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And the cycle repeats. Phew! Another one done. I really liked working on this one, probably one of my favorites so far. Which is funny because in the writing stage, I was so close to trashing the whole thing and trying a different character. My first few drafts ended up being this 90 page monster about Mirko training Denki with, like, sex fighting and stuff. Idk, the whole thing felt convoluted and combative and not really sexy, plus it was gonna be super friggin long; I could already FEEL the motivation leave me before even drawing a page. It was super painful, but I had to scrap the whole thing and start over. Gotta love wasting days of work, lol. Actually, that’s not entirely true, I managed to salvage some parts of the old story (Mostly the schoolgirl Mirko stuff) so I guess it wasn’t a COMPLETE waste of time. See, this is why I like having months to prep for a comic, you never know when things will go sideways. Anyway, I redid the whole thing with a simpler plot, and it was 100% the right move. Really happy with how it turned out and I hope you guys did too! : D
