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Hello, and welcome to this week’s Patreon Newsletter! This is to keep patrons up-to-date with the goings-on of OBT with schedules, behind-the-scenes, and more! These will be posted on a bi-weekly schedule and help give an idea of what’s to come each month for my Patreon.

Coming Soon

Alright so I'm re-writing this newsletter once again since I tend to leave the editor tab idling for too long and Windows decides it's time for its hourly update. Here's hoping third time's the charm! (Also I know it's the 20th as I post this, but it's still the 19th for me until I go to bed so shhh)

First things first, you may have noticed a barrage of email notifications for a bunch of phone/desktop backgrounds! I decided to just get everything done in one sitting, because if y'all know me, you know I am a sort of all or nothing type of person. So I opted for "all" this time. Sorry if it was a bit spammy in the process!

Somehow, I've been cranking out pages for Chapter 5 of OBT and just... not posting them. So expect to see those shortly as I think of witty descriptions for them! And on that note, I realized that one perk I had for Silver Rank patrons was also the release of pages as they were completed. I apologize for not catching this sooner, all extra pre-release pages going forward will include Silver Rank with Gold Rank!

Secret ranks have also been distributed for qualifying patrons. Since my printer needs more ink, special postcards will be sent out with November's postcards. I also have completed all currently requested Secret Rank portraits on OBT's site, which you can view here! I also redid pre-existing portraits free of charge so the style is consistent between them.

Also, this month's Patreon postcards have shipped out! I was actually responsible for once and had these ready to ship around the 5th, but for some reason mail service just... didn't pick up any outgoing mail I had in my mailbox for a week, so I had to trek into town to finally get everything delivered. As per usual, if your postcard is lost or damaged, feel free to let me know and I can organize a replacement!

My next gaming stream is coming up soon this Friday at 3:00 PM PST! I'll be continuing the PMD: Explorers of Sky randomizer, this time with a bit of a twist. It's a bit short notice, but I hope to see some of y'all then!

Something that's a bit of a bigger deal (to me, anyway) is that I now have made my Patreon earnings publicly viewable. After deliberating on it for quite some time, I decided it's perhaps easier for Patrons and those curious alike to directly view earnings to see what impact they would leave by supporting (and also to make things like stretch goals more transparent).

And the best for last, I wanted to finally unveil my current project!

Do you ever wish you were born something else? A victim of unfortunate circumstances, a young Dielle decides to take fate into her own hands to find her place in the world.

OBT's first special episode, Dielle's Wish, is currently in production! At this time, the script has been completed and thumbnails nearing completion. I'm still in the process of figuring out semantics, but here's some general information in listed format:

- This episode will be about the length of a normal chapter of OBT. My current projection is about 34 pages!

- This episode will be a Patreon exclusive for a currently undetermined amount of time. I'll likely wait a few months after completion before releasing it to the public. My current thought is releasing it publicly during a between-chapter break, probably either chapter 5 (est. April/May 2022) or chapter 6 (est. September/October 2022).

- I'll be posting pages here in batches as I complete them! I don't currently have a date in mind for when these will start- hopefully within the coming weeks, but I'm currently prioritizing the main story of OBT. I'll be working on Dielle's Wish in between the main comic batches, but I won't be going into full gear until chapter 5 of OBT is complete. If I keep going at my current pace, that should be sometime at the beginning of December!

- I'm hoping that this project will (fingers crossed!) have a not-for-profit print run! The semantics of this are completely up in the air until I've completed the comic, since I want to make sure everything is feasible before promising anything. I'll post more details as I get closer to that time, but my general thought is having folks put in orders through me, and you'll only have to pay for the price of production and shipping (since I don't want Nintendo to blow me up lol).

And that's it for announcements this week. I look forward to seeing you all in the next newsletter!

October 2021 Schedule

Tuesday, October 19th

  • Trivia Tuesday
  • OBT Chapter 5, Pages 1-12
  • October Phone/Desktop Background
  • Catchup Material (Trivia Tuesdays/Backstage Passes)
  • October Newsletter #1

Wednesday, October 20th

  • WIP Wednesday

Thursday, October 21st

  • Backstage Pass

Friday, October 22nd

  • Gaming Livestream (Starting 3:00 PM PST)


Monday, October 25th

  • OBT Chapter 5, Pages 13-17

Tuesday, October 26th

  • Trivia Tuesday

Wednesday, October 26th

  • WIP Wednesday

Thursday, October 27th

  • N/A

Friday, October 28th

  • N/A


Monday, November 1st

  • November Newsletter #1
  • Sounding Board
  • OBT Chapter 5, Pages 18-22


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