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Shortly after becoming a defense attorney, Sae is put on a case where a black man is charged with rape. Wanting to get to the bottom of things, she visits her client’s home to get more information.

Shortly after changing her profession from being a prosecutor to being a defense attorney, one of Sae’s first cases was that of a husband accusing a foreign black man of raping his wife. The wife and her defendant both claimed that the black man in question was innocent of raping her. Neither one of them said much else, but Sae needed to know more. It was her job to get to the bottom of things and make sure this man wasn’t arrested and thrown in jail for a crime he didn’t commit. And as she was on her way to his apartment, having been told he was released from custody with his bond being paid, she went over the case in her mind one last time.

The black man swore that he was innocent of raping the prosecutor’s wife. He never denied being with her or being in the prosecutor’s home at the time of the accusation, though. And the wife never said anything about the case other than that the black man was innocent and didn’t rape her. It was pretty easy to piece together that something was wrong if two out of the three members of the case were saying the same thing. Fortunately, that was exactly why Sae made her way to her client’s home, admittedly surprised that it was one of the nicer parts of Tokyo.

When she got to his door and knocked on it, she was ready for him to open the door and be slightly annoyed that he had to talk about the case yet again. Most defendant clients were, after all, just wanting things to be done and over with. But when her client opened the door, Sae was greeted to the sight of a tall and toned black man standing in just a towel, water dripping off of him. And for a moment, Sae was stunned and kept quiet, her eyes quickly making their way along the man’s body to catch his physique in her mind.

“You’re my attorney, right? Sae Niijima? Come on in. Sorry about the look, you caught me when I was in the shower.”

The gentle laugh that left her client’s lips brought Sae back to reality, prompting her to quickly nod her head and step her way into his home. She had been shown a picture of her client and knew what he looked like, but it was her first time seeing him in person. The fact that he was as handsome as he was caught her off guard. Especially for him to open the door like he was. “Pardon my intrusion. I can wait if you need me to.”

“As long as you don’t mind seeing me like this, I don’t see a need to get dressed.”

Sae let out a gentle breath as she made her way toward her client’s couch, sitting across from him and keeping her eyes locked on him. “Getting down to business, you and miss Kujikawa both claim that you are innocent in terms of raping her. But neither of you had anything to say about her husband accusing you of breaking into their home. I don’t want to take up your night, so I just want to hear your account of the night. Every detail that comes to mind if you’re able. It would make the case that much easier.”

“Ah… Yeah, I didn’t break into his home. I didn’t want things to go public for Mrs. Kujikawa’s sake, but she invited me. She’s been cheating on him with me for a few months now. It wasn’t the first time she invited me into their home while he was gone for the day. And it wasn’t the first time she had asked me to try and breed her in the process either.” A chuckle left the black man’s lips as he crossed his legs while thinking back to that day. “If I remember correctly, that was the first time she had asked me to choke her while in bed, though. She mentioned wanting to mix things up from time to time. Must have been a real scare when her husband got home early because a meeting was cancelled.”

Sae’s heart skipped a beat in her chest at the casual laugh that filled her ears. It was one thing if the wife was cheating on her husband with this man. That would mean he wasn’t raping her and the case would be done and over. But being told just what happened, in detail, because she asked for his recollection of that day? She didn’t expect to be told about how this man fucked Mrs. Kujikawa in every room of their house, using her pussy and breasts for his pleasure, ramming into her throat hard enough that she couldn’t stop coughing around his cock. Or how it was probably the first time Kujikawa had made him cum as hard as he did.

All of it caused Sae’s mind to wander as this man told her detail after detail. On one side of things, if everything he was saying was right, this case would be incredibly simple and he wouldn’t face any time in jail, likely even being able to counter sue the husband for defaming his name. But on the other hand, everything she was hearing was making Sae feel hotter and hotter by the moment. Maybe it had been that long since she had last found a partner in bed. Maybe the things that were being told to her just sounded that exciting. Or maybe the curiosity of following Mrs. Kujikawa’s lead and taking this man’s cock sounded more and more exciting by the minute with the feats they’ve seemed to accomplish together.

No matter what the reason was, Sae found herself subconsciously rubbing her legs together as the man continued telling her more and more details. And when he was finally down, she let out a gentle breath, trying to collect herself and push down her arousal for a moment. “Okay…. If what you’re saying is true, this case will be the easiest one I’ve ever had. All we need is Mrs. Kujikawa admitting to cheating on her husband and you’ll be a free man. We might need some proof of your past meet-ups just to cement that she has been cheating for a while. If you want to, you could even counter sue him for defaming your name. Though, that’s not something you should get your hopes up for.”

“Really? That’s fantastic to hear! I should be able to talk her into admitting things. We wouldn’t have to be secret with our affair anymore. She could marry me instead!”

The hearty laugh that left the man caused Sae’s heart to skip a beat in her chest once again. Just how was he so casual about having a Japanese woman cheat on her husband? How could he be so casual about telling her all the details of that night without any concern over the sexual nature of things? And just how could he look so attractive while wearing just a towel? All of these thoughts rushed through Sae’s mind as she rose from her seat and politely bowed to the man. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll write this up so we can present it in court.”

When she made her way to her client’s door, Sae stopped for a moment. The thoughts were still rushing through her head and her mind was still wandering, just imagining how a night with this man would be if he could make the former idol, Mrs. Kujikawa, cheat on her husband. With a deep breath, she let go of his door handle and turned around to face him. “If possible, could you allow me to see your cock? I believe your story, but I am having trouble understanding just why Mrs. Kujikawa of all people would cheat on her husband. And… It would help the case as well, if someone other than her can attest to you being…. Well, worth having an affair with.”

Sae’s heart raced in her chest as she watched her black client pause for a moment and shrug his shoulders. And when he gestured for her to make her way back to the living room with him, she couldn't believe she was actually going through with this. Not only was this man her client, he was also in a relationship with another woman. And, on top of that, what kind of scandal would this make if word of it got out? However, when she got into his living room and he sat back down on his couch, she knew that it was far too late to back out now. Especially now that she had her fingers hooked into his towel.

With a heavy breath leaving her, Sae dropped down to her knees between this man’s legs. She hesitated for only a moment before opening his towel, just unsure of what she was going to find. But much to her pleasure and excitement, the moment that she opened the man’s towel, she was met with his impressively massive cock springing forward and slapping her right on her cheek. Hard enough that the sound of the smack echoed in the living room once or twice. And all Sae could get out of her mouth in the heat of a moment was a quiet, but clearly excited, ‘Holy shit…’

Her eyes drifted back and forth between the man’s shaft and his eyes, lust pulling her gaze to the member that was now hovering above her while diligence kept her looking at the man’s eyes. When she could finally bring herself back together, Sae looked at the man and let out a gentle breath. One that she knew was felt on his shaft from the way it twitched and throbbed in front of her. “Y-Yeah… It’s no wonder Mrs. Kujikawa is cheating with you… I think any woman would if they had something like this inside of them.”

The gentle laugh that left the man caused an equally gentle smile to come to Sae’s lips. He was being so calm about this, it was like it wasn’t his first time fucking someone that was keeping him out of jail. But she couldn’t bring herself to care right now as the heavy scent of his musk began to hit her nostrils and fill her mind, prompting her to reach a hand out and start carefully stroking his length. All while she kept her eyes locked on his member rather than looking him in the eyes now.

Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for Sae to figure out that only one of her hands wasn’t going to be enough to get her client off or make him truly enjoy himself. She quickly wrapped her other hand around his shaft, keeping them together as she massaged his member from the base all the way to the tip. And she was rewarded with the sound of him groaning for her, pleasure riddling his voice as it filled her ears. But it was clear to her that it still wasn’t enough to get him off if she truly wanted to do that.

With his cock in her hands, the scent of his musk filling her mind, and the sound of him moaning and groaning filling her ears, it didn’t take Sae long to wrap her lips around the head of his shaft and start sucking on it. At first, it felt like her jaw was going to break with just how large it was when she tried to get it into her mouth. But the moment that she had her lips around it and the head of his shaft in her mouth, Sae felt like she would be able to handle this and get him off. And that sense of duty and fulfillment sparked something inside of her. Something that she loved and something that pushed her to lower her head just a few inches down his length while she stroked the rest.

However, no matter how deep she went and how expertly she moved her tongue along his length, it didn’t seem like he was going to cum soon. Even if she was loving having something so large and delicious in her mouth and against her tongue, at this point Sae was too invested to leave her client’s home without making him cum. She was in too deep and much too turned on to be able to feel satisfied leaving without him cumming for her.

And that desire to make him cum for her caused her to pull her hands from around his member and start to undress in front of him. She remained on her knees, bobbing her head up and down what she could of his member, while unbuttoning her blazer and throwing it across the room when she was able to get it off of herself. And when she had gotten that off, Sae didn’t hesitate to cup her impressively large breasts in her hands through her bra, tugging at the material enough to pull it down underneath her breasts, exposing the large and supple mounds to the black man that she was sucking off.

“What is it with you Japanese women having some of the biggest tits I’ve seen? I thought you were all supposed to be petite and tiny. But you and Rise both… Just massive.” A heavy sigh left the man’s lips when he felt Sae cup her breasts in her hands once again, wrapping them around the lower portion of his shaft without having to pop her lips off from around his member. “Not that I’m complaining. If you’re able to do this, I’ll happily cover you with my cum.”

Sae’s heart skipped a beat in her chest at the thought of him cumming all over her. Whether it was on her face, on her breasts, on her stomach, or even inside of her. The thought of him simply cumming for her lit her up inside and caused the arousal that she felt to skyrocket. And the heat that radiated off of his shaft as she squished her breasts around it caused her pussy to ache in jealousy. Not only was he buried in her mouth and making his way to her throat, she felt each and every throb and pulse of his member while it was buried in her cleavage as she massaged his length with them.

With his musk still lingering in her mind, the delicious taste of his cock on her tongue, and now his length buried in her cleavage, Sae knew that she was losing herself to the pleasure and excitement of doing something like this. Deep down, she knew that she got lucky it was a black man that was her client. Especially when it hit her that she was only able to do something like this because he was so casual about his affair with Mrs. Kujikawa. But that didn’t stop her from enjoying herself and moaning up a storm as she popped her lips off from around his member, swirling her tongue around his cockhead while continuing to massage him with her breasts.

And when she felt the man throbbing against her tongue and in her cleavage like he was going to erupt at any moment, Sae felt pure excitement rush through her for a moment. She felt emboldened by the fact that he was going to cum for her, that she was going to make this black man that should have been only a client to her blow his load all over her. She felt excited and empowered by the fact that she could taste his precum leaking out of the tip of his member for a moment before he finally erupted for her.

Sae opened her mouth just in time to accept rope after rope of his thick and surprisingly delicious cum flooding her mouth and pouring into her throat. There was no hesitation as she closed her lips down around the tip of his shaft, trying to keep as much of his spunk as she could in her mouth. But as it began to spill out of the corners of her mouth, Sae quickly and eagerly started to swallow down what she could. Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to keep up with the sheer amount of cum that this man released into her, but she couldn’t help herself.

But when he finally calmed down and the cum finally stopped flowing, she found it much easier to take in every drop of his cum that he provided her. Even going as far as to pop her lips off from around his member and look down at the absolute mess that had been made of her breasts. However, instead of being annoyed that he came so much and she couldn’t swallow it all, Sae felt her pussy ache with anticipation as she swiped her fingers through the cum that soaked into her breasts. Her eyes slowly drifted upward toward the man as she cleaned her breasts right in front of him, being sure to not miss a single drop.

However, one look back down at his cock and Sae could easily see that he was still as hard as when the two of them started. And she knew right then and there that she was in for a treat if things continued from here. Which was exactly why she rose to her feet in front of him, stripped down until she was wearing absolutely nothing, and climbed into the man’s lap without any hesitation. She didn’t even stop for a moment to think about if she was making a smart choice or not as she caught his lips in a heated kiss, giggling through the affection when she felt his cock throb against her rear end. “I shouldn’t be doing something like this. I know I shouldn’t. Sleeping with my client? That’s just going to put my job at risk if anyone found out…”

As she spoke, Sae hoisted herself into the air just enough for the tip of his shaft to rest against her eager pussy, reaching a hand down between her legs to hold him in place. “But with a monster like this… I don’t think any woman would be able to stop herself after she had a taste. It’s no wonder why Mrs. Kujikawa decided to have an affair with you. Her husband must not be able to compare in the slightest anymore.” A gentle but excited smile as she carefully lowered herself down onto his shaft, eagerly taking each and every inch of his cock without a single shred of regret.

When she reached the black man’s base after what felt like a blissful eternity, Sae felt something powerful wash over her. A strong sense of pleasure, bliss, and pain filling her all at once as she looked the man in the eyes. She could feel his shaft throbbing against her inner walls, stretching her out and reaching her womb while her plump and shapely ass rested in his lap. And that pleasure drove her to reach behind the man’s head and hold down tightly onto the couch as she allowed her body a moment to simply relish in the pleasure of being as full as she was. “It’s so fucking big…”

The words spilled out of her mouth before she could stop them, but she couldn’t bring herself to care about that as she noticed her client smiling at her while she rested in his lap. The only thing Sae could bring herself to do was to start moving her hips back and forth and up and down as she held tightly to the couch behind his head. And as she began to move, that familiar powerful wave of pleasure washed over her once again.

Almost immediately, Sae fell in love with the pleasure that flooded her system. From the way this man reached behind her and held firmly onto her rear end, to the way her pussy ached in sheer and utter bliss from being so full, to the way she almost had trouble bouncing on his cock in this position because of just how full she was. All of it led to something that she couldn’t believe she waited so long to experience. And it led to her carefully picking up the pace and intensity of her bouncing, blissful and shameless moans leaving her each and every time she dropped herself back down and impaled herself on his cock.

As Sae continued to bounce on his cock, getting bolder and faster with each passing moment, her client moved one of his hands that was on her shapely ass cheek to the back of her head, pulling her close enough to catch her in yet another heated kiss. A kiss that he quickly followed by slapping her other ass cheek, earning an affectionate moan from her. “Since I moved here, there have been plenty of Japanese women that have taken a look at me and caught my attention. But ones like you and Rise are one in a very few it seems. A fat ass like yours, impressively massive sits, and an attitude that just screams that you want to be used? I don’t think I could get enough of that.”

A quiet laugh left Sae as her lips brushed against his own, her breasts bouncing and heaving each time she moved her hips. “I don’t think I could get enough of a cock as big as yours either. It hurts in just the right way to make me want more. And I’ve never had a foreign dick inside of me before. Nor have I fucked a client of mine.” As soon as she finished speaking to him, a gasp left Sae’s lips, feeling herself suddenly be picked up into the air as the black man rose from his seat on the couch.

In only a moment, she found herself hovering in the air with his grip and his dick being the only things keeping her from falling. But she didn’t let that stop her from grinding against him, feeling every inch of his cock inside of her while he looked her in her eyes. “The living room not enough for you?~”

“A woman like you deserve better than the couch. So, I’m taking you to bed.”

Sae couldn’t stop herself from giggling as her black client started to carry her to his bedroom, each step of his making her bounce on his cock while they moved. And with the amount of pleasure washing through her, she wasn’t sure of how long of a walk it was. But she knew the moment that her back connected with the bed and she felt her client’s weight on top of her, his lips meeting her own for yet another kiss. “At this rate… I’m going to become addicted to the way your lips feel.” When his hands began to roam her body, Sae felt herself giving in to the pleasure and excitement that rushed to her mind, finding herself in a mating press only a minute after she connected with the bed. But she couldn’t bring herself to complain about it as she looked her client in the eyes and saw the hunger that rested within them. “With a look like that, there has to be something you want from me… What is it? You want your defense attorney to act like a slut for you?”

As he began to thrust inside of her Sae’s client chuckled under his breath at her question. There was something he wanted from here. “I’m not sure if someone like you, a business-oriented woman, would go for it. But when I’m with Mrs. Kujikawa, she always has something up her sleeve that she says to make me fuck her harder. Something racially charged to get right under my skin and make me treat her like a whore while we’re in bed.”

Almost immediately, Sae understood what the man meant. She knew just what Rise likely said to him in order to get him riled up and make him fuck her harder. And, hoping that if she said it, he would react the same, Sae carefully locked her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, pulling him close enough for her moans to spill into his ears. “A nigger like you shouldn’t really worry about if I’m up for it or not.~”

Just like she was hoping would happen, the man instantly picked up the pace of his thrusts, a devious laugh rumbling in his throat as he slammed into her as quickly and roughly as he could. And much to her enjoyment, the sheer force of his thrusts not only caused her pussy to ache, her breasts to bounce with each thrust, and her breath to leave her lips, but he also caused the bed to creak and shake as he fucked her. And, of course, as he picked up the intensity and the pace of his thrusts, Sae was quick to respond in kind and hold him as tightly as she could, not wanting to let him pull away from her.

As he hammered into her as quickly and roughly as he could, hot and heavy moans spilled from Sae’s lips and into his ears over and over again. And mixed into those moans, she would continue to smile and call him a nigger, hoping that it would cause him to fuck her all the harder. The pain that coursed through her from him stretching her inner walls and fucking her as roughly as he could only caused Sae to tighten around him, the mixture of pain and pleasure bringing her to enjoy something that she hadn’t ever once felt while she was in bed with a man. Something that pushed her closer and closer to her orgasm with each passing minute.

Of course, the closer she got to her orgasm, the more and more shameless Sae became as well. As the pleasure inside of her began to bubble up and reach new heights, she found herself becoming louder and louder as her client fucked her and ravaged her in his bed. She also found herself screaming out for him to fuck her with his nigger cock, uncaring if any of his neighbors could hear her. And fortunately for her, it seemed he didn’t care either, the force of his thrusts getting that much harder as she got louder.

Even if the bed didn’t show any signs of breaking underneath them as he fucked her into the mattress, Sae couldn’t stop herself from smiling and clinging onto this man as he throbbed inside of her. The feeling of his massive member throbbing and pulsing against her inner walls threw her into an orgasm before he reached one of his own. Maybe it was the excitement that got to her, or the fact that calling him a nigger did only make him fuck her harder and faster, or maybe it was simply the fact that he brought her more pleasure than anyone she had been to bed with. Whatever the reason for it was, Sae didn’t dare shy away from the bliss that she felt as her inner walls clamped down like a vice around his cock.

Fortunately for her, the feeling of her inner walls tightening around his shaft pushed her client into an orgasm of his own. But Sae was too lost in her own pleasure to process anything more than the sudden blast of heat that flooded her womb and painted her inner walls, even leaving her too lost in her bliss to notice when his grip shifted from her breasts to her hips. And before she knew it, Sae realized she had been flipped over and was now on her stomach with her face buried into his pillow.

He hadn’t even bothered to pull out of her cunt before he flipped her over and held firmly onto her hips. Though, it was at that moment Sae realized something deep in her heart. She was going to be at his apartment all night, and maybe all day tomorrow. And she was going to love every moment of it, especially if he continued to fuck her as hard and as fast as he was starting to in this position. She lifted her face out from his pillow and playfully dragged her tongue along her lips, turning her head to look her client in the eyes. “If you’re going to fuck me like you mean it, try and knock me up with your nigger children as well.~”


When she represented the man in court, things went incredibly smoothly. Mrs. Kujikawa didn’t hesitate to admit to the affair that she was having with him, making sure to state that her husband was just jealous that she was sleeping with a black man and not him. There wasn’t as much proof as she was hoping of their meetups, but it was enough for the court to determine that her client was innocent of the rape charge. And when it was all said and done, Sae noticed Rise and her client approaching her, holding tightly to the other one without shame for the crowd. “I’m glad that went as smoothly as expected.”

“Thank you, Miss Niijima.” Rise started, a smile on her face. “Now that everything’s out in the open, I plan on filing for divorce since I’ve now got a real man to take care of me. He’s told me how much of a help you were in this case.” The smile on Mrs. Kujikawa’s face only grew as a knowing look came to her face. “As thanks for the help, would you like to come on a… Let’s say lunch date with us today? We’d be delighted to have you.”

Sae couldn’t hide the smile that came to her face as she knew exactly where this was going. “I’d love to.”


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