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Yesterday was an interesting day, though it felt so long...I got up at 4:30am and drove from Baltimore to Cleveland. I worked for 4 hours in Cleveland before driving to Pittsburgh and doing another shoot. At 9pm, I was finally in a bed and able to simply lay there - though I typically never fall asleep before midnight. It's simply not my bodily makeup I've decided. Something in me is simply determined to always stay up past midnight no matter how tired I am. I'll post more updates later, but I'm about to drive to Columbus. I did a small self portrait set innPittsburgh this morning that I'll be posting this week. I'm also probably going to talk a bit about my shoots this week once I return home.




I am like that also - up to midnight - at least. Key for me is attempting to organize my life around it ? Hope it does not cost your body sleep - that is important to function ? Careful driving many hours ? - be well

preston rittenhouse

A lot of driving! Be safe, looking forward to the thoughts and update..


I've never been a morning person and always go to bed late - because of this, it's great to be working on a freelance basis.