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Well I hope you thought the week of back catalogue images was OK.  It was something of an eclectic mix.  Actually I have enough I think to do another week but will leave it until later in the year.  I need a little break for a few days from 3D Art and then I can move onto requests, while I pick up with a photo story.

Back in February (which seems like a long time ago) I posted a silly pic of Amanda cosplaying Lara Croft which was entitled Amanda Jones is not Tomb Raider or something like that.  It seemed to get a good response so here is one of the other ones I did back then.  I mean, she looks good in the outfit, but that's the end to it.  I wouldn't want to change her character by turning her into a gun toting action heroine.  She has her own methods that don't involve acrobatics or dual pistols.

This is actually the penultimate back catalogue image as I found a silly fun one I will post tomorrow to bring us to a round 15 of these.




Lovely, far cuter than Croft. x3 WALLPAPER!


As I've mentioned before, I don't like saying, "She looks great in this outfit." I prefer to say, "She makes this outfit look great!" To me, that is more accurate, and certainly applies here. *smiles*