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Last weekend, I was tagging along with the wife while she was going through a few thrift stores, I always stay positive and keep an eye open, you never know where and when you will find a mint Contax for 10$ ;) keep the dream alive bro.

Anyhow, I was a little bored waiting up on her, then I passed by the toys section, and I always have the Ricoh GRiii on me, so I grabbed a photo of the Barbies chilling in their own little made up packages.

Then I decided to get closer.

Then a little more.

And all of a sudden I had an idea to really get in there using macro mode on the Ricky.

That's where I saw it, mini humans sealed up in their own body bags waiting for someone to find them. 

Happily sealed with no care in the world.

I was already picturing this in black and white for the dramatic effect, making their eyes pop. 

I couldn't help myself but thinking about Laura Palmer, dead in her body bag washed up on shore from Twin Peaks. 

I was now having fun with this, people were passing by, giving me strange looks, I could care less.

Some work better than others, but I'm giving you the exclusive full set here before everyone else. ;)

This also reminds me that I used to take photos of McFarlane toys way back when. 

This was actually how I practice lighting with strobes before trying on models, I shit you not.

This was pretty fun I have to admit, geek but fun.

Moving along, just a few last shots.

And that's the complete set! Took me less than 10 minutes to take these. I feel it was worth the stop, made quite an interesting series in my opinion. You can interpret these as you may will, one thing is for sure it made a fun little story to tell. 

Thanks for reading. 


Monsieur Hummus

C’est très fort , as tu pensé reproduire ça mais avec des modèles humains ? Ne pas sauter l’étape de faire des petits trous bien sûr

Mark Charron

Ta une poupée chucky?