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Here's a little beat I made today to take a break from writing 4,000 words about Better Call Saul! (That's going to be a multi-video series coming soon by the way.) Attached are both the .wav files of this tune as well as another one that's less developed but has an awesome raw drone tone. Let me tell you how I made that. So this is a sound featured in '5678' in the background as ambient noise I digitally effected, but in the attached '1234' it's completely unaffected and in the foreground. How I got that sound is my friend had this weird thing that was just like a needle looking metal thing attached to a quarter-inch input, so we turned on an electric razor I have and put the needle right up against it, then fed that signal through a phaser, chorus, and an octave pedal, and that's what you're hearing in '1234'. No digital effects, just the electric razor buzzing against a needle while my friend taps the needle in different ways, and then all of that running through multiple pedals I was messing with more and more as '1234' goes along. But '5678' still slaps, so I don't know which is better.



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