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In Hunter x Hunter 91, The Strong x And x The Weak, don't worry guys, I'm sure Knuckle and Shoot can handle it.




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Chris Sharpe

Gon’s honeybadger mentality has helped him win a lot, until he went up against a T-Rex and now needs more actual strength.


5:55 This is the second time Pitou says the line "are wa mou iranai" (that thing is no longer necessary), which was also said for Pockle. Going forward, you mentioned honorific speech earlier, but the King speaks in a heavily stylized version of how the old nobility would speak to peasants. It's *aggressively* condescending. When he says "I" or "me", he uses the pronoun 余 (yo), which was originally for noble men in the 900s and early 1000s, but this might be a reference to a Natsume Soseki novel from 1907 where the protagonist (again self-proclaimed greatest being) uses it. Everyone else is impressed with how he leaves the womb with unparalleled power, but I'm frankly impressed with the fluent command of Japanese that most native speakers would struggle with. Inversely, the Royal Guard speak all in intensely humble forms--essentially the linguistic equivalent of prostrating in awe.