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This is my first ever joint, simultaneous post with deviantART (where I have uploaded a slightly different version of this pic).

Despite the successful introduction of New Amanda I am still very keen to make use of her previous look, and I have come up with an idea to give her a new lease of life, as well as accomplish some other goals in working with others.

Long time followers will remember that three years back I introduced Kat and Hannah as 18-year-old Amanda's summer travel companions, in an event I called The Summer Sleuths.  I ran a story competition where I expected to get about 3 submissions and ended up getting 20.  It seems there are a lot of expert peril writers among you and you just need a push!

You can read all of the stories here:


Here is my latest idea:  Summer Amanda has been updated and reborn, but this is the story...

After the events of the original summer (as depicted in the 20 odd stories submitted) Amanda successfully completed her first year's studies at Harvard College and became best friends with Ciara.  Having passed her first year's exams easily, Amanda was plotting a second summer of high jinks and globetrotting, only to be brought back down to Earth by her father.  In an explosive long-distance phone call, he told sternly her that - due to the trouble she had got herself and others into the previous year (involving several embassies and a stay in Hungarian hospital) NOT ONLY would there be no money for travels this year but 19-year-old Amanda should get a summer job to 'finance her lifestyle' and 'prepare her for the world of work'!

The phone call did not end well.  And the result was two months that are never spoken about and, until now, quietly forgotten: the tale of The Rebellious Summer.

In an act of defiance, Amanda cuts her hair short and goes shopping with Ciara for a new outfit which she describes as 'sexy adventurer' - but has since been unkindly described as 'gothic hooker'.  One should never trust one's wardrobe design to Ciara Nightingale.  Amanda however, full of defiance, embarks on a voyage of rebellion and self-discovery filled (she thought) with adventure, excitement and boys, boys, boys!  What actually transpired was a set of dark episodes involving near death scrapes, endangering others, abduction, and a spell of captivity culminating a hair-raising and unlikely escape.

Amanda will return to her second year of college bruised, traumatised, sorry for the trouble she had caused, and very much set on being a good girl in the future - the character we know and love.

I am looking to my dA and Patreon followers to indulge themselves in writing the stories of The Rebellious Summer - that's if you want to!  

The rules this time are pretty simple:

1 - Submission is open until August 31st

2 - Pretty much anything is allowed in these stories (sex, drugs, rock and roll!) as long as:

     a) Amanda isn't killed or permanently harmed/altered physically. This means you Quadcities!

     b) Same goes for any of her friends involved.  This means you Quadcities!  No crossbow treatment for Hannah this time.

3 - Any friends can be involved, esp Ciara, Kat, Hannah.  However stories featuring Amanda out on on her own are especially encouraged - the type of story she will never tell anyone about ever!

4 - For this time only, stories featuring supernatural/monsters ARE OK.

5 - Stories can, and should, feature travel anywhere in the world.

6 - Please try to keep Amanda overall in character still... she may think she is rebelling but she's just angry at parental control and the idea of a summer job as a barista in a coffee shop.  She may well set out to do outrageous things then lose her nerve.  Her wish to prove how independent, clever, grown up and angry she is will get her in over her head.

7 - Story length is anything from 500-5000 words (or unlimited if you're Curia!!)

8 - INTERACTIVE stories written using Inklewriter/Twine are especially encouraged.


Please write your story in Word first and send me a note (dA) or message (Patreon) to get my email address where you can send the full story.  If you are a little worried about certain things you might want to write about, feel free to check with me first.  No need to spill the whole plot though, I like to be surprised as much as the next reader!

Once stories are accepted as an entry, you are welcome to post them on your own deviantART pages etc and I will link to them from here and a journal post on dA that will be kept updated.

I do reserve the right to not accept entries that don't follow the rules as stated.


Firstly and most immediately, this week I will be posting some studio pics/mock ups on Patreon (possibly with one on dA) with Teen Rebel Amanda to hopefully provide some ideas and inspiration, and whet a few appetites, plus give more view of her new outrageous outfit.

Secondly, once the deadline has closed, I will be working with Ultimate Clash on the judging and awards.  Prizes will be given for:

Best Story (a three pic sequence published exclusively on Patreon and shared privately as HQ pics with the winner)

Runner Up Story (a standalone HQ pic published on deviantART)

Best Interactive Story (a standalone HQ pic published on deviantART)

If you're the competitive type who really wants to win, then read the next section carefully.


Same as last time, points will be awarded out of 5 for the following then totalled in order to provide an objective score out of 40 for each story.  Please do not ask for the scores to be shared or ask to challenge them: 

  • Fit with Amanda's back story and history
  • Quality of interaction between Amanda and other characters
  • Capturing the essence of 'the rebellious summer'
  • Research and bringing story locations to life
  • Exciting build up to the scenes of peril
  • Description and originality of peril scenes
  • Aftermath of the peril scenes
  • Making the most of Amanda's 'unique' outfit


Ultimate Clash is an experienced Amanda writer and one of only two 3D artists with whom I have shared the 'Amanda recipe'.   He is an artist that I helped to get started in 3D and who is now producing excellent quality art using Daz Studio 4 and iRay.  This means he is already taking Amanda to a technical level beyond what I can manage in Daz Studio 3, with my 9-year-old computer, small 1280 x 1024 screen and dodgy eyes.

Please take a look at his deviantART gallery here:


You will find a number of Young Amanda pics in there already, including one that he has posted just today to celebrate this competition!

The reward pics for this competition are going to be done in full HQ and iRay by Ultimate Clash, in Daz Studio 4, using my Amanda model and outfit as per the new design and with some post work and input from me (especially the legwear!)  This is going to give us opportunities to feature interesting backdrops, locations and realistic lighting, all in full glory!


We are doing this competition to achieve the following:

- Give Young Amanda a new lease of life

- Get people writing for her again and more involved

- Showcase Ultimate-Clash's talents and get him more watchers/views

- Provide some exclusive stuff to Patreon subscribers

I really hope you will give us your support and get writing!




Do you have any recommendations for Interactive stories for examples?


remove her layers one by one