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I guess now's as good a time as any to do updates eh? So, got a cool new video coming out tomorrow, I hope people enjoy it. Yall supporting these videos with a few bucks a month really means a lot, and I'm quite grateful. I have some plans for Patreon video ideas, specifically I want to do a reflection on the video I'm putting out tomorrow, like the reflection I did back in August about a video. I already have a lot to say and I haven't even put the video out, maybe I'll call these "Immediate retrospectives." Anyway, I also wanted to say that if anyone here has any requests for videos for the main channel or for the Patreon, I might not necessarily be able to do it but I'll certainly take it into account. Curious if there's anything in particular people are into. I would assume the music is not everyone's cup of tea, so I definitely don't want to lean too heavily on the music. Plus I really like the idea of a sort of behind the scenes look at the videos, the process of making them, and my own ups and downs along the way doing so. 

If you live in the US and celebrate the questionable holiday of Thanksgiving, I hope you have a good time with your family, friends, or found family, wherever you might be. If you're not in the US, you're not missing much. I'll be chilling with my family a bit and hoping to make it a good time as much as possible. I've been taking some important professional steps forward, working on opening my own private practice rather than working for an employer, and it's a really great and important process but it's been challenging, and there are a lot of moving pieces to put into place. It's all very new to me, owning and managing a business, and even though it's a business of one there's all kinds of details that need to be just right. Or do they? I don't know, I'll find out I guess. Anyway, hope to be inspired and keep making interesting videos. The one tomorrow, spoiler alert, is going to be about the youtube channel The School of Life, and I could definitely do more videos about them if it seems like people would enjoy that. I also have two relatively good scripts in the works, or one good one and one personal & maybe interesting one, and I'm not sure exactly where those are going, since the good one is a huge undertaking and the personal one is a bit personal for the Youtube channel...who knows. These response videos are a good way to make content I think people will enjoy, while taking about subjects I'm interested in. 

All in all, thanks for being a part of the channel and supporting the videos with your hard earned money. (You can stop at any time.)


Joe Nach

Hey, I own/manage/direct a social services agency in CA. The way disability services are set up, we have to establish private that contract with a county "nonprofit " that distributes state funds for the available services. While not the same as running a therapy private practice and dealing with insurance, I may be able to offer guidance for any questions that come up. Feel free to reach out, I'm happy to help however I can.