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Let's face it. The furry fandom is a THIRSTY community. The online fandom cannot go two or three months without welcoming a new fictional character to our tier list of anthropomorphic animals who make us feel like lovestruck teenagers falling in love. Every generation has their one waifu/husbando, or multiple ones, that we can't help but obsess over.

My furry husbando is a two-way tie between Disney's titular Robin Hood, as well as the animated protagonist from "Balto". Both are obvious, because I grew up obsessing over them. With Balto, it's his heroic personality, animation design attracting the inner wolf within me, and the voice of Kevin Bacon that made me OBSESS over the wolf-dog. Hell, I wish I had been old enough at the time to traverse through the Balto MUCKs of the 1990s and 2000s that're unfortunately now defunct. Even acknowledging the controversies over the IRL Balto getting the credit Togo and his musher should've gotten, I still get a big smile on my face each time I see a Balto clip, fanart, or meme telling kids to get vaccinated.

As for Robin Hood...let's face it, who wasn't introduced to the character by Disney? Brian Bedford's voicework and his handsome foxiness made him a furry icon. Despite how much I've attested the live-action remakes from the Mouse Conglomerate, I'm still looking forward to seeing how they plan to make "Robin Hood" into a live-action blendering, and can't wait to see the memes and fanart that will come from it. XP

What about you? Who's your furry waifu/husbando? Do you have multiple?


Ashen Hugo-Blind Wolf

Well, lets see, I was born in the 70's, Care Bears, Pound Puppies, but, yeah All Dogs Go to Heaven, I loved the two MC, Charlie and for got his side kicks name. Then you got the Rat from Ninja turtles before the revamp it and made it lame as heck. But, yeah Bulto was cool as well I have all the movies saved on my drive for that one.

Ashen Hugo-Blind Wolf

Also, can't remeber there was either a mouse or a bear that got struck by lighting and gain super hero powers. Used to love that cartoon but, that was a short lived one.