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how am i crying already?

also please let me know if there's anything wrong with the reaction. i switched to a different editing software and this is my first time using it. it's pure hell learning a new program so there might be some weird things in this video. or maybe i'm a god and managed to get it right on my first try. either way feedback is appreciated

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/37xljc4gm4ss8efax9712/Game-of-Thrones-102.mkv?rlkey=sxxmfoahfveus2pcivyu10nsq&dl=0




With the last order of succession, how the current king became king and all that - I don't actually know the answer, as I've never actually watched the show or read the books. It wouldn't have to have been the current king's father; it could have been his brother or some other relation. The line of succession generally runs through the eldest offspring of the previous monarch, if they exist. If a monarch has no heirs when they die, it goes to any siblings they may have, starting with the next eldest or the siblings children if the siblings precede the monarch in death. So the current king could have been the cousin or nephew of the previous one, for example; and may or may not have had any fealty to him and thus had no qualms with him being killed and assuming the throne.


Can someone tell me when ( what minute) in the episode catelyn stark has blood on her hands and mouth. Thank you very much

Brendan O'Connor

The current king’s grandmother was a Targaryen, the same family as Daenerys and Viscerys, who are in exile. Their father, Aerys, was the king who Ned and Robert went to war against. Jaime Lannister killed him to end that war, and everyone else in that family besides those two were killed in what’s called Robert’s Rebellion. Because Robert was the leader of the Rebellion, and he was the oldest of the non-exiled who had the blood of the Targaryens, he was made king. Those that are loyal to the exiled prince and Princess call it The War of the Usurper.


in my reaction that scene starts at 35:04 and ends at 35:55 in the actual episode starts at 31:06 and ends at 31:54