire coursing through her, Marie didn’t even notice what was happening with Tyrone. She realized that one of his hands was no longer touching her body and instead moving elsewhere, but she didn’t know what he was doing with it. Though, it didn’t matter to her right now. The only thing that did was the enjoyable feeling of his lips against hers. The feeling of his tongue pushing into her mouth and dancing around with her own. The feeling of his hot shaft pressing against her pussy that she didn’t realize was now bare. Everything was just so fitting for the moment that she didn’t want it to stop, even if it meant taking things to another level between them.

However, Tyrone had other plans for him and Marie when he knew that her pussy was bare. With a smile on his face, he pulled himself away from Marie’s face and looked into her eyes. Only to then pull her down onto his shaft and impale her with each and every inch of his throbbing member. It felt so good to hear her scream out in pure and utter pleasure as her inner walls were violated and stretched once again to accommodate his cock.

Pure, unadulterated bliss erupted from Marie’s lips as she was suddenly filled and stretched. She couldn’t believe that Tyrone would do something like this to her, but she couldn’t help but love the onslaught of pleasure that surged within her. To the point that she didn’t hesitate to start carefully rocking her hips back and forth, relishing in the feeling of his dick throbbing inside of her.

When Marie’s body dropped back down and her breasts met his chest again, Tyrone couldn’t stop himself from chuckling. Nor could he stop himself from stealing another kiss from her, enjoying the way she didn’t hesitate to return the affection. A smile came to his lips as he took control of her once again, bringing one hand to the back of Marie’s head and the other to her hips, grabbing a firm hold of her body. “This wonderful white pussy belongs to me now.”

Before she could get a word out, Marie was met with the same wonderful feeling that coursed through her earlier. The same ecstasy that rushed through her body with each and every thrust that filled her. Every time the head of Tyrone’s cock stretched her inner walls and hammered against the entrance to her womb, she was met with the same pleasure that caused her mind to cloud over and become jittery. And every time that Tyrone met her for a loving kiss, they seemed different. They seemed more passionate to her lust-addled mind. But maybe, just maybe, that was because Marie was too far gone in her pleasure.

Tyrone did not hesitate to pick up the pace of his thrusts, gripping even tighter onto Marie’s hip as he did so. He didn’t want her going anywhere as he took advantage of her vulnerable body. He didn’t want her somehow managing to slip out of his grip as he fucked her from below. And he especially didn’t want her thinking she could get away from him right now. Not when he was thoroughly enjoying himself and relishing in every moment he was able to spend with her.

However, when Marie’s attention seemed to waver, when the lust that filled her seemed to dwindle a little bit, Tyrone was able to notice. He didn’t know just what it was or what was going on with her, but he wasn’t about to stop if he could help it. But it was when her moans started to become fainter and fainter, quieting down every couple of seconds as he continued to thrust into her and ravage her.

Unbeknownst to Marie or Tyrone, Marie was slowly passing out as the pleasure that she felt was getting to be the better of her. Her heart raced in her chest as the world around her began to fade away. They had no idea if it was just the fact that there was too much pleasure for her mind to keep up with. If she was just exhausted from the exciting day she had and it was catching up to her. Or if something Tyrone was doing was putting her to sleep for reasons beyond their understanding.

But before either of them properly realized what was going on, Marie passed out right then and there. As Tyrone was on the verge of blowing his load and filling her womb with his seed. But when Marie went from moaning in his ear to snoring in his face, Tyrone couldn’t stop himself from chuckling and debating on what he wanted to do. He could wait until she was awake and just let things be right here. But with the pleasure that he felt and the twisted desire he had to impregnate her, he saw no reason to that. The only option he really had considering the circumstances was to finish fucking her and cum inside her, knocking her up just like she had asked him to do earlier. “I’m sorry to do this while you’re asleep, Marie. But I’m not stopping here.”

Of course, Marie was out cold when Tyrone was talking to her. She couldn’t respond to him even if she wanted to. And that was perfectly fine with him as he started to thrust into her once again, happily ravaging her pussy while she couldn’t respond or react. It was weird in a way to be fucking someone that couldn’t show emotion as he did so, but that wasn’t going to stop Tyrone in the sightest. Not when he was so close to blowing his load and giving Marie the present that she had asked for.

“She can’t be upset if I give her a gift while she’s asleep, can she? She did ask for my black child, after all.” A twisted smirk came to Tyrone’s face as he chased the pleasure that filled him and corrupted his mind. He chuckled in Marie’s ear as he gave in to his lust and forgot about everything else in the world right at this moment. And he didn’t care in the slightest about how she would feel as he had no hesitation or remorse before erupting inside of her.

A loud groan left him as he pumped rope after rope of his thick and heated seed directly into her womb, making sure to plunge every inch of his cock that he possibly could into her. And in order to not be too loud, Tyrone bit down on his lower lip after a moment to try and keep himself quiet. There was no need to wake her up right here and now while he was hopefully impregnating her.


Marie wasn’t sure what had happened when the world started to come back to her mind. She wasn’t exactly sure how to approach things, understanding that her and Tyrone were in the middle of getting heated when she passed out. But as she started to recognize things around her, she noticed a warm feeling between her legs and it quickly reminded her of how she had asked Tyrone to impregnate her that one time. “D-Daddy…? You pulled out while I was asleep, right…?”

At first, Tyrone wasn’t sure how to respond. He didn’t even realize that she was awake just yet. But here she was, looking him in the eyes with a concerned expression on her face. And he didn’t want her to get too upset with him just yet. If anything, he would be fine with it while he was more awake and could properly fuck her back into submission.

However, before he could answer, Marie leaned in and planted a gentle kiss against his lips. Only to pause for a moment when she realized what she had done. “I just…”

“Gave me a kiss this time, yes. Getting a bit more bold, aren’t you?~” Tyrone couldn’t help but chuckle and watch her expression turn into one of embarrassment. But he didn’t answer her question right away, wanting to see how much he could get away with before needing to say anything.

“Yeah, I guess so. But… You did pull out, right?” It was at that moment that Marie felt a throb inside of her, telling her that he was still buried inside of her. And instinctively convincing herself that the warm feeling inside of her was the feeling of Tyrone’s cock and not his cum. “O-Oh, you’re still inside?~”

“Of course I am, sweetheart. Why would I not be when you’re as lovely as you are? But to answer your question, yes I pulled out.~” Tyrone licked his lips as he brought a hand to the back of Marie’s head and pulled her into yet another kiss. “But you shouldn’t worry about that. Just be sure to enjoy Daddy’s gift to you while you’re here.”

It was at that moment that Marie started to fall asleep once again. It seemed that she didn’t fully wake up in that moment and was still exhausted. For a moment, it caught Tyrone off guard that she was able to fall asleep just like that while he was still buried inside of her. But if it happened once, it was possible for it to happen again. And some part of that turned him on deep down. Maybe, just maybe, he could take advantage of that and properly enjoy himself with her body while she was sleeping. And maybe she would learn to enjoy it. “Though, if she’s going to learn to enjoy it… She needs to stay here…”

It was at that moment that Tyrone realized something that he didn’t expect. He was taking advantage of her and was more than happy to keep her in his home while she was supposed to be in America. But he hadn’t thought about keeping her around for longer than that. Until right now, that is. His mind raced at the thought of being able to keep this innocent-looking girl at his disposal for the rest of his life. Being able to mold her into his personal sex toy and keep her up to his standards.

At first, he just wanted to knock her up and let her leave. But the more he thought about the benefits of keeping her around, the more it seemed like a good idea to him. Which is exactly why he gentle nudged Marie to wake her up, gently smiling at her in order to not alarm her. “You know, Marie… If you wanted, you could always stay with me if you want. After your trip to America ends, that is.”

A sharp breath left Marie in that moment. Was he asking her to move in with him? Was he telling her that she could always come back and visit him? She didn’t know for sure right now. But as she sleepily thought about it, she nodded her head and looked into Tyrone’s eyes. “I’ll stay with my black daddy for as long as he wants me to. You deserve it after giving me the best eighteenth birthday present I could possibly ask for.~”

Without giving Tyrone a chance to respond to her, Marie leaned in and stole a kiss from his lips. Only to then giggle and rest her cheek against his chest once again. “Finally got to return the favor.~”

Being able to see the giddy smile on her face, Tyrone didn’t say a word as she drifted off to sleep once again. Though, once she was asleep, he was quick to start thinking about just what to do with her while she was here. Of course, if she wanted to stay with him and he didn’t want to raise any children, they could get some morning after pills while going out tomorrow. But if it didn’t matter to him keeping her around like this could prove to be very useful.

However, still being as rock hard as he was inside of Marie, Tyrone knew that he couldn’t think too much about it right here and now. He had to properly enjoy himself, even if she was asleep. After giving her a moment to properly drift off into sleep, he began to thrust into her once again, happily taking advantage of her sleeping body, fully intent on flooding her womb with even more of his seed. “I hope you enjoy your trip to America, Marie. It’s definitely going to be one to remember for the rest of your life. Especially if the rest of your life is spent with me, being a breeding machine for me.~”

It was at that moment that Marie let out a loud snore on Tyrone’s chest for a moment, prompting him to laugh while fucking her.


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