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The Seven Chakra Opening?

Sol tilted his head and wondered when the genre changed from Western fantasy to Xianxia. But then, remembering the way Lilith and Lilin fought, as well as the power system of Wratharis, he wisely decided to shut up.

In moments like this, he always missed not having Khali with him. She was the only one in this world who could understand his joke outside of Anubis. She was sure that she would be already screaming if she was here to listen to this.

“What is the principle of this technique?” Hiding his thoughts, Sol asked and Echidna was more than happy to explain.

Echidna smiled like a child in front of a Christmas present she proceeded, “Let’s play a game. What makes humans different from all other races?”

Sol had the feeling that he was back in class with Medea as she explained magic to him, “Humans can only use magic after awakening and even then they cannot use True Magic properly speaking without forming a contract.”

“Yes. Humans can only use Reinforcement and cladding to strengthen themselves. One would think that they lack talents in magic but you see I discovered something interesting while studying. On a ratio, Humans are physically weaker than other races. But in terms of cladding and reinforcement primarily speaking, Humans are actually the best on average. It’s just that since their base body is so weak, it makes their cladding seem weak.”

This was pretty easy to understand. Cladding was a multiplier. If the base body of a human was 10 then someone like Sol even while defenseless would have 100 at minimum. Even if the two used the same level of cladding, the final results would be completely different.

“How big is the difference?” Sol was still quite nonchalant but what he heard made him stop.

“On average, humans are between 5 to 10 better at cladding than any other races. Even divine beasts for that matter.”

“This…” This was quite the bomb.

“When I understood this I became even more curious. I started studying things that were taken for granted such as mana Veins, Horns for high-quality beasts, and the Core for Divine beasts and slowly I started to understand that the understanding of the body as a whole was erroneous. I studied similarities and dissimilarity and finally concluded my thesis.”

She tapped her head, “Seven Main chakras, or simply Seven main nexus of energy in the body, 5 Main Chakra for the soul, and finally a grand total of 107 small chakra points through the entire body each at key points of the mana veins. The Soul, Body, and the Energy. Only when the whole is connected can a God be created. At least in my understanding.”

There was a certain smugness as well as self-mockery in her tone. Those three points perfectly represented Echidna, Anubis, and Ambrosia. She was sure that had the three of them continued to work together, they would have unlocked the true success of Godhood. Sadly, they were unable to do so.

“Do you mean to say that Anubis and Ambrosia also have such secrets?”

“Obviously. I do not know about Ambrosia but Anubis should be far higher in the understanding of this relatively speaking. Unless he did not advance because of his constant explorations.”

She shrugged before taking a more somber expression, “I need you to understand first that those things are not something I created. They always existed and were always used by us for time immemorial. The only thing is that all of us did it unconsciously. The way of the 5 soul chakra is something naturally followed when one grows stronger. For example, the Soul star Chakra, one of the five is the Equivalent of the Gate of the Truth. While the Earth star Chakra is manifested by our Zone.”

Sol shook his head. In essence, nothing changed but in reality, everything did. Everyone knew how to run naturally but professional runners would study this art as a science and find the most efficient way of running to reach the greatest result with the least amount of energy spent.

In the same way, the witches who mastered and studied witchcraft would always be more dangerous than normal magical beasts who simply used their magic following their innate talents.

“Knowledge is power. You do not need to teach me this.” This was the very first lesson Medea taught him.

Echidna smiled, “I am glad we acquiesced on this.” She pointed a finger at her head and continued, “The Horns are the first of the Seven Chakra I studied. I call it the Crown Chakra. It’s the one that boosts magic to a new degree and only magical beasts with horns can easily use magic as if they were breathing. Then there is the Heart, the source of all life. After studying humans, I was able to find and understand that the Heart Chakra was the reason they were so proficient in their cladding and that…Only Humans have access to this Chakra.”

“...Wha—” “Let me finish.”

Echidna waved her hand and placed it right at her Solar plexus, “Finally the third of the seven chakra. The one that is only available to the divine beasts. The Core.”

She grinned, “After much research, I found that all magical creatures can obtain one or two or even three Chakra outside of the Heart Chakra. Like how Divine beasts have Horns and Cores. In the same way, humans can only have the Heart Chakra.”

Sol frowned. The desire to reach Godhood plagued many powerful individuals and each of them came with an answer on their own. But Echidna's understanding was the one closest to the conclusion he had reached. To obtain godhood. One needed Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omniscience.

Not one or the other. But as a whole. But as it was, not even the goddesses could be said to be truly all of the true. They were near. But not fully. Following this logic, Echidna's theory made much more sense but then there was one problem. It was —

“If humans can only have the Heart Chakra and other races can never have the Heart Chakra. Doesn’t it mean that no one can ascend to Godhood following your…” Sol stopped and Isis who had been listening all this time in silence gasped. Their eyes grew wide as realization finally settled in and Echidna's grin grew even wider as well.

“It seems like you finally understood. There is one exception. Only one kind of person can obtain godhood in the current world following my understanding and that is —”

“A hybrid.”

“Tututut.” She waved her finger, “Not any kind of hybrid. But it needs to be a Perfect Hybrid who was born between a Human and a Divine Beast. Only then can that person reunite the conditions of having both the Core Chakra and the Heart Chakra. Worse, do not forget the necessity of the Soul. I would need someone reincarnated. Someone extremely talented as well.”

She started laughing as if she was possessed, “When I came to that conclusion I felt despair. How was I even supposed to find someone like this in this world? This was simply impossible! The probability of such a thing happening had more Zero than I could ever count! What was the use of a technique that no one could actually use!? So I stopped all research in this direction and focused on simply strengthening the body through the conversion of energy. But now…”

Her eyes shone, like a snake who finally found its prey, “Now I have the perfect specimen in front of me. This is simply a miracle!”

A miracle, huh?

Sol closed his eyes. His mind is going toward a certain goddess. He did not know whether this was a miracle or not. At the very least, this was a man-made miracle or should he say a goddess made one?

Sol grinned. Realizing another very interesting fact. Something that would make someone he knew have very complicated feeling

I wonder what Nent will feel once she learns about this.

Nent had made many dubious choices in her life but, if Echidna’s theories proved to be true…Then it would mean that Nent had not been wrong in her research.

Perfect Hybrids were indeed the way. She had simply missed crucial information. Even then, she had thrown her bet on Sol and it seemed like she had made the right bet.

“What are the others Chakra?”

“You already know one.” She pointed at his forehead, “The Third Eye chakra. All seers and those able to see the future naturally opened that Chakra and not only them.” Echidna gave a glance at Isis as she spoke, “You also have it unlocked. Those eyes of yours.”

Isis nodded. She was learning many interesting things and did not wish to interrupt.

“Then you have the Throat chakra. Race such as mermaid and succubus generally have it unlocked.”

Sol had to fight the urge to make a very corny joke but he simply coughed, “What about the rest? You named five currently.”

The Crown, The Third Eyes, The Throat, The Heart, and The Core.

“The Final two are the Sacral Chakra located at the navel and the Root Chakra located at the base of the spine. That is all. I am pretty sure all Dragons have this one naturally unlocked. As for the Navel, this Chakra naturally opens once one reaches the Level of Demigod and creates their territories or…” She shook her head, as if she found it absurd, “When they have a dimension.”

“So you are saying…”

“You already have all of the Seven Chakra naturally opened. All you are lacking is proper guidance for you to make your energy circulate in the best way possible and this is where my 7 chakra Opening will intervene. It will be more than enough to create a body so strong you might become the First Duke able to face a King head on and win.”

She chuckled evilly, “Of course, if I give you the wrong circulation route you might destroy your entire body irreparably and cripple yourself. So what will it be? Will you leave your future in my hand?”

Sol smiled and clasped her hand, “I believe in you or rather, I believe in your desire to see the birth of a god. Teach me.”

Of course, this was half bullshit. There was no way Sol would believe in Echidna fully. But things were pretty simple.

If things went wrong — He simply had to die and undergo Nirvana.

Once again, everything feels perfectly in place. What an uncanny feeling this was.


Chris Gill

So when can we expect Sol an Adam Gospel to meet???? I want to see a scene of Skuld and Sae going at it, or even Sae and Khali going full Otaku with Eve.


It's highly likely that Adam Gospel and Sol are the same individual.