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“Me and Nora are dating.” Weiss repeated herself again. Her arm was around the redhead’s shoulder as Nora pecked her on the cheek, a leg kicked up as her hands rested on the Schnee’s shoulder. The jaws of her teammates were all hung open as they stared at her. The two had been dating for a month now, but their terms of dating weren’t especially overt. Mostly hand holding and being especially warm with the other. Her team had just thought maybe they were good friends until this meeting was called.

“Like, da-" Yang began.

“Yes, dating dating. I know you’re a little shocked by this…” Weiss started. She saw the blonde narrow her eyes, seemingly trying and failing to deny what a good one that was. Weiss felt the thrill of victory when she got no objection. “... But that’s how it is. She asked me out and I couldn’t ig-Nora chance like that.” She said, glancing to Yang once again. Narrower now. That last one was risky…

“But Weiss! I had no idea you liked Nora like that!” Ruby said. “And what about Ren?” She turned to Nora. The orange haired girl hummed, a finger to her lips and her tongue hanging out a bit in thought.

“... Well, Ren and I have been together for SO long, if he wanted to do something then he shoulda done it already!” She reasoned. 

“And honestly, is it a surprise that I’d like such a cute girl? Maybe NOW, Jaune will get it through his head that I’m not interested…” She grew quieter as the room looked at her. Crap. Nora’s gaze told her she was riding a thin line.

“Yep! He’s totally off your back!” Nora said loudly. “He doesn’t want his legs broken!” She said. “Now, didn’t you promise me a date~?” She asked. Weiss nodded.

“Right! We were going for a walk in the park.” She said.

“A walk sounds nice.” Blake said, marking her place in the book. She closed it. “Mind if we come?” She asked. She shared her teammate’s scepticism about this new relationship, but she’d seen odder things happen. She’d just gotten some letters from an old friend back in Menagerie, something she never would have thought would happen.

“I do.” Weiss said. “Nora?”

“Jaune might get some company with his cast~!” She chimed entirely too cheerfully. RBY all gulped, sharing nervous glances to eat other. Weiss used the opportunity to slip out with Nora, letting out a sigh of relief.

“That was entirely too close.” She said. Her eyes rose again to meet Ren’s, a look of seriousness in his hues. She jumped a bit. “Wait, when did you-?” She trailed off. The ninja leaned in and whispered in her ear, what Weiss expected to be something protective about not hurting Nora.

“... Don’t get hurt. Especially don’t need to be taken care of. Don’t let her nurse you.” He simply said ominously before walking away. That only left Weiss even more confused. 

“Sheesh. I wonder what THAT was about!” Nora said. Weiss grabbed her by the hand and began walking, hoping not to run into another of their friends. “Honestly, if anyone had let it slip, I thought it’d have been me!” She chuckled.

“Yeah, I was sloppy.” Weiss said. She had mentally scolded herself already. In the moment, she had said too much and almost exposed them after they were a month into it already. Truth be told, Nora was a beauty and she surprisingly enjoyed her companionship, but they weren’t at a point of dating yet. And as far as she could tell, the feeling was mutual. 

In what may have been the first time the two had been alone together since they had met, they recently found each at the most unlikely of places. A shooting range. Weiss went every once in a while to make sure her dust spells always hit point while Nora liked to make targets go boom. The two had struck up conversation in between explosions and learned quite a bit about each other.

Nora, surprisingly, prefered waffles to pancakes, but doesn’t want to correct Ren. Weiss likes any cake made by her cake butler. Weiss learned she was indeed the only person to have had a cake butler. Nora learned that Weiss sang and even convinced her to call up an old agent for a place in a charity event coming up. Lessons were learned by all. It wasn’t until the conversation got even more personal that they made true progress though.

Weiss had long since gotten tired of Jaune’s advances. Nothing she said seemed to get through to him. She wasn’t even sure if she liked guys like that, and he certainly wasn’t her first pick of them anyway. Nora had likely the opposite problem. She was well aware she liked both sides of the coin, and had been crushing on Ren for a while. But his lack of advances had gotten them nowhere, to speak nothing of her own advances. That’s where Weiss got an idea.

Nora asked Weiss out. Jaune got off her back and Ren would get jealous! Jaune would get that she liked women and Ren would get that he could lose Nora to someone else. It was fool-proof, perfect even! That is, until the plan had been put into action. They had gone to team JNPR first with their relatively new relationship, apparently needing to drive home that the two were seeing each other. Pyrrha, outside of their calculations, had congratulated them and wished them the best. Her acceptance was apparently contagious. Ren was fine with it, though Jaune was less so. He accepted them, though his acceptance was nothing short of downright awkward. Things hadn’t been any less so with him since.

“O-Oh! Hey Weiss-! Nora-!” He mumbled, pulling Weiss from her thoughts. Speak of the devil…

“Hello Jaune.” Weiss said, sighing a bit. “We’re sort of on our way to a date, so…” She said, hoping to end the conversation now.

“Oh, of course! I just mean, I always figured you were too busy for relationships or something, but I guess that isn’t really the case…” He scratched the side of his head. Ugh. She said begun dating Nora specifically to get away from this sort of situation. 

“No. I like girl, Jaune.” She said. Clenching her teeth a bit, she forced the rest out. “It wasn’t anything personal.” She said, her forced grin twitching a bit. Nora giggled, while Jaune seemed to choose to believe her.

“Thanks Weiss… And sorry for bugging you all the time.” He said. Just leave. “I mean, I didn’t really know if you did or didn’t-" Jaune, why. “-but anyway…” He mumbled. Weiss screamed internally. “I figured since you guys are together and stuff, you might like this?” He asked. Weiss mentally cursed Jaune until she heard his last bit. She actually began paying attention to him again to see him holding out two tickets. Weiss took them and looked at them. Concert tickets.

“Jaune, what are these?” She asked.

“Tickets to this concert coming up! I saved up for a while to invite you, but…” Here, he looked at Nora. “Well, I want you to have them. Maybe you two can still have some fun?” He suggested. Weiss blinked.

“... Thank you Jaune.” She said. She looked closer at the tickets as a drop of sweat rolled down the back of her head. “But I can’t accept these. You should go with Pyrrha, I’m sure she’d love to go.” She handed them back. Jaune sighed.

“Oh… Message received…” He mumbled. 

“No Jaune, I’m IN that concert. I physically can’t attend it.” She said. He blinked and looked closer.

“... Oh! Okay, sorry! But still, Nora should go so she can see you!” He said. Weiss had to admit, she was a bit touched. As she moved to deny it, seeing as how she could get her girlfriend free tickets, or even pay if she had to considering she was rich, Nora snatched a ticket from his hand. 

“We~ accept! I’ll be there!” She saluted. Jaune smiled and nodded. “Thanks Jauney boy~!” She giggled. 

“No problem guys. Just wanted you guys to be happy.” He said. He waved and walked around them to his team’s dorm room. Weiss took the opportunity once again to begin their journey anew.

“You know I could get you front row seats, right?” She asked. Nora nodded. 

“He just wanted to be nice! I know he’s been planning this for a while! He wasn’t gonna stop til one of us took the tickets!” She said. Weiss hummed with a smile as they successfully left the building. They continued walking, hand in hand, as they followed the path. Beacon had a wonderful park inside the property for students to do homework, photography, or even just relax. All the best for the future protectors of the world.

“Well, I’m buying the seat next to the other one so Pyrrha can go. And the one next to you so… Ren can go.” Weiss found it surprisingly difficult to say. It was odd. The thought of her girlfriend spending relative alone time Ren was… unsettling.

“Only if you want to!” Nora said, wrapping her arms around Weiss’ arm. Again, a surprise. Usually, Nora would be all too excited for more time with Ren. Weiss idly wondered if something had happened between them.

Finally, after distraction after distraction, the two made it to the park. It was beautiful this time of year and Weiss knew that. Even if they were faking the relationship, she didn’t want Nora to have a bad time. She wanted her girlfriend to actually enjoy herself! And so the two walked as Nora laid her head on Weiss’ shoulder. Nora was the only person Weiss knew other than Ruby who was shorter than her and by dust, she was going to enjoy that!

The two simply walked and enjoyed the other person’s company. Weiss had an arm around the girl, idly twirling her other hand to conjure a few glyphs to surround the trunks of the trees in front of them. Created without much power, they did little more than rustle the trees as the turned, causing the leaves to fall around the couple. She wanted things to be beautiful for Nora. 

The silence between them was anything but awkward. A growing, comfortable one that Weiss was loathe to break. However, in the time they had spent as a couple, while the Heiress had learned plenty about Nora now, she hadn’t exactly asked about her before they’d met. She had simply considered the topic off limits since Ren was the only one who knew about it. Clearly, it was an intensely personal subject. 

Opening her eyes, she looked to see Nora looking at her already. Her aqua eyes captured the Schnee for just long enough that they both ended up staring. They both broke into giggles for some unspoken reason they both understood. 

“Sorry, I was just wondering about something.” Weiss said. Nora tilted her head as the two came to an unoccupied bench. Though this park was generally the date spot of people without money, Weiss had to admit it made a pretty good one for the ones with it too.

“You’re my girlfriend, now! You know you can ask me anything!” Nora chimed. Weiss smiled despite herself.

“Well… I was just wondering how you and Ren met.” Weiss blushed for some reason. She was merely curious about the girl’s past! And this was important to know as her girlfriend, right?

“Oh! Well, I used to have to beg for money and food after my parents died, before Renny found me.” Nora said entirely too casually. “He… actually saved me when grimm destroyed our village…” She said. Weiss listened to the story and, on one level regretted asking because it was clearly a traumatic time for Nora, and on another was immensely glad that the redhead trusted her with this. She felt privileged to know it as only one other person had such insight. She still felt a pang of emotion she quickly squashed. She’d have saved Nora from the grimm too…

“I’m sorry all of that happened…” Weiss found herself without much to say. Luckily, Nora filled in for her.

“Don’t be. It’s what led me to Ren! And led me to Beacon. And led me here.” She gave a smile up to Weiss. The Heiress’ heart skipped a beat as a blush thickened across her face.

“W-Well, now you won’t have to worry about begging ever again.” Weiss averted her eyes to escape that smile. When silence reigned, she risked a peek back to see a similar blush covering Nora’s cheeks. It made Weiss think more about what she had said.


It was almost like she had worked on the assumption that this was a permanent arrangement. As much as she had increasingly disliked the idea over the past month, she knew this was a temporary happiness. Once Ren figured out he could lose Nora, Weiss would break things off for Ren to scoop up the pieces, as it were. The Schnee could tell she would miss the days they spent together and she didn’t feel weird for admitting as much.

“Well then, you had better take care of me, huh?” Nora, seemingly recovered, chimed happily. Her cheeks were still red, but her expression was a joyous one. “But the rest wasn’t all that much. Ren wanted to be a huntsman so he could make sure no one went through what we did and I just followed Ren.” Nora said with a distant, wistful look on her face. Weiss’ arm moved of its own accord, hugging Nora protectively without her even realizing.

“Well, I’m happy you both decided on here.” She said. “Otherwise, we’d have never met.” She continued. She did it again… “-And come up with this great plan to get you two together!” She quickly added. She groaned internally. Her heart and her mind were split. In her mind, she knew Nora loved Ren and she’d be happiest with the veritable ninja. She knew nothing she did would change that.

But honestly…. In her heart, she had come to deeply enjoy her time with Nora. The redhead’s exuberance and vocal abundance were a bit much to deal with, but they had genuinely grown on the heiress. She had been trying to explain it away as just having fun in general with the dates the two had gone on, but… sitting here, in a park with nothing but Nora and the falling leaves around them, she had just as much fun as any other date.

It was hard to admit. Weiss was honest in most regards, but this was something she had never done before. It was fresh, it was new, and it scared her. She enjoyed her time with Ruby and her team, but this was a different kind of enjoyment. A different kind of love. 

“Yeah. I guess it is a good plan.” Nora said, breaking Weiss from her trance. “... But you know… Ren and I have been together for a long, long, long, LONG time.” Nora said. Weiss knew that very plainly and found she didn’t want the reminder. “And I love him.” The redhead asserted. More information Weiss could do without. “... But I’ve only ever loved him. My parents died before I really knew them. So… I haven’t really had anything to go off of. It’s the only love I’ve really known...” Nora said.

“What do you mean?” Weiss asked. She had very suddenly lost where this conversation was heading.

“Well…” Nora sighed. She seemed unusually, unreasonably serious. “I think I love you too.” She admitted. Weiss’ heart stopped. The world grinded to a halt. Somewhere, a cup of coffee froze at a man’s lips. Nora, ever beyond comprehension, ignored all of this and continued. “The feeling is different from Ren. I want to be around Ren forever, but stuff like this…” She turned and, for the first time, kissed Weiss squarely on the lips. If it were indeed possible, Weiss felt like her heart would start up backward from shock. Just as she moved to return the kiss, Nora pulled away. “.... It’s stuff I only want to do with you.” The redhead blushed. 

To say Weiss was caught off guard was to say the sun was warm. She had never for a moment considered that Nora might return the feelings the heiress had only just acknowledged. It was times like these Weiss truly appreciated Nora’s bluntness and courage. She couldn’t have made a confession like that so easily. Weiss blinked, realizing the girl was likely waiting for some, any response. The Schnee blushed and smiled a large, genuine smile.

“The feeling is VERY mutual.” Weiss took the chance to return the kiss she missed. Nora ‘eeped’ happily and wrapped her arms around the girl as they shared their second kiss. Only for a moment until they parted again and Weiss nuzzled into Nora’s hug. In that few seconds, she had shown more affection than she had the past month and she honestly enjoyed it.

“I really like you Weiss. So don’t worry! I’ll protect you and nurse you if you get hurt! Just ask Renny, I’m an amazing nurse!” Nora said happily. While Ren’s proclamation of doom rang in Weiss’ head, she found herself too happy to care.

“Deal, as long as I get to do the same for you.” The Schnee asserted. Nora giggled.

“Works for me!” She said. The two settled into simply cuddling. Truly, the both of them would be fine spending the entire day together on that bench. Nora made no move to leave and so neither would the Schnee. And Weiss had plenty to think about anyway. The upcoming concert, new date ideas for the reaffirmed couple, and introducing her girlfriend to the greatest joy a woman could know.

The joys of her cake butler.


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