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(This story is written by the new partner to Kovacommissions, Rebecca Chesire)

After spending so much time together and growing so close to each other, Daisy thinks it's time her and Luigi take things to the next step.

When it comes to the placement of things, second place is never really held in high regard. Be it contempt someone may have for being called “second best” or insecurity for being “almost as good as the first”. But that doesn’t mean that second is always bad. And there are two particular people who know a lot about coming in second when compared to others. 

These two people are Luigi and Princess Daisy. Though she was the ruler of the Sarasaland region and was home to four kingdoms of numerous valuable resources Daisy, somehow, isn’t as well known as her friend and fellow princess Peach is. And Luigi? Well that’s pretty much a tale as old as time. Even though he stands a two feet taller than his brother, Luigi is the younger twin by some odd minutes and is no where near the level of praise that Mario gets. So yeah – they both know a thing or two about being second rate. 

However, that doesn’t matter to either of them because Daisy and Luigi come first to each other. It’s no secret about how the younger plumber brother and the Sarasaland princess care so deeply for each other. Much deeper than mere feelings of friendship went. However they weren’t as hot to trot to start a relationship as Peach and Mario were. Where they were concerned Luigi and Daisy wanted to take things slow and get to know each other more. They did a lot of the typical things – chat, go for walks, play board games, ect. And it went a long way in helping them become closer on an emotional level. That said it was only a matter of time before it got to the physical point once they finally moved up to a romantic level. 

And today, Daisy felt that they reached that point. 

She sent away for Luigi to come to Sarasaland so that they could discuss an important matter. The important matter concerned the physical aspect of their relationship and how they would proceed. Prior to making her summons Daisy was thinking of what to do in order to advance on the physical level. She didn’t think they were ready to go too far, like have sex. So the yellow loving royal asked her friends what they did with their significant others before they had sex. And they all said the same thing. A blowjob

It was quite a surprise for her to hear, as she didn’t expect to hear her friends just come out and say that of all things. Though the idea was a bit uncomfortable to grasp at the start Daisy did eventually come around to accepting it. And so she decided she’ll go through with it. In preparation for the big night to come she bought some eye-catching lingerie, helped the cooks with a very special meal and set up her quarters to make the mood very special. Everything was perfect for tonight. All that was needed was the man of the hour. 

As if on cue a servant came to announce that Luigi had arrived. Immediately dawning her house robe, which was thick and presentable enough to appear as a more comfortable long sleeved gown to hide her lingerie, Daisy hurried downstairs and to the throne room. Sure enough Luigi was there waiting for her. 

“Luigi! I’m so glad you could come.” Daisy called out happily as she walked towards the green-clad plumber, who in turn smiled at her. 

“Daisy! It’s so wonderful to see you, mi amore.” Luigi said as he took Daisy’s hand and gave it a kiss on the back of it. 

“And I’m heartened to see you as well, my beloved clover. I hope that you have been well and that your journey to Sarasaland wasn’t unpleasant.” Daisy said. 

“Oh no, it was just fine! Surprisingly quiet – hardly any monsters or the like popped up. All in all it was pretty nice.” Luigi replied. 

“I’m glad to hear that. Now then, I’m sure you’re wondering why I summoned you here all out of the blue the way I did.” Daisy said. 

“Si, it crossed my mind. Is something wrong Daisy?” Luigi asked. 

“Oh no. Thankfully all is well both with the kingdom and myself. I actually called you here today to address a special kind of important matter.” Explained the yellow loving royal. 

“Really? What is it?” Luigi asked with curiosity steadily rising. 

“We’ll get to that soon enough. But first, please enjoy a bit of dinner with me. I’m sure that you’re hungry from your long trip.” Daisy said. 

“You bet I am!” Luigi exclaimed eagerly. 

And so the pair ate their dinner, settled in a cozy space where they sat side by side, and reminisced on a lot of fond memories. Eventually once their plates were empty Daisy led Luigi to her private quarters where they gazed up at the crescent moon on the terrace. It was very gorgeous, casting a bright pale yellow shine on the entirety of the diverse region that is Sarasaland. Eventually Daisy found her voice to speak to her beloved. 

“So, about the reason why I called you here...” Daisy trailed off. 

“Yeah?” Luigi asked curiously. 

“Well...we’ve been together for quite some time Luigi. A whole seven years – and they have definitely been the luckiest ones I’ve ever had with a person.” Daisy said with a content smile and leaned over the railing surrounding the terrace to look at the vast lands that she ruled over. 

“I feel the same way, Daisy. Did you summon me just to say that though?” Luigi asked. 

“In a way. Luigi I...I feel that it’s time we go a step further in our relationship.” Daisy said, turning to look at the man in question. 

It took a moment for him to process exactly what Daisy was saying. And when it clicked his face was overcome but a sweet, heavy scarlet blush. He was definitely not expecting to hear that. Now he won’t deny it. Of course Luigi thought about advancing things with Daisy. But he didn’t want to bring it up at worry that he may come of as being pushy or demanding. So he just kept quiet about asking his lady fair if she wanted to go to the next level. It was one of the rare times when he actually wished he was a bit more like his slightly older twin. Mario had an uncanny way with the ladies and could be very suave when the time called for it. And the green-clad plumber wished he could be even a little bit as charming. Finally after being done with his thoughts he finally focused on Daisy, who looked anxious for a reply, and finally spoke. 

“I would like us to take the next step as well, mi amore, but only if you’re certain. I don’t want you to feel like you have to do this for me.” Luigi said. 

“Oh no! That’s not the reason why at all. I’ve been thinking of moving forward for some time, but just wasn’t sure what we could do to test the waters. And I only just thought of it today. Hence why I summoned for you.” Daisy explained with a sweet smile. 

“Well, I’m all too happy to fulfill the wish of my princess.” Luigi said and took Daisy’s hand, interlaced her fingers with his and gave her a tender kiss which was readily returned. 

Not long after the pair retreated back into Daisy’s quarters and began to have a passionate make-out session. Luigi was gently groping on the yellow loving royal’s ass while Daisy was feeling up her lover’s surprisingly sculpted chest. When they came up for breath from the kissing Daisy got him out of those signature blue overalls, green shirt and brown boots. The only thing he had on left was his hat with his initial on it. Daisy then got Luigi to lay down and, ever so teasingly, removed her house robe to reveal the sunflower yellow lace stockings with a matching colored see-through baby doll chemise with tangerine orange trim and lace tangerine orange panties. 

“I got this just for tonight. What do you think?” Daisy asked. 

“You look breathtaking, Daisy.” Luigi said which made the princess blush and smile. 

“I’m glad you think so my beloved green clover. Now for the main event...” Daisy trailed off and moved her covered chest down towards Luigi’s bare crotch. 

With slow, testing the waters motions Daisy rubbed her chemise covered breasts against Luigi’s sizable penis. She felt the hot organ quiver against her chest and looked up to see be met by a look of pure desire that Luigi had all over his face. It gave Daisy the courage to go further and make a long, almost torturous lick up his dick until she reached the tip and gave it a little kiss. Luigi let out a deep groan of pleasure, so he obviously liked that. Now feeling even more emboldened Daisy decided to kick it up a notch. She pulled her baby doll chemise off, revealing her perky medium C-cup sized bosoms. Daisy then moved down and took Luigi’s entire cock in a very impressive first time deep throat. 

Remembering what her friends told her, and seeing how it was done in videos, Daisy moved her mouth up and down Luigi’s cock while she used her well manicured nails to fondle his balls. Luigi was groaning, huffing and moaning in pleasure as his hands found Daisy’s hair and tugged at it the more he got into the throws of ecstasy. Daisy even seemed to like the feeling of her hair being pulled as her nipples got harder and she moaned around Luigi’s dick. And it wasn’t long before all of that ecstasy came to a head. 

“Daisy! I’m going to...MAMA MIA!!” Luigi screamed, and shot a stream of cum right into Daisy’s mouth. 

Caught off guard a bit the yellow loving royal only managed to swallow about half of the white bodily fluids before pulling her mouth off her lover’s cock and coughing up the rest of it on her chest. Daisy coughed a little while Luigi panted hard as he came down from his passionate high. After a while Daisy grabbed a towel from her night stand near by and cleaned herself up before crawling over to Luigi and laying beside him, giving him a peck on the check. 

“Was that good for a first step, Luigi?” Daisy asked. Luigi turned his head to look at her, grinned widely and turned to embrace his lady fair in his arms. 

“Definitely. You really put your best foot forward, Daisy.” Luigi said and they both shared another tender kiss. 


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