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With graduation having just passed, Ann wanted to spend a few days with her girlfriend before distance got between the two of them. Makoto was planning on leaving their little area to go to Tokyo for schooling. There was supposedly one of the best police academies in Japan there and they knew it was the only place she would accept going to before becoming a cop. However, that put the two of them in a bit of a tight spot. The school’s starting period was a few months before any others, leaving them only a day or two to properly spend together before Makoto needed to pack and travel.

“Ann, you know that I could be back in only a few hours thanks to the bullet train. And you could even come to see me.” Makoto’s lips curled into a gentle smile as she caressed her blonde lover’s cheek, appreciating the fact that Ann wanted to do something big for her before they were separated. “Besides, you know you’re the only one for me. After everything we’ve been through, you know I wouldn’t dare lay eyes on someone else.”  Ann felt her heart flutter at the mention of her being the only one for Makoto. “Of course, I know that, Makoto. I wouldn’t put my eyes on anyone else while you’re away. But that doesn’t stop you from being away from me. And… While I know it’s clingy to say something like that, and I know it’s to better your future and make sure you get the career you want, I just don’t wanna be without you for that long.”  “Ann…”  “So, we’ve already had our goodbye party with the rest of the thieves, but I wanted to do something special. I wanted to do something different. Something that was clearly just… ours.” The emphasis that Ann put on that word was accentuated by the look in her eyes, the almost pleading expression for her girlfriend to just cave for once and give her what she wanted.  “You know you don’t--”  “Think of it as one final present for the girl of my dreams before she’s whisked away to become a cop.”

The fact that Ann was pushing so hard for this made it clear to Makoto that it wasn’t something she was going to give up on, even if it took until the final day to convince her. But, there was something about that stubbornness that Makoto couldn’t help but love. The smile that was on her lips grew just a bit as she leaned in and placed a gentle kiss against Ann’s lips. “Fine fine. I shouldn’t complain about my girlfriend wanting to do something special, should I?”  “Nope!~”  The giggle that left Ann made it clear to them both that Makoto had made the right choice. But at the moment, when the two were looking into each other’s eyes,m the thought of leaving Makoto’s bedroom began to seem more like a chore than a reward or celebration. “Hey… Should we push it to tomorrow…?” As she spoke, Makoto slowly began to pepper kiss after kiss against Ann’s jawline, earning a gentle sound of bliss from her lips.  However, there wasn’t an answer right away. Not a verbal one at least. The only answer that An could give was to lean her head back and let Makoto continue to trail those kisses down her neck and toward her collarbone. Unfortunately, the moment that her girlfriend began to tug at her clothing, pressing a kiss against the top of her breasts, the door to the Niijimia residence opened.  “Makoto! I’m home! They gave me the next few days off to send you off to the academy properly!”  As Sae’s voice rang through the previously quiet abode, Makoto and Ann couldn’t stop themselves from screaming in surprise.  “Sis! What are you doing home already?!”  “Oh god, Sae’s here?! Crap, crap, crap!”  Though she was still standing in the entrance of her own home, Sae couldn’t help but chuckle at the sound of those two having a mini panic attack over her getting home. She knew that the two were together and were old enough to be doing things that she would frown upon if Ann was a boy. But with how close and happy the two were? She wasn’t going to stop them from doing anything they wanted. “Yes girls, I’m home. Ann, if you’re here to stay for a bit, would you like something to eat?”  Ann’s heart jumped in her chest at the thought of Sae cooking for her. Makoto had always sung praises about Sae’s cooking, but she never heard an opinion from anyone else. Thankfully, at this point, Makoto was already rushing out of her bedroom and toward the living room. So, she felt no worries about getting caught. “Yes, please. Just something simple. I’m taking Makoto out on a date today!”  Makoto came into Sae’s view just in time for both of them to process what the blonde had said. And much to her pleasure, the older Niijima was able to watch her younger sister’s cheeks turn a deep shade of red, embarrassment clear in her eyes. “Oh? A date, huh? Do the two of you need a little spending money? Considering the timing, I’m sure this is meant to be special.”  Ann stepped out of Makoto’s room with a smile on her face before waving her hand to Sae’s question. “Not at all. We’re all set. Nothing is really planned, but thanks to Ren being as generous as he is with the Thieves' funds, we’ve all got plenty to spare.”  “You know, I’ve always been curious about how much you kids made during all of that…”  A bright smile came to Ann’s lips as she shook her head to Sae’s comment. “I can’t tell you the exact number, but let's say each of the original three has enough to make Haru jealous if we wanted to.~”  ***********************************************

The first place that Ann wanted to take her girlfriend was to the movies. There was a special promotion showing of an action series that Makoto was a major fan of and she knew it would be perfect for the two of them to see. But they needed to make one stop first, picking up a few snacks at the convenience store that was down the street from the theater.

“Ann, how did you even get tickets to the showing? I’ve been keeping my eye on them for ages, but they’ve been sold out!” The sheer amount of joy that was in Makoto’s voice as the two of them stepped into the store made Ann’s heart flutter in her chest. No matter what she did in life, she knew that nothing would compare to how happy it made her to hear that side of Makoto come to the surface.  “There was a scalper on the street a few days ago. Let’s just say he didn’t argue with me once I put my foot down.~” Ann playfully stuck her tongue out at her girlfriend as she spun on her heel, stopping in the middle of the small candy aisle. “Pick out what you want. Just make sure we can sneak it in.”  “You do realize we can just get snacks at the theater, right?” Makoto chuckled at the thought of sneaking candy into the movies. The local one usually had the kind she would eat during a showing anyway. And since she was avoiding popcorn before her travel to Tokyo, she knew that spoiling herself one last time was also an option if Ann tried to put up an argument. “Or are you just trying to avoid going?”  “Not at all. The theater here just doesn’t even have the kind I like. And… If memory serves…” Ann bent over at the hip as she looked at the shelf, finding the one piece of candy she knew Makoto preferred. “The theater doesn’t have these, does it?” Without missing a beat, she tossed the package of gummy bears at Makoto, smiling all the while.

Unfortunately, Makoto was too focused on her girlfriend’s supple rear end to catch the bag that came flying at her, only noticing it when it smacked her in the neck, causing her to cough and attempt to catch it before it hit the floor. Of course, this got a laugh out of her blonde lover, but it still filled her with embarrassment to be caught staring at that wonderful ass in the middle of the open. “U-Uh… No, they don’t have these anymore… I think it was only recently that they got rid of them.”  When she heard the gummy bears hit the floor, Ann quickly turned her head just in time to see the blush on Makoto’s cheeks before she bent over to pick it up. “Something catch your eye, Makoto? Do you see anything else you like here?~”  Makoto’s heart skipped a beat in her chest as she listened to Ann tease her. “Of course, there’s something else in this aisle that I like, Ann…” She did her best to put up a front and try to hide the fact that she was staring, but as Ann stood up straight and slowly walked over to her, Makoto’s mind immediately began to blank out. All she could think of was the times that the blonde did this exact same thing during their relationship. All the times Ann took a certain tone in her voice and took a dominating position between the two of them.

However, her mind immediately cleared up when she heard a familiar voice behind her, behind the counter of the convenience store.  “I can help whoever’s next!”  Almost immediately, both Ann and Makoto recognized their leader’s voice, prompting them both to turn their heads and see him tending to a different customer at the counter. “Makoto, did you know he worked here…?”  “He mentioned that he did have a job here. But I thought he said he quit… Or that he got fired when he ‘died’.”

Both of their hearts dropped when Ren turned his head from the customer he finished helping and saw the two of them staring at him. And while he didn’t say anything, turning his head to face the next customer to reach the counter, the look on his face made it clear that they weren’t to cause trouble.  “Get the gummy bears and go?” Ann whispered into her girlfriend’s ear.  “Sounds like a good idea. I don’t think he’d mind if we just left.”  “Yep.” Ann grabbed two more bags of gummy bears, knowing that Makoto would likely want some as they were leaving, before making her way to the counter. “H-Hey, Ren… I thought you didn’t work here anymore.”

“I’ve got another few shifts before I’m fully done here. You two came just for some gummy bears?”

“Makoto’s favorite.” Ann tried her best to force out a laugh before turning to see her girlfriend standing next to her.  “If I had to guess, you’re here to prep for the movie. You’re going to be late at this rate.”  “Well, I can’t help being with someone so beautiful!” Ann jokingly blurted out, wrapping one of her arms around Makoto’s waist. “It’s like you and Haru. You just have those moments, right?”  Makoto’s cheeks turned a deep shade of red when she felt Ann’s hand land against her hip, tugging against her and pulling her as close as she could. Being affectionate with each other was one thing, doing it in public was another, but doing it in front of one of their closest friends? Deep down, she knew he wouldn’t care and probably would joke about it later with the group. But there was still a sense of embarrassment that rushed through her as he bagged her candy and gestured for them to leave. “W-We didn’t pay, though.”  “My treat. I’m not off work before you leave and I won’t get in trouble over a couple of bags of candy. Go enjoy yourselves.”  “Thanks, Ren.”  As the two of them turned to leave, they almost made it to the door before the couple heard their leader clear his throat. “Let me know how the movie is. I can catch it after my shift if I rush.”  “You got it!” As they made their way out of the store, Ann let out a heavy breath before slipping her hand into Makoto’s back pocket. “Let’s not be late.”


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