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Hey everyone! Click here to watchalong to the next episode. I am going to try my best to finish the season next week so that we can start Daredevil Season 1 before the month is over. No guarantees, but I'm going to try. 🧡

Please enjoy! Looking forward to your comments on this and thank you SO much for your comments on the last episode reaction. I had a blast reading them.

Thanks for everything!

✦ KL




It's been a while since I watched the full episodes of the show (and not just reactions to the show) so there's a lot of lines and things I forgot or missed when I originally watched/rewatched that I catch now that people tend to leave out of reactions. There was a throwaway line in this ep that they reference later as another throwaway humorous line, but I'm positive that it's gotta be a weird comic Easter Egg. Not gonna say it 'cause the recall of it comes later. Anyway, it just made me chuckle that it was referenced before 'cause I remember it from the 2nd time mentioned. About Ward, man, I remember being SO pissed at him and people were like, "Oh he's more interesting now," and I was like, "Maybe...but FUCK THAT GUY! Somebody needs to kill him...soon." It's great writing, but I hated him and was NOT looking for some redemption arc for him. I was like, "He's HYDRA. Not only has he killed innocent people, he's lied to his team the whole time. He IS the enemy they were created to fight. Nope, screw him." That's how I felt then. How I feel now? That would be telling.

Onno Smits

Good reaction (as always)! MCU connections: - Some throwaway mentions of Fury, Hill, Cap, and Romanoff - Some scenes from CA:WS where we see the helicarriers fall on top of the Triskelion This was a bit of an inbetween episode, dealing with the fallout from last episode, and setting up the final dominos for the remainder of the season. I really like the great dialog (especially from Garrett) in this episode. And we got introduced to Eric Koenig, another character from the comics, where he first appeared in 1966(!), though certainly modernized here. I really like the actor (Patton Oswalt) so it was a nice surprise when he showed up in the show. I own an exact replica of that orange lanyard Koenig has around his neck. I wore it to the Dutch premiere of Avengers: Age of Ultron where I cosplayed as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. 😅