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Hey all! I hope you've been doing well. It's been a minute so I wanted to make sure I pop in here and let you know everything that's been going on.

As I've spoken about before, I've been taking classes in preparation to rejoin the workforce. Those completed last week. So I'm using this week to catch up on everything I've been trying to do but haven't had a chance to. The big one is Warhawk 3. It's been 99% complete for weeks at this point, but I honestly haven't had the time between classes, freelancing, and other work.

Now that my course is done and I'm getting caught up on things, I can finally breathe and finish this up. That's my plan for next week.

I just dumped a ton of Blood of the Dragon stuff. That's something me and an artist have been working on in what little free-time I've had. Our hope is to try to get the first chapter out by the end of the month, but there's still a ton to do.

On the real life side of things, now that I've finished my course and get my shiny new cert, I'll be applying for jobs. My hope is to get a new full-time job, sell our house, move, and be in a good spot financially that gives me more freedom of what I can write/produce. I can then revisit my less successful series and see if I can give them another book or two.

That's really all I have for you all. Let me know if you have any questions. I hope you all have a good rest of your week!


Aria Asbaghi-Calvillo

As you've been dedicating your time to working on Blood of the Dragon, I'd love to know what aspect of the project has inspired you the most? How did you become involved with such an exciting project?


I was initially approached by my partner, 3DPI, who was working with another writer on a previous game. He, unfortunately, was not happy with how the direction of his game was going. He brought me in because he wanted a better writer and wanted thoughts on how we could redo the game he wanted. The entire project was heavy in content he didn't want, so I suggested that he start over. They hadn't gotten very far in development. In talking, we decided it would be best if we do everything together and split responsibilities since I was confident I could code and write the game. What aspect has me excited the most? Probably the quality that we're going to bring and the additional gameplay layers. Most games like this only focus on the relationships. We're going to have that + turn-based combat, progression, and a few other odds and ends. I honestly think this is going to be one of the best games in the genre once we finish it.


If you need any game testers lmk I’d love to test the game for ya also for one of your narrated podcasts romp across Iðna I was wondering when the next episodes would be coming out to apple podcast the story behind it is really good and I can’t wait for the next episodes